The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

11.12 Psychology

The following undergraduate programs are available in the Department.

  1. Biology and Psychology (Behavioural Neuroscience) Joint Honours (B.Sc. only)

  2. Biology and Psychology Joint Honours (B.Sc. only)

  3. Human Biosciences and Psychology (Behavioural Neuroscience) Joint Honours (B.Sc. only)

  4. Major and Honours in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. only)

  5. Major and Honours in Behavioural Neuroscience (Co-operative) (B.Sc. only)

  6. Major and Honours in Psychology (B.A. or B.Sc.)

  7. Major and Honours in Psychology (Co-operative) (B.A. or B.Sc.)

  8. Minor in Psychology (B.A. or B.Sc.)

Details of Joint Honours programs are given under Joint Program Regulations.

Psychology course descriptions are found at the end of the Faculty of Science section under Course Descriptions, Psychology.

11.12.1 Regulations

Students who are completing a Major or Honours program in Psychology or Behavioural Neuroscience may substitute Psychology 2911 for 3 credit hours in Mathematics and Statistics courses for the purpose of fulfilling the Core Requirements, as described under Degree Regulations, Core Requirements and Academic Advising.

11.12.2 Admission to Major Programs

Admission to the Major programs in the Department of Psychology is competitive and selective. Students who wish to enter these programs must submit a completed application form, available on the Department of Psychology website in the Winter semester, to the Department of Psychology by June 1 for Fall semester registration. To be eligible for admission, students must have completed the 24 credit hours as listed below with an average of at least 65% in Psychology 1000/1001 and an overall average of at least 60% in Psychology, Critical Reading and Writing (CRW), and Mathematics or Statistics:

  1. Psychology 1000, 1001.

  2. Six credit hours in Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) courses, including at least 3 credit hours in English courses.

  3. Mathematics 1000 (or equivalent) or Statistics 1500, or two of Mathematics 1090, 1050, 1051 (or equivalent).

  4. Six credit hours of electives (9 if only Mathematics 1000 or Statistics 1500 is successfully completed).

Students who fulfil the eligibility requirements compete for a limited number of available spaces. Selection is based on academic performance, normally cumulative average and performance in recent courses.

Note: Students should consult the Calendar course descriptions to determine whether Mathematics 1000 (or equivalent) is a pre-requisite for other (non-Psychology) courses they plan to take. In particular, students considering Joint Majors or Joint Honours programs should consider taking both Mathematics 1000 (or equivalent) and Statistics 1500.

11.12.3 Admission to Honours Programs

The Honours programs in the Department of Psychology are designed for students who would like to concentrate their studies or pursue graduate work. Students who wish to be admitted to these programs must submit an application to the Department of Psychology by June 1 for Fall semester registration. This form is available on the Department of Psychology website in the Winter semester. To be eligible for admission, students must have successfully completed Psychology 2910, 2911, 2520 or 2521, and 2930 and obtained in these courses a grade of "B" or better, or an average of 75% or higher. Students who fulfill the eligibility requirements compete for a limited number of available spaces. Selection is based on academic performance in the required courses. In special circumstances, students may be admitted to Honours Programs at times other than June.


Students are advised to consult the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree Regulations or Degree Regulations for the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science, as appropriate.

11.12.4 Requirements for a Major in Psychology

Students completing this program cannot receive credit for Psychology 2920. Students who intend to pursue graduate studies should take courses leading to the Honours degree.

  1. Students may Major in Psychology as part of either a B.A. or a B.Sc. program, and should consult the Degree Regulations for the General Degree of Bachelor of Science or the Degree Regulations for the General Degree of Bachelor of Arts, as appropriate. All Majors are required to complete a minimum of 42 credit hours of Psychology as listed below:

    1. Psychology 1000, 1001, 2520 (or 2521), 2910, 2911, 2930.

    2. Twelve credit hours in Psychology chosen from the following: 3050, 3100, the former PSYC 3250, 3251, 3350, 3450, 3620, 3650, 3750, or one of 3800, 3810, 3820, 3830, 3840 or 3860.

    3. Twelve credit hours of 4000-level courses in Psychology, of which at least one must be a research experience course and one must be a selected topics course.

