The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

6.5.1 General Information

  1. Students register using the Student Web/Self-Service at

  2. No student may register after the end of the registration period. In the case of accelerated courses and courses offered outside the normal time frame of a semester or session the registration period will be prorated with respect to all associated deadlines.

  3. The University reserves the right to require a student to withdraw without academic prejudice from a course, courses, or program in which the student is improperly registered.

6.5.2 Student Responsibility

  1. Students are strongly encouraged to seek academic advice before registering.

  2. The responsibility for taking all steps necessary for registering and ensuring that a student's registration is appropriate, correct, and proper rests solely with the student. The University will make every effort, through its various academic counselling and advising services, to ensure that students are informed of the suitability and accuracy of their registrations.

  3. Students must register for courses at or after the assigned registration time and before the end of the registration period as defined in the University Diary.

6.5.3 Registration Priority

  1. The University uses a registration priority system that assigns the date and time that students register. Priority for registration is determined by a combination of three factors: closeness to graduation (i.e., number of credit hours completed); a student's academic achievement (i.e., GPA), and a student's program of study (i.e., degree, major, minor).

  2. Students with the admission category of Non-Degree Student Status will be assigned the last available registration slot.

  3. Academic units may reserve spaces in course sections for students in a particular degree, major, minor, or the like.

  4. For further information on registration priority consult the Undergraduate Registration Procedures.

6.5.4 Registration for Students Not Admitted to a Degree Program

  1. Students who have earned at least 60 credit hours, whether by the successful completion of Memorial University of Newfoundland courses or via transfer credit, and who have not been admitted to a degree program, including Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science students who have not yet declared a major, will not normally be permitted to register for courses until they have consulted with a designated academic advisor to develop an appropriate plan and timeline for seeking admission to a degree program. Designated advisors can be found through the Academic Advising Centre or Grenfell Campus Academic Advising. Further information on academic advising for students who are still exploring can be found on the Office of the Registrar web page on Academic Advice.

  2. Students who have not been admitted to a degree program will be subject to the same restriction described in the Clause above, after earning 90 credit hours, 120 credit hours, and so on.

  3. The Clauses above do not apply to students who:

    • are attending Memorial University of Newfoundland solely for the purpose of completing a diploma or certificate,

    • have already completed an undergraduate degree at Memorial University of Newfoundland or another recognized university or college, or

    • have self-identified as not pursuing a Memorial University of Newfoundland degree.

  4. Appeals of this Regulation will be considered by the Senate Committee on Undergraduate Studies. General Information

  • Specific deadlines for adding courses in any semester or session are stated in the University Diary. In the case of sessions, accelerated courses, and courses offered outside the normal time frame of a semester or session, deadlines for adding courses will be prorated accordingly.

  • No course will be considered to have been added until the Registrar has received official notification and certified the add.

  • Attending classes or informing an instructor of the intent to add a course does not constitute an official adding of a course.

  • Only under special circumstances may a course(s) be added after the end of the registration period. For information contact the Office of the Registrar.

  • Before the end of the registration period a student may, upon formal notification to the Registrar, change the course(s) for which the student was originally registered by adding and/or dropping a course(s).

6.5.6 Course Weight/Course Load

Course load is the sum of course weights. In a session the course load is double. For the purposes of determining course load, each course is weighted with the credit hour value associated with that course, unless otherwise specified as follows:

  • The course weight of each of the A and B components of a linked course shall be equivalent to one half of the credit hour value of the B component.

  • The course weight of courses with C or F as the last character shall be three.

  • The course weight of courses with W as the last character will vary according to individual program requirements.

  1. Semester Course Load: The normal course load in a semester shall be 15 credit hours, except where academic regulations require more than that number. No student shall register for more than 15 credit hours or more credit hours than required by degree regulations in a semester except with the written permission of the dean, division head, vice-president or associate vice-president of the student's faculty, school, or campus.

  2. Session Course Load: The normal course load in a session shall be 6 credit hours. No student shall register for more than 6 credit hours in a session except with the written permission of the dean, division head, vice-president or associate vice-president of the student's faculty, school, or campus. General Information

  • Specific deadlines for dropping courses in any semester or session are stated in the University Diary. In the case of sessions, accelerated courses, and courses offered outside the normal time frame of a semester or session, deadlines for dropping courses without academic prejudice will be prorated accordingly.

