The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

16.9 French

In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, please contact the Head of the Department.

Students who have successfully completed one or more credit courses in French language will not subsequently be permitted to receive credit for courses not previously successfully completed and judged by the Department to be of a lower level than those already successfully completed with the following provisions:

  • Students who successfully complete a 4 to 5 week summer bursary program may receive three unspecified credits at the first-year level. In order to receive transfer credits students must complete the appropriate application for transfer credit available at and submit it to the Office of the Registrar.

  • Students who wish to return to a previously completed course to improve their standing may do so only with the permission of the Head of the Department.

  • Students returning to the study of French after an absence should consult the Department to determine the appropriate level. Failing to do so may put them at risk of registering for courses beyond their level.

A tentative list of upcoming French course offerings can be found at

French courses are designated by FREN.

FREN 1500 Introductory University French I

is a course for beginners and for students whose background in French is very weak. Students with a strong background in high-school French should bypass 1500 and begin their University study with 1501, especially if they intend to proceed beyond the first-year level. Very well-prepared students may apply to the Department for permission to enter 1502 directly. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

1500 Introduction à la langue française, niveau universitaire I cours pour débutants et pour ceux dont les connaissances du français sont très faibles. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

the former FREN 1010 or the former FREN 1011
two additional hours of language laboratory work or conversation class, or both
students may not register concurrently for more than one of FREN 1500, 1501 and 1502 except with the permission of the Head of the Department.
permission to register for this course will not be given to students who have completed Français 3202 (High School French immersion)
FREN 1501 Introductory University French II

is one of three consecutive credit courses in French language at the first-year university level, offering a complete overview of basic oral and written French. Students with a limited background in French should register for FREN 1500 and continue with 1501. Students with a strong background in high-school French should bypass 1500 and begin their University study with 1501, especially if they intend to proceed beyond the first-year level. Very well-prepared students may apply to the Department for permission to enter 1502 directly. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

1501 Introduction à la langue française, niveau universitaire II Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

the former FREN 1050
two additional hours of language laboratory work or conversation class, or both
High School FREN 3200 or permission of the Head of the Department. Ex-immersion students should consult the Head of the Department before registering for this course. Students may not register concurrently for more than one of FREN 1500, 1501 and 1502 except with the permission of the Head of the Department.
FREN 1502 Introductory University French III

is one of three consecutive credit courses in French language at the first-year university level, offering a complete overview of basic oral and written French. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

1502 Introduction à la langue française, niveau universitaire III Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

the former FREN 1051
two additional hours of language laboratory work or conversation class, or both
FREN 1501 with a grade of at least 60% or by permission of the Head of the Department. Students may not register concurrently for more than one of FREN 1500, 1501 and 1502 except with the permission of the Head of the Department. Very well-prepared students may apply to the Department for permission to enter 1502 directly.
FREN 2100 Intermediate French I

is a course on composition, grammar and practice in oral skills. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

2100 Français intermédiaire II traite de rédaction, grammaire et pratique orale. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
FREN 1502 with a grade of at least 60% or Passport Français 3302 with a grade of at least 85% or Grade 12 French Immersion with a grade of at least 80% or French 4283 with a grade of at least 85% or French 3283 with a grade of at least 85% or equivalent
FREN 2101 Intermediate French II

is further work in composition, grammar and oral skills. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

2101 Français intermédiaire II est la continuation du travail de rédaction, de grammaire et de communication orale. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
FREN 2100 with a grade of at least 60% or Passport Français 3302 with a grade of at least 85% or Grade 12 French Immersion with a grade of at least 80% or French 4283 with a grade of at least 85% or French 3283 with a grade of at least 85% or equivalent
FREN 2159 Advanced French for First-year Students I

is primarily intended to build on the language skills acquired by students in immersion programs. Development of reading, writing, listening and speaking ability through practical oral and written exercises. Other qualified students may register with the permission of the Head of Department. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