  2. Psychology Majors following the B.Sc. program are also required to successfully complete the following:

    1. Mathematics 1000 (or equivalent) or Statistics 1500, or two of Mathematics 1090, 1050, 1051 (or equivalent).

    2. Biology 1001 and 1002.

    3. Either Chemistry 1050 and 1051 (or 1200 and 1001 or 1010 and the former 1011); or Physics 1020 (or 1050) and 1021 (or 1051).


      First year students should think carefully about whether Chemistry or Physics best suits their future program needs. Students should examine the prerequisites for upper-level science courses and attempt to take them in their first year.

    4. Six credit hours of laboratory courses at the 2000 level or above in one of Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Human Biosciences, Ocean Sciences or Physics. Students are advised to consult the Course Descriptions section of the Calendar for their chosen lab courses to ensure pre-requisites are met.


      Biology/Psychology 3750 and 4701 and Biology 3053 cannot be used to satisfy the requirement of 6 laboratory credit hours at the 2000 level or above.

  3. Psychology Majors following the B.A. program are also required to successfully complete Mathematics 1000 (or equivalent), or Statistics 1500, or two of Mathematics 1090, 1050, 1051 (or equivalent), and are encouraged to complete at least 6 credit hours in Biology.

11.12.5 Requirements for Honours in Psychology

Students completing this program cannot receive credit for Psychology 2920.

  1. Honours students in Psychology should consult Degree Regulations for the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science or Bachelor of Arts (Honours) Degree Regulations as appropriate. All Honours students are required to successfully complete the 60 credit hours of Psychology as listed below:

    1. Psychology 1000, 1001, 2520 (or 2521), 2910, 2911, 2930, 3900, 4910, 499A/B

    2. Eighteen credit hours chosen from the alternatives listed in Clause 1. b. of the requirements for a Major in Psychology

    3. Twelve credit hours of 4000-level courses in Psychology, of which at least one must be a research experience course and one must be a selected topics course.

  2. Honours students must also successfully complete the requirements listed in either Clause 2. or Clause 3., as applicable, of the requirements for a Major in Psychology.

  3. Honours students will be required to submit in their graduating year, an undergraduate thesis (Psychology 499A/B) which demonstrates their competence in Experimental Psychology.

  4. The overall evaluation of the Honours dissertation (i.e. the Psychology 499A/B grading evaluation) will result in one of the following grades being awarded:

    Pass with Distinction: Indicates outstanding performance in both the formal written report and a supplementary oral presentation. Pass with distinction shall normally be awarded to no more than 10% of the class and will be decided by a panel of psychology faculty members.
    Pass: Indicates performance meets expectations in the formal written report and in classwork.
    Fail: Indicates failing performance in the formal written report and/or the classwork.

11.12.6 Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only)

Students completing this program cannot receive credit for Psychology 2920.

A program is offered in the Psychology Department to provide an education in Behavioural Neuroscience. Students planning to enroll in the program are advised to consult with the Head of the Department at the earliest opportunity because certain course choices may restrict later options. Students who intend to pursue graduate studies should take courses leading to the Honours degree.

As a component of the Degree Regulations for the General Degree of Bachelor of Science, the program for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience shall include:

    1. Psychology 1000, 1001, 2521, 2910, 2911, 2930, 3800, 3820, and one of 3810, 3830, 3840, or 3860.

    2. Three credit hours in Psychology chosen from the following: 3050, 3100, the former 3250, 3251, 3350, 3450, 3620, 3650, 3750.

    3. Any research experience course and one of Psychology 4250, 4251, 4850, 4851, 4852, 4853, or 4854; or, any selected topics course and Psychology 4870.

    1. Mathematics 1000 (or equivalent), or Statistics 1500, or two of Mathematics 1090, 1050, 1051 (or equivalent).

    2. Chemistry 1050 and 1051 (or 1200 and 1001).

    3. Physics 1020 (or 1050) and 1021 (or 1051).

    4. Biology 1001 and 1002.

    5. Six credit hours in Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) courses, including at least 3 credit hours in English courses.

  1. Eighteen credit hours from the following courses chosen from at least two different sciences:

    1. Biology: Any 2000-, 3000-, or 4000-level course except 2040, 2041, 2120, 3053, or 3820.

    2. Chemistry: 2100, 2210, 2301 (or the former Chemistry 2300), 2302, 2400, 2401, 2610, or any 3000 or 4000 level mathematics course.