  • No course will be considered to have been dropped until the Registrar has received official notification and certified the drop.

  • Ceasing to attend classes, or informing an instructor of the intent to drop a course, does not constitute an official dropping of a course.

  • A student who drops all courses in any given semester will be considered to have withdrawn from the University for that semester. A student who has withdrawn from the University, before the start of classes in any semester, is deemed to be not registered for that semester. For information regarding applying for readmission to the University refer to Admission/Readmission to the University (Undergraduate).

  • In the event that a student drops a co-requisite course, the student will be required to drop the course for which that course is a co-requisite.

  • Before the end of the registration period a student may, upon formal notification to the Registrar, change the course(s) for which the student was originally registered by adding and/or dropping a course(s). Dropping Courses Without Academic Prejudice

  • Until the end of the second week following the first day of lectures in any semester, a student may, upon formal notification to the Registrar, drop a course without academic prejudice. A course dropped under these circumstances will not be entered on the student's record.

  • From the beginning of the third week to the end of the eighth week following the first day of lectures in any semester, a student may, upon formal notification to the Registrar, drop a course without academic prejudice. A grade of DR will be assigned in these circumstances and will be entered on the student's record.

  • From the beginning of the ninth week following the first day of lectures in any semester to the last day to add courses in the following semester, a student who is prevented from completing the requirements of a course by illness, bereavement, or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated in writing, may drop a course without academic prejudice. This may occur only with the approval of both the course instructor and the head of the academic unit of the student's program or in the case of students who have not declared a program, the head of the academic unit of the course in question. A grade of DR will be assigned in these circumstances and will be entered on the student's record. Dropping Courses Retroactively

An academic transcript is a complete and accurate reflection of a student’s academic record. Once the final exam is written the course will be considered to be completed and, normally, no retroactive drop will be possible. A poor grade is not, in and of itself, acceptable grounds for dropping a course retroactively. On rare occasions, a student may request to drop a course retroactively (i.e. beyond the last day to add courses in the semester following the one in which the course was taken). Normally, such requests will be considered only for courses that were not completed as a result of circumstances beyond the student’s control such as illness, bereavement, or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated. If a request for a retroactive drop is approved, a grade of DEX (Drop due to Exceptional Circumstances) will be assigned in these circumstances and entered on the student’s record. Requests shall be submitted to the Office of the Registrar by e-mail to no later than five years following the last day of examinations for the semester in which the course was taken. Requests must include the following information:

  • name,
  • current address and telephone number,
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland email address,
  • student ID number,
  • course(s) requested to drop retroactively,
  • explanation of why course(s) could not be dropped during regular time frame for dropping,
  • grounds for the request,
  • supporting documentation, and
  • documentation from the course instructor regarding grading scheme and final grade. Work Terms

Students registered for a co-operative education work term should refer to the appropriate academic unit section of this calendar with respect to regulations regarding work terms. Tuition Fee Implications

  • A student who drops a course within two weeks following the first day of lecture in any semester will not be liable for tuition fees for that course. Tuition fee refunds for dropping courses after that period will be prorated in accordance with Tuition and Related Fees, Tuition refunds based on withdrawal from course(s). Further Information can be found at the Financial and Administrative Services website at

  • In the case of sessions, accelerated courses, and courses offered outside the normal time frame of a semester or session, deadlines for dropping courses without financial liability will be prorated accordingly. General Information

  • A student who drops all courses in any given semester will be considered to have withdrawn from the University for that semester. A student who has withdrawn from the University, before the start of classes in any semester, is deemed to be not registered for that semester. For information regarding applying for readmission to the University refer to Admission/Readmission to the University (Undergraduate).

  • A withdrawal is not official until the Registrar has received official notification and certified the changes.

  • Ceasing to attend classes, or informing an instructor of the intent to drop a course, does not constitute an official withdrawal. Withdrawing from the University Without Academic Prejudice

  • Until the end of the second week following the first day of lectures in any semester as stated in the University Diary, a student may, upon formal notification to the Registrar, withdraw from the University without academic prejudice. Courses dropped under these circumstances will not be entered on the student's record.

