The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

6.7.1 Method of Evaluation

  1. The method of evaluation in any course shall be determined by the academic unit subject to all University regulations.

6.7.2 Course Syllabus

  1. Before the end of the first week of lectures in any semester or session, the course syllabus shall be made known to students. The course syllabus shall include:

    • the method of evaluation,

    • any required prerequisites or co-requisites,

    • any required textbooks or other resources which must be purchased,

    • information about the availability of the instructor for consultation (in-person and, where appropriate, by other means of communication) outside of class,

    • a statement of Memorial University of Newfoundland’s commitment to accommodation of students with disabilities, and

    • a statement regarding academic integrity, including a reference to the entry on Academic Misconduct in this Calendar.

  2. The following shall be included in the explanation of the method of evaluation:

    • the allocation of marks for all parts of the evaluation, e.g., assignments, laboratory projects, presentations, tests, mid-term examinations, final examinations;

    • whether the course will be graded using numeric grades, pass/fail grades, and/or another grading system approved by the University Senate; in courses where students will be given the option of choosing between multiple grading systems, an explanation will also be provided of the mechanism and deadline by which this choice will be declared;

    • wherever possible, an explanation of the alternate evaluation which will be offered to students who are unable to complete a part of the evaluation due to acceptable cause, as described under Exemptions from Parts of the Evaluation; and

    • with the exception of the final examination, and in accordance with Scheduling of Parts of the Evaluation below, the probable dates of all in-class parts of the evaluation, and the probable dates on which all take-home parts of the evaluation are due.

  3. The course syllabus shall be provided in paper form to students present in class, or in electronic form via a University approved email account or learning management system.

  4. As early as possible following the start of lectures in each semester or session, and no later than the end of the first week of lectures, the course instructor shall file a copy of the course syllabus with the appropriate academic unit.

  5. Methods used for notification of grades earned in all parts of the evaluation and for the return of graded evaluative instruments will be in keeping with the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (Government of Newfoundland and Labrador).

6.7.3 Scheduling of Parts of the Evaluation

  1. Every effort should be made to adhere to the dates given on the course syllabus. Deviations from these dates of one calendar week or less are subject to the restrictions listed in clauses 2 to 5. Longer deviations are permitted only as described under Changing the Method of Evaluation.

  2. No laboratory examinations totalling more than one laboratory period in length shall be given in any laboratory course in any week during a lecturing period in any semester or session. Such examinations shall be administered in the laboratory time period assigned for that course section. The application of this clause in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, the Faculty of Medicine and the School of Pharmacy is subject to interpretation by the appropriate committee on undergraduate studies. The Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies may grant a waiver of this clause for laboratory examinations in individual courses in a given semester or session upon recommendation of the appropriate committee on undergraduate studies. Such waivers will be considered only if it can be shown that such laboratory examinations do not conflict with regularly scheduled meetings of another course for any student involved.

  3. Any other in-class work shall not extend beyond the class period assigned to that course section in any week during a lecturing period in any semester or session. The application of this clause in the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science and the Faculty of Medicine is subject to interpretation by the appropriate committee on undergraduate studies. The Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies may grant a waiver of this clause for in-class work in individual courses in a given semester or session upon recommendation of the appropriate committee on undergraduate studies. Such waivers will be considered only if it can be shown that such in-class work does not conflict with regularly scheduled meetings of another course for any student involved.

  4. No form of evaluation shall take place or be due during the last two weeks of the lecturing period in any semester or the last week of the lecturing period in any session, with the exception of oral exams and presentations, laboratory exams and reports, grading on participation, and take-home work which has been made available to students prior to this part of the lecturing period. Courses taught outside the regular time frame are exempt from the application of this regulation. In exceptional circumstances, the undergraduate studies committee of the appropriate faculty or school may, upon the recommendation of the head of an academic unit, grant a waiver of this regulation with the proviso that the total value of all parts of the evaluation thereby permitted shall not exceed 20% of the final mark in that course. At the end of each semester, the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies must be notified of waivers granted.