    3. Computer Science: Any 2000, 3000, or 4000 level course except the former 2650 and the former 2801.

    4. Human Biosciences: Any 2000-, 3000-, or 4000-level course except the former Biochemistry 2000, 2005, 2010, 2011, 3202, 3402, or 4502.

    5. Ocean Sciences: any 2000-, 3000-, or 4000-level course.

    6. Mathematics: 2000, 2050, 2051, 2260, 2320, or any 3000 or 4000 level mathematics course.

    7. Medicine 310A/B.

    8. Physics: Any 2000, 3000, or 4000 level course except 2150, 2151, 3150, 3151.


    1. Credit may not be obtained for both Biology 3750 and Psychology 3750 or for both Biology 4701 and Psychology 4701.

    2. The courses listed under Clause 3 may have prerequisites. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure that all prerequisites have been met, or that waivers have been obtained, before registering for these courses.

11.12.7 Requirements for Honours in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only)

Students in Behavioural Neuroscience should consult Degree Regulations for the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science. Students completing this program cannot receive credit for Psychology 2920.

  1. Honours students in Behavioural Neuroscience are required to successfully complete the following Psychology courses:

    1. Psychology 1000, 1001, 2521, 2910, 2911, 2930, 3800, 3820, 3900.

    2. Three credit hours chosen from the following: the former 3250, 3810, 3830, 3840, or 3860.

    3. Three credit hours in Psychology chosen from the following: 3050, 3100, 3251, 3350, 3450, 3620, 3650, 3750.

    4. Any research experience course and one of Psychology 4850, 4851, 4852, 4853, or 4854; or, any selected topics course and Psychology 4870.

    5. Psychology 499A/B, an undergraduate thesis to be submitted in their graduating year.

  2. Honours students in Behavioural Neuroscience must also successfully complete the requirements listed in Clauses 2. and 3. of the requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience.

  3. In accordance with Academic Standing under the Degree Regulations for the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Science, Honours students must obtain a grade of "B" or better, or an average of 75% or higher in all the required courses listed in Clauses 1. and 3. of the requirements for a major in Behavioural Neuroscience and Clause 1 of the requirements for honours in Behavioural Neuroscience, except those at the 1000 level.


    Non-Psychology courses taken to fulfill the requirements of this Clause for a major in Behavioural Neuroscience are used to calculate eligibility for Honours standing.

11.12.8 Requirements for a Minor in Psychology

Students who Minor in Psychology are required to complete a minimum of 24 credit hours of Psychology as follows:

  1. Psychology 1000, 1001, and 2920 (or 2910 or 2925)

  2. Fifteen other credit hours of Psychology.

11.12.9 Requirements for Major and Honours in Psychology (Co-operative) (B.A. or B.Sc.), and Major and Honours in Behavioural Neuroscience (Co-operative) (B.Sc. only)

Psychology Co-op Program (PCOP)

The Psychology Co-op Program (PCOP) is available to full-time Psychology (B.A. and B.Sc.) and Behavioural Neuroscience Majors and Honours students only.

The PCOP provides an opportunity for students to learn valuable practical skills while working in fields related to Psychology. Students complete three Work Terms, which consist of full-time paid employment. The timing of the Work Terms is such that employers stand to gain from the acquired skills of psychology majors in training. The objectives of the Work Term component of the PCOP are embodied in the Work Term Descriptions. Admission Requirements

  1. Admission is limited, competitive, and selective.

  2. The primary criteria used in reaching decisions on applications for admission are motivation and overall academic performance. Students may be required to participate in an interview as part of the selection process.

  3. Students must first be admitted to the Psychology (B.A. or B.Sc.) or Behavioural Neuroscience Major.

  4. To be eligible for admission, students must have completed a minimum of 30 credit hours with an overall average of at least 65%, and an average of at least 65% in all Psychology courses. Students must have a passing grade in all required courses, and must have full-time status in the semester in which they apply.