2159 Français avancé pour étudiants de première année I ce cours est conçu principalement pour développer les compétences linguistiques des étudiants qui ont reçu leur formation dans les programmes d'immersion. La compréhension et l'expression écrites et orales seront développées au moyen d'exercices pratiques oraux et écrits. Les étudiants ayant des qualifications équivalentes peuvent s’incrire à ce cours avec la permission de la direction du départment. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

primarily intended for students who completed immersion programs or with permission of the Head of the Department. FREN 2159 and 2160 are courses designed for former French immersion students as well as others with exceptional backgrounds in French, and are intended as an alternative to the 1500, 1501, 1502, 2100, 2101 sequence.
may not be used to meet the requirements of a Major or Minor in French
FREN 2160 Advanced French for First-year Students II

is an intensive review of French grammar with oral and written practice. Particular attention will be paid to ensuring precision in language use in both oral and written forms and to eradicating anglicisms. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

2160 Français avancé pour étudiants de première année II révision intensive de la grammaire et pratique de la langue écrite et parlée pour assurer la précision linguistique à l'oral ainsi qu'à l'écrit et supprimer les anglicismes. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

FREN 2159 and 2160 are courses designed for former French immersion students as well as others with exceptional backgrounds in French, and are intended as an alternative to the 1500, 1501, 1502, 2100, 2101 sequence.
may not be used to meet the requirements of a Major or Minor in French
FREN 2300 Phonetics

is a practical introduction to French phonetics, including the International Phonetic Alphabet and phonetic transcription as well as corrective phonetics.

2300 Phonétique est une introduction pratique à la phonétique du français. Emploi des symboles de l'alphabet phonétique, transcription phonétique et phonétique corrective.


may be offered in accelerated format outside the regular semester or session timeframe when being delivered as part of the Frecker Summer Program; students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum


FREN 1502 with a grade of at least 60% or Passport Français 3302 with a grade of at least 85% or Grade 12 French Immersion with a grade of at least 80% or French 4283 with a grade of at least 85% or French 3283 with a grade of at least 85% or equivalent

FREN 2601 Grammar and Reading

will explore reading strategies in a variety of narrative and descriptive readings in French. This course will normally be taught in French.

2601 Grammaire et texte propose l'exploration des stratégies de lecture qui faciliteront la compréhension de textes narratifs et descriptifs divers. Ce cours sera enseigné normalement en français.

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
FREN 1502 with a grade of at least 60% or Passport Français 3302 with a grade of at least 85% or Grade 12 French Immersion with a grade of at least 80% or French 4283 with a grade of at least 85% or French 3283 with a grade of at least 85% or equivalent
FREN 2602 Reading Practice

will explore reading strategies in a variety of readings in FREN intended to inform or persuade. This course will normally be taught in French.

2602 Pratique de la lecture propose l'exploration des stratégies qui faciliteront la compréhension de textes informatifs et argumentatifs divers. Ce cours sera enseigné normalement en français.

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
FREN 1502 with a grade of at least 60% or Passport Français 3302 with a grade of at least 85% or Grade 12 French Immersion with a grade of at least 80% or French 4283 with a grade of at least 85% or French 3283 with a grade of at least 85% or equivalent
FREN 2900 A Survey of Francophone Cultures

places emphasis on oral comprehension and expression.

2900 Survol des cultures francophones met l'accent mis sur la compréhension et l'expression orales.

the former FREN 2500
may be offered in accelerated format outside the regular semester or session timeframe when being delivered as part of the Frecker Summer Program; students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
FREN 1502 or the former FREN 1051 with a grade of at least 60% or Passport Français 3302 with a grade of at least 85% or Grade 12 French Immersion with a grade of at least 80% or French 4283 with a grade of at least 85% or French 3283 with a grade of at least 85% or equivalent.
FREN 3100 Grammar and Textual Analysis

is a revision of the French noun and verb systems (morphology, number, gender, tense, aspect, mood, voice), including grammatical and stylistic textual analysis with special emphasis on the use of verbs in French. Vocabulary enrichment. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