  5. No evaluation of any nature shall be held or due between the last day of lectures and the start of the formal examination period in any semester or session. The application of this clause to the Faculty of Education (with respect to accelerated courses), the Faculty of Medicine, the School of Human Kinetics and Recreation (with respect to accelerated courses and courses offered outside the normal time frame during the Spring semester) and the Faculty of Nursing is subject to interpretation by the appropriate committee on undergraduate studies.

  6. In the event of an officially declared emergency which results in the cancellation or interruption of in-class work previously scheduled and notified to be held in the final class period of the third last week of lectures of a semester or the second last week of lectures of a session, teaching units may reschedule such work in the next regularly scheduled class or as early as possible in the second last week of lectures of a semester or the last week of lectures of a session. In no circumstances can the rescheduled work be held in the last week of lectures of a semester.

6.7.4 Changing the Method of Evaluation

  1. The method of evaluation, as made available to the class in the first week of lectures, shall be changed only if:

    • exceptional circumstances warrant the change; and

    • the head of the academic unit approves the proposed change; and

    • accommodation is made for students who demonstrate to the course instructor that they are disadvantaged by the change.

6.7.5 Exemptions from Parts of the Evaluation

  1. For information and procedures regarding exemptions from final examinations, refer to Exemptions From Final Examinations and Procedures for Applying to Write Deferred Final Examinations.

  2. A student is, at times, prevented from completing a part of the evaluation by illness or medical conditions of less than five calendar days’ duration. In such cases, a student may apply for an alternate evaluation by declaring to the relevant instructor that the student has experienced such an illness or medical condition. This declaration should be made via telephone or in writing through the student’s University approved e-mail account. This declaration should be made in advance of the original date on which an in-class part of the evaluation is to be held or a take-home part of the evaluation is due, wherever possible, but no later than 48 hours after the original date of the part of the evaluation. If the declaration is made by telephone, written confirmation must then be received by the relevant instructor within seven calendar days of the original date of the part of the evaluation.

  3. A student who is prevented from completing a part of the evaluation by illness of at least five calendar days’ duration, bereavement or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated in writing, may apply for an alternate evaluation. This application should be made in advance of the original date on which an in-class part of the evaluation is to be held or a take-home part of the evaluation is due, wherever possible, but no later than 48 hours after the original date of the part of the evaluation. If application is made by telephone, written confirmation must then be received by the head of the appropriate academic unit within seven calendar days of the original date of the part of the evaluation. The following supporting documentation is required:

    • For illness or medical conditions, medical documentation from a health professional is required. This should normally be in the form of the Student Health Certificate, available at

    • For bereavement or other acceptable cause, official documents or letters that support the reason for the request (e.g. death certificate, letter from employer, etc.) are required.

  4. The alternate evaluation may consist of the deferral of in-class work, the extension of the deadline for take-home work, an alternative allocation of marks, the use of a pass/fail grading system in place of a numeric grading system or vice versa, or another appropriate accommodation as determined by the course instructor. A student who is dissatisfied with the accommodation offered by the instructor may consult with the head of the appropriate academic unit.

6.7.6 Correction and Return of Student Work

  1. Provided that students submit work by the due date outlined in the method of evaluation, instructors shall mark and return work that is worth a total of at least 20% of the final grade before the last day to drop courses without academic prejudice. This excludes practicums, placements, internships, theses, and courses where a single piece of work is used to determine the entire mark for the course. In exceptional circumstances, a waiver of this clause may be granted to an individual section of a course in a given semester upon application by the course instructor. For courses at the 1000- and 2000-level, such a waiver may be granted by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies. For all other courses, such a waiver may be granted by the undergraduate studies committee of the appropriate faculty or school; at the end of each semester, the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies shall be notified of waivers granted.

  2. Instructors shall mark and return all work in a timely manner. In courses where evaluation includes a final examination, instructors shall make all reasonable efforts to mark and return all work before the beginning of the examination period, provided that students submit this work by the due date specified in the method of evaluation.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.