  5. Applications are accepted in the Fall semester only; students should consult the Department for the specific application deadline. Program of Study

  1. In addition to the requirements below students must fulfill all requirements for either a Major in Psychology (B.A.), a Major in Psychology (B.Sc.), Major in Behavioural Neuroscience, Honours in Psychology (B.A.), Honours in Psychology (B.Sc.), or Honours in Behavioural Neuroscience. Courses in each program are normally taken in blocks as shown in the appropriate program table. Students should consult with a faculty advisor each semester regarding course selection.

  2. Students’ status in the program is assessed at the end of each semester. To remain in PCOP, students must receive a passing grade in all required courses, and must maintain an average of at least 65% in all Psychology courses and a cumulative average of at least 65%. A student who fails a required course, fails to maintain an average of 65% in Psychology courses, or fails to maintain a cumulative average of 65%, will be required to withdraw from PCOP. The student in question may apply for readmission in a subsequent year after passing the specified required course(s) previously failed, or re-establishing the required average.

  3. Students are required to successfully complete three work terms. Work Term Placement

  1. General management of the PCOP is the responsibility of the designated Academic Staff Member in Co-operative Education (ASM-CE). ASMs-CE are responsible for facilitating the engagement of potential employers in the program, organizing competitions for Work Term employment, arranging job interviews, managing the co-operative education program database, developing employment opportunities and monitoring students during the work term. The ASMs-CE work with the Department to counsel students, visit students on their work assignments and evaluate the work term.

  2. Students are ultimately responsible for securing their work term placements. ASMs-CE provide support for the job search and inform students of potential opportunities.

  3. A student in the co-operative education program gives permission to the University to provide a copy of the applicant’s resume, university transcript and work term evaluations to potential employers.

  4. A student who is enrolled in a co-operative education program may independently obtain a work term placement in consultation with the ASM-CE. Such employment positions must satisfy the criteria for work terms, be confirmed in writing by the employer and be approved by the ASM-CE before the first day of the work term according to the Co-operative Education website.

  5. Work terms are normally 12 weeks in duration, full-time and paid. Remuneration for work placements is determined by employers based on their internal wage structures. The start and end dates for the work term are shown on the Co-operative Education website. Registration and Evaluation of Performance

  1. In Work Terms I, II, and III, students must register for Psychology 199W, 299W, and 399W respectively.

  2. Student performance evaluations are to be completed by the employer in conjunction with the student and returned to the ASM-CE. The Work Term evaluations shall consist of at least two components:

    1. On-the-job Student Performance: assessed by the ASM-CE using information gathered during the Work Term and input from the employer towards the end of the Work Term. Formal written documentation from the employer shall be sought. Evaluation of the job performance will result in one of the following classifications: OUTSTANDING, EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS, SATISFACTORY, OR FAIL

    2. Work Term Assignment(s)

      1. Students are required to submit Work Term assignments as outlined in the course syllabus.

      2. Work Term assignments are evaluated by the ASM-CE.

    Evaluation of the work term assignment(s) will result in one of the following classifications: OUTSTANDING, EXCEEDS EXPECTATIONS, SATISFACTORY, OR FAIL.

    The evaluation of the job performance and the work term assignments are recorded separately on the transcript. Overall evaluation of the work term will result in one of the following final grades being awarded:

    • Pass with Distinction: Indicates OUTSTANDING PERFORMANCE in both the work term assignment(s) and the job performance.

    • Pass: Indicates that PERFORMANCE MEETS EXPECTATIONS in both the work term assignment(s) and the job performance.

    • Fail: Indicates FAILING PERFORMANCE in the work term assignment(s) or the job performance, or both.

    To remain in PCOP, a student must obtain a final grade of PAS.

  3. If a student fails to achieve the Work Term standards specified above, the student will be required to withdraw from PCOP. Such a student may reapply to the program, at which time the student will be required to repeat the Work Term with satisfactory performance. Only one Work Term may be repeated in the entire program.

  4. In order to be considered for readmission, students must formally apply for readmission to the program not later than the deadline date specified in Admission Requirements.

  5. A student who withdraws from a Work Term without acceptable cause subsequent to a job placement will be required to withdraw permanently from PCOP.

  6. Students who drop a Work Term without prior approval from both ASM-CE and the Head of the Department of Psychology, or who fail to honour an agreement to work with an employer, or conduct themselves in such a manner as to cause their discharge from the job, will be awarded an overall grade of FAL for the Work Term in question and will be required to withdraw permanently from PCOP.