3100 Grammaire et analyse de textes révision des catégories nominale et verbale du français (morphologie, nombre, genre, temps, aspect, mode, voix). Analyse grammaticale et stylistique des textes avec un accent particulier sur l'emploi du verbe en français. Travaux d'expansion lexicale. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
FREN 2101 with a grade of at least 60% and 9 additional credit hours in French at the second-year level, or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3101 Stylistics and Textual Analysis

examines role and function of the parts of speech in French; semantic enrichment (synonymy, polysemy); tropes and figures of speech. Grammatical and stylistic textual analysis with special emphasis on these phenomena. Vocabulary enrichment. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

3101 Stylistique et analyse de textes rôle et fonction des parties du discours; exploitation sémantique (synonymie, polysémie); tropes et figures de style. Analyse grammaticale et stylistique de textes avec un accent particulier sur ces phénomènes. Travaux d'expansion lexicale. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
FREN 3100
FREN 3102 French Language Studies at Nice I

is a required course of Session I of the Canadian Third Year Program in Nice. The content of this course will be the equivalent of a language course at the third year level.

3102 Études de la langue française à Nice I est un cours obligatoire lors du premier du programme Canadian Third Year in Nice. Le contenu de ce cours correspond à un cours de langue de troisième année de l'université responsable de la coordination.

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
admission to the Canadian Third Year Program in Nice, 15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level, or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3103 French Language Studies at Nice II

is a required course of Session II of the Canadian Third Year Program in Nice. The content of this course will be the continuation of the language course offered during the previous semester.

3103 Études de la langue française à Nice II est un cours obligatoire lors du deuxième semestre du programme Canadian Third Year in Nice. Le contenu de cours est la suite de ce cours de langue enseigné pendant le trimestre précédent.

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
admission to the Canadian Third Year Program in Nice and French 3102, or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3300 Rhetoric and Public Speaking

is convincing and arguing in French. The course will be structured by rhetoric: memory, invention, disposition, elocution, diction. Various oral exercises.

3300 Rhétorique et art oratoire le discours et le dialogue. Le cadre du cours est la rhétorique: mémoire, invention, disposition, élocution, diction. Exercices oraux variés.

two and a half hours of instruction plus one 50-minute period of conversation class per week
15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3302 History of the French Language

(same as Linguistics 3302, Medieval Studies 3302) is a study of the origins of French, including the influence of Gaulish, Vulgar Latin, Frankish and the langue d'oc/langue d'oïl division, a survey of the dialects, morphology and syntax of Old French and of the evolution from Old to Middle French, including phonology, morphology, syntax and vocabulary.

3302 Histoire de la langue française (identique à Linguistique 3302) Une étude des origines du français qui porte sur l'influence du gaulois, du latin vulgaire, du francique et de la division langue d'oc/langue d'oïl; survol des dialectes, de la morphologie et de la syntaxe de l'ancien français, ainsi que de l'évolution de l'ancien français au moyen français, en tenant compte de la phonologie, de la morphologie, de la syntaxe et du vocabulaire.

Linguistics 3302, Medieval Studies 3302
15 credit hours in French and/or Linguistics at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department; Classics 1120 or Medieval Studies 1120 is strongly recommended
FREN 3310 Phonology and Morphology of French

(same as Linguistics 3310) is an examination of the phonological and morphological structure of French. Data from regional and non-standard varieties contrasted with data from standard French: formal rules to deal with observed regularities. Interactions of phonology and morphology in phenomena such as liaison. Derivational and inflectional morphology. Research articles on one or more of the topics dealt with in the course will be assigned as readings, and a written report in French based on one or more of the articles is to be submitted as part of the term work. This course will normally be taught in French. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

3310 Phonologie et morphologie du français (identique à Linguistique 3310) est une étude de la structure phonologique et morphologique du français. Données des variétés régionales et non-standard en contraste avec le français standard: règles formelles pour rendre compte des regularités observées. Interaction de la phonologie et de la morphologie dans la liaison et d'autres contextes. La flexion et la dérivation. On prescrit des articles de recherche sur au moins un des thèmes à l'étude et un rapport rédigé en français sur l'un ou plusieurs des articles. Ce cours est normalement enseigné en français. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

Linguistics 3310
15 credit hours in French and/or Linguistics at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3311 Introduction to General Linguistics: Aspects of French Linguistic Theory

(same as Linguistics 3311) is a practical examination of the French verbal system, with a thorough exposition of the systems of aspect, voice, tense and mood. The fundamental concepts of linguistics will form the framework of this exposition: the langue/parole distinction and its relationship to underlying and surface entities, language as activity and the generation of surface elements from underlying subsystems. This course will normally be taught in French.