  • From the beginning of the third week to the end of the eighth week following the first day of lectures in any semester as stated in the University Diary, a student may, upon formal notification to the Registrar, withdraw from the University without academic prejudice. The letter grade DR will be assigned to all courses in these circumstances.

  • From the beginning of the ninth week following the first day of lectures in any semester to the last day to add courses in the following semester as stated in the University Diary, a student who is prevented from completing the semester by illness, bereavement, or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated in writing, may withdraw from the University without academic prejudice. This may occur only with the approval of the dean, division head, vice-president or associate vice-president of the student's faculty, school, or campus and upon formal notification to the Registrar. The letter grade DR will be assigned to all courses in these circumstances.

  • In the case of sessions, accelerated courses, and courses offered outside the normal time frame of a semester or session, deadlines for withdrawing from the University will be prorated accordingly.

  • Students who withdraw from the University for medical reasons for one or more semesters may not be permitted to re-enter unless they can provide medical evidence, satisfactory to the Registrar in consultation with the Head of the appropriate academic unit, of fitness to pursue studies. This should normally be in the form of the Student Health Certificate. Withdrawing from the University Retroactively

An academic transcript is a complete and accurate reflection of a student’s academic record. Once the student has written one or more final exams, the semester will be considered to be completed and, normally, no retroactive withdrawal will be possible. Poor grades are not, in and of themselves, acceptable grounds for withdrawing retroactively. On rare occasions, a student may request to withdraw from the University retroactively (i.e. beyond the last day to add courses in the semester following the one in which the courses were taken). Normally, such requests will be considered only for courses that were not completed as a result of circumstances beyond the student’s control such as illness, bereavement, or other acceptable cause, duly authenticated. If a request for a retroactive withdrawal is approved, a grade of DEX (Drop due to Exceptional Circumstances) will be assigned in these circumstances and entered on the student’s record. Requests shall be submitted to the Office of the Registrar no later than five years following the last day of examinations for the semester in which the courses were taken. Requests must include the following information:

  • name,
  • current address and telephone number,
  • Memorial University of Newfoundland email address ,
  • student ID number,
  • semester(s) for which retroactive withdrawal is requested,
  • explanation of why course(s) could not be dropped during regular time frame for dropping,
  • grounds for the request,
  • supporting documentation, and
  • documentation from the course instructors regarding grading scheme and final grade. Work Terms

Students registered for a co-operative education work term should refer to the appropriate academic unit section of this calendar with respect to regulations governing withdrawing from work terms.

6.5.9 Completing a Course

  1. A student will be considered to have completed a course if the student attends and/or attempts the final examination (or a similarly cumulative or capstone form of evaluation, in the case of a course with no final examination), regardless of the grade achieved in the course.

    • A student who has not completed a course, but who has neither dropped the course (as described under Registration – Dropping Courses) nor withdrawn from the semester in which the student was registered for the course (as described under Registration – Withdrawing from the University), will be assigned a grade in the course following the prescribed method of evaluation.

    • Once a student has completed a course, neither a retroactive drop of the course nor a retroactive withdrawal from the semester in which the student was registered for the course will normally be possible.

  2. A student will be considered to have successfully completed a course if the student has received a passing grade in the course based upon the method of evaluation for the section of the course in which the student was registered, as modified by any approved changes and/or exemptions to the method of evaluation, and in accordance with any relevant Faculty, School or Departmental regulations.

6.5.10 Auditing of Courses

  1. Individuals auditing courses must have met the University's admission or readmission requirements as stated in Admission/Readmission to the University (Undergraduate).

  2. In order to audit any course, an individual must receive permission from the instructor in that course and the head of the academic unit in which the course is offered. Permission cannot be given until the number of registrations is known. Factors to be considered shall include class size, impact on students registered for credit, and other matters judged relevant by the academic unit.

  3. Individuals auditing courses shall limit their participation to that deemed appropriate by the instructor.

  4. Auditors are not permitted to write formal examinations or have their work formally assessed.

  5. Audited courses will not be considered as meeting prerequisites, admission, or course requirements for any undergraduate programs, nor will audited courses be listed on the individual's transcript of University studies.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.