  7. Permission to drop a Work Term does not constitute a waiver of degree requirements, and students who have obtained such permission must successfully complete an approved Work Term in lieu of the one dropped.

11.12.10 Suggested Course Sequences

The tables below show suggested course sequences for the B.A. in Psychology (Co-operative), the B.Sc. in Psychology (Co-operative), the B.A. Honours in Psychology (Co-operative), the B.Sc. Honours in Psychology (Co-operative), the B.Sc. in Behavioural Neuroscience (Co-operative), and the B.Sc. Honours in Behavioural Neuroscience (Co-operative).

Course patterns may vary. Students are encouraged to meet with the undergraduate coordinator early in their program in order to establish a course pattern that meets the requirements as set out in these regulations.

Table 1 Suggested Course Sequence for B.A. in Psychology (Co-operative)


Suggested Courses


Semester 1

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Mathematics 1000 or one of Mathematics 1090, 1050, 1051

Psychology 1000


Semester 2

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

One of Mathematics 1000, 1090, 1050 or 1051 (Psychology Majors are required to successfully complete Mathematics 1000 or two of 1090, 1050, 1051 (or equivalent). An Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement can be taken if Mathematics 1000 was taken in Semester 1.)

Psychology 1001


Semester 3

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 2520 or 2930

Psychology 2910


Semester 4

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 2911

Psychology 2930 or 2520


Work Term 1

Psychology 199W


Semester 5

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3000-Level Core


Semester 6

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3000-Level Core


Work Term 2

Psychology 299W


Semester 7

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 4000-Level

Psychology Selected Topics course


Work Term 3

Psychology 399W


Semester 8

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 4000-Level

Psychology Research Experience course

Table 2 Suggested Course Sequence for B.Sc. in Psychology (Co-operative)


Suggested Courses


Semester 1

Biology 1001

Chemistry 1010 (or 1050) or Physics 1020 (or 1050) (Students registered in Physics 1050 must also be registered in Mathematics 1000 (not 1090)).

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

Mathematics 1090 or 1000

Psychology 1000


Semester 2

Biology 1002

the former Chemistry 1011 (or 1051) or Physics 1021 (or 1051)

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

Mathematics 1000 or Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 1001


Semester 3

Biology, Chemistry, or Physics Lab Course

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 2520 or 2930

Psychology 2910


Semester 4

Biology, Chemistry, or Physics Lab Course

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 2911

Psychology 2930 or 2520


Work Term 1

Psychology 199W


Semester 5

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3000-Level Core


Semester 6

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3000-Level Core


Work Term 2

Psychology 299W


Semester 7

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 4000-Level

Psychology Selected Topics


Work Term 3

Psychology 399W


Semester 8

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 4000-Level

Psychology Research Experience

Table 3 Suggested Course Sequence for B.A. (Honours) in Psychology (Co-operative)


Suggested Courses


Semester 1

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

B.A. Language Study requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Mathematics 1000 or one of Mathematics 1090, 1050, 1051

Psychology 1000


Semester 2

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

B.A. Language Study requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

One of Mathematics 1000, 1090, 1050 or 1051 (Psychology Majors are required to successfully complete Mathematics 1000 or two of 1090, 1050, 1051 (or equivalent). An Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement can be taken if Mathematics 1000 was taken in Semester 1.)

Psychology 1001


Semester 3

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 2520 or 2930

Psychology 2910


Semester 4

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 2911

Psychology 2930 or 2520


Work Term 1

Psychology 199W


Semester 5

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3900


Semester 6

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology Research Experience course

Psychology 4910


Work Term 2

Psychology 299W


Semester 7

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 4000-Level Core

Psychology Selected Topics course

Psychology 499A


Work Term 3

Psychology 399W

Spring (Optional)

Psychology 499A or 499B


Semester 8

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Elective or Humanities and Social Sciences requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 4000-Level Core

Psychology 499B

Table 4 Suggested Course Sequence for B.Sc. (Honours) in Psychology (Co-operative)


Suggested Courses


Semester 1

Biology 1001

Chemistry 1010 (or 1050) or Physics 1020 (or 1050) (Students registered in Physics 1050 must also be registered in Mathematics 1000 (not 1090)).