3311 Initiation à la linguistique générale: aspects de la théorie linguistique française (identique à Linguistique 3311) Étude pratique du système verbal du français et une exposition approfondie des systèmes de l'aspect, de la voix et des modes. Les concepts fondamentaux de la linguistique serviront de cadre à cette exposition: la distinction langue/parole et le rapport avec les entités sous-jacentes et de surface; le langage comme activité et la génération des éléments de surface à partir des systèmes sous-jacents. Ce cours sera normalement enseigné en français.

Linguistics 3311
15 credit hours in French and/or Linguistics at the 2000 level or permission of the instructor
FREN 3500 An Introduction to Prose Literature in French

pays particular attention to the literatures of French Canada and France.

3500 Introduction à la prose de langue française une attention particulière sera accordée aux littératures du Canada français et de la France.

15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3501 An Introduction to Drama in French

pays particular attention to the literatures of French Canada and France.

3501 Introduction au théâtre de langue française une attention particulière sera accordée aux littératures du Canada français et de la France.

15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3502 An Introduction to Poetry in French

pays particular attention to the literatures of French Canada and France.

3502 Introduction à la poésie de langue française une attention particulière sera accordée à la poésie du Canada français et de la France.

15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3503 Study of Theme

is the study of a particular theme or of interrelated themes in selected French-language texts.

3503 Thématique un ou quelques thèmes reliés étudiés à travers un choix de textes d'expression française.

15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3504 Literary History

is the study of one or more literary periods through selected French-language texts.

3504 Histoire littéraire l'étude d'une ou de quelques époques à travers un choix de textes d'expression française.

15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3506 French Cinema

is a survey course designed to acquaint students with the major productions and trends in French cinema. The course is taught in French, and films screened will not necessarily have English subtitles. It is therefore recommended that students have a good aural comprehension of French.

3506 Cinéma francophone un cours d'initiation conçu pour familiariser l'étudiant avec les principales productions et directions du cinéma français. Ce cours est enseigné en français, et les films projetés ne seront pas nécessairement sous-titrés en anglais. II est donc recommandé que les étudiants aient une bonne compréhension auditive du français.

may include film viewings scheduled outside of class time
15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3507 Advanced French Studies at Nice I

is a required course of Session I of the Canadian Third Year Program in Nice. The Coordinator will choose among a French literature, linguistics or culture course taught at the student's university.

FREN 3507 Études françaises à Nice I est un cours obligatoire lors du premier du programme Canadian Third Year in Nice. La personne responsable de la coordination choisit un cours de littérature, de linguistique ou de culture enseigné dans son université.


admission to the Canadian Third Year Program in Nice and 15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level, or permission of the Head of the Department

FREN 3508 Advanced French Studies at Nice II

is a required course of Session II of the Canadian Third Year Program in Nice. The Coordinator will choose among a French literature, linguistics or culture course taught at the student's university.

FREN 3508 Études françaises à Nice II est un cours obligatoire lors du deuxième du programme Canadian Third Year in Nice. La personne responsable de la coordination choisit un cours de littérature, de linguistique ou de culture enseigné dans son université.


admission to the Canadian Third Year Program in Nice and French 3507

FREN 3650 French Culture

is an introduction to the culture of France. Practice in oral and written French.

3650 Culture française introduction à la culture française. Pratique de la langue orale et écrite.

15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3651 Quebec Culture

is an introduction to the culture of Quebec. Practice in oral and written French.

3651 Culture québécoise introduction à la culture du Québec. Pratique de la langue oral et écrite.

15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3653 Canadian Francophone Culture Outside Quebec

is an introduction to the culture of French-speaking regions of Canada other than Quebec. Practice in oral and written French.

3653 Culture franco-canadienne hors Québec introduction à la culture d’expression française du Canada à l’extérieur du Québec. Pratique de la langue orale et écrite.