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

Mathematics 1090 or Mathematics 1000

Psychology 1000


Semester 2

Biology 1002

the former Chemistry 1011 (or 1051) or Physics 1021 (or 1051)

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

Mathematics 1000 or Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 1001


Semester 3

Biology, Chemistry, or Physics Lab Course

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 2520 or 2930

Psychology 2910


Semester 4

Biology, Chemistry, or Physics Lab Course

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 2911

Psychology 2930 or 2520


Work Term 1

Psychology 199W


Semester 5

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3900


Semester 6

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology Research Experience

Psychology 4910


Work Term 2

Psychology 299W


Semester 7

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 4000-Level

Psychology Selected Topics

Psychology 499A


Work Term 3

Psychology 399W

Spring (Optional)

Psychology 499A or 499B


Semester 8

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 4000-Level Core

Psychology 499B

Table 5 Suggested Course Sequence for B.Sc. in Behavioural Neuroscience (Co-operative)


Suggested Courses


Semester 1

Biology 1001 or Physics 1020 (or 1050) (Students registered in Physics 1050 must also be registered in Mathematics 1000 (not 1090)).

Chemistry 1050 (or 1200)

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

Mathematics 1090 or Mathematics 1000

Psychology 1000


Semester 2

Biology 1002 or Physics 1021 (or 1051)

Chemistry 1051 (or 1001)

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

Mathematics 1000 or Mathematics 1001

Psychology 1001


Semester 3

BHNR Requirement 1 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Elective or Science requirement

Physics 1020 (or 1050) or Biology 1001 (Students registered in Physics 1050 must also be registered in Mathematics 1000 (not 1090)).

Psychology 2521 or 2930

Psychology 2910


Semester 4

BHNR Requirement 2 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Physics 1021 (or 1051) or Biology 1002

Mathematics 1001 or Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 2911

Psychology 2930 or 2521


Work Term 1

Psychology 199W


Semester 5

BHNR Requirement 3 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 3810, 3830, 3840, or 3860

Psychology 3800


Semester 6

BHNR Requirement 4 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 3000-Level Core

Psychology 3820


Work Term 2

Psychology 299W


Semester 7

BHNR Requirement 5 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology Research Experience course


Work Term 3

Psychology 399W


Semester 8

BHNR Requirement 6 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology Selected Topics course

Table 6 Suggested Course Sequence for B.Sc. (Honours) in Behavioural Neuroscience (Co-operative)


Suggested Courses


Semester 1

Biology 1001 or Physics 1020 (or 1050) (Students registered in Physics 1050 must also be registered in Mathematics 1000 (not 1090)).

Chemistry 1050 (or 1200)

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

Mathematics 1090 or 1000

Psychology 1000


Semester 2

Biology 1002 or Physics 1021 (or 1051)

Chemistry 1051 (or 1001)

Critical Reading and Writing requirement

Mathematics 1000 or 1001

Psychology 1001


Semester 3

BHNR Requirement 1 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Elective or Science requirement

Physics 1020 (or 1050) or Biology 1001(Students registered in Physics 1050 must also be registered in Mathematics 1000 (not 1090)).

Psychology 2521 or 2930

Psychology 2910


Semester 4

BHNR Requirement 2 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Mathematics 1001 or Elective or Science requirement

Physics 1021 (or 1051) or Biology 1002

Psychology 2911

Psychology 2930 or 2521


Work Term 1

Psychology 199W


Semester 5

BHNR Requirement 3 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 3810, 3830, 3840, or 3860

Psychology 3800

Psychology 3900


Semester 6

BHNR Requirement 4 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology 3000-level core

Psychology 3820


Work Term 2

Psychology 299W


Semester 7

BHNR Requirement 5 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology Research Experience course

Psychology 499A


Work Term 3

Psychology 399W

Spring (Optional)

Psychology 499A or 499B


Semester 8

BHNR Requirement 6 (BHNR Requirement 1-6 specified in clause 3, Requirements for a Major in Behavioural Neuroscience (B.Sc. Only).

Elective or Science requirement

Elective or Science requirement

Psychology Selected Topics course

Psychology 499B

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.