15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3654 Francophone World

studies the role, the diversity of the French language, its status as an international language and its challenges in the French-speaking world outside France and Canada. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at

3654 La Francophonie mondiale étudie le rôle, la diversité de la langue française, ses statuts et défis dans le monde francophone en dehors de la France et du Canada.

15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 3800 Interdisciplinary Topics in French Civilization

examines a cultural aspect of the Francophone world through an interdisciplinary approach in order to better understand the dynamics at work.

3800 Étude interdisciplinaire de la civilisation française examine un fait culturel de la francophonie selon une approche interdisciplinaire dans le but de mieux comprendre les dynamiques qui l’animent.

15 credit hours in French at the 2000 level or permission of the Head of the Department
FREN 4100 Advanced French Expression

is an intensive review of the stylistics of written French, including levels of expression and composition of texts with a Francophone audience in mind (correspondence, reports, etc.). Advanced oral practice. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

4100 Perfectionnement de l'expression pratique intensive de la stylistique du français écrit; exploration des registres; rédaction de textes en vue d'un lectorat francophone (correspondance, rapport, réclamation, etc.). Pratique du français oral, niveau avancé. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
FREN 3100 and 3101 or FREN 3102 and 3103
FREN 4101 Translation and Comparative Stylistics

is an introduction to principles and methods of translation from French to English and English to French. Comparative stylistics of French and English. All sections of this course follow the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

4101 Traduction et stylistique comparée initiation aux principes et aux méthodes de la traduction (thème et version). Stylistique comparée du français et de l'anglais. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
FREN 3100 and 3101 or FREN 3102 and 3103
FREN 4120-4129 Special Topics in French language

are advanced courses on specialized topics in French language. Subjects to be treated will be announced each year by the Department. All sections of FREN 4120 only follows the Language Study Course Guidelines available at

4120 - 4129 Sujets spéciaux de langue française cours avancés portant sur des aspects spécialisés de la langue française. Les sujets traités seront annoncés chaque année par le Département. Toutes les sections de FREN 4120 seulement suivent le guide des cours de langue qui est consultable à

students may be required to attend a 50 minute weekly practicum
FREN 3100 and 3101 or FREN 3102 and 3103
FREN 4400 Traditional Culture of French-Newfoundlanders

deals with the identity of French Newfoundlanders. It will examine the historical context that lead to the emergence of a distinct identity, contacts between Newfoundland and France and the origin of francophone communities on the West coast. The traditional ways of life, folklore and traditions of these communities and their evolutions during the 20th century will also be studied.

4400 Culture traditionnelle des Franco-Terre-Neuviens porte sur l’identité des Franco-terreneuviens. Il examinera le contexte historique qui a mené à l’émergence des Franco-terreneuviens comme entité dictincte, l’histoire des contacts entre Terre-Neuve et la France et l’origine des communautés francophones de la côte ouest. Le mode de vie traditionnel de ces communautés, leur folklore et traditions et leur évolution au cours du 20ième siècle seront également étudiés.

FREN 3100 and 3101 or FREN 3102 and 3103
FREN 4610 Literary Movement I

is French literary history through the study of a movement or trend in literature up to romanticism: courtoisie, libertinage, libre pensée (free thought), the baroque, humanism, classicism, romanticism, etc.

4610 Mouvement littéraire I histoire de la littérature d'expression française à travers l'étude d'un mouvement ou d'un courant littéraire jusqu'au romantisme (et indépendamment des genres): courtoisie, libertinage, libre pensée, baroque, humanisme, classicisme, romanticisme, etc.

two of: FREN 3500, 3501, 3502, 3503, 3504, 3506, 3507, 3508 or one course in that series with a grade of 80% or above
FREN 4620 Literary Movement II

is French literary history through the study of a movement or trend in literature since realism: realism, naturalism, symbolism, surrealism, existentialism, feminism, postmodernism, the absurd, nouveau roman, roman du terroir, etc.

4620 Mouvement littéraire II histoire de la littérature d'expression française à travers l'étude d'un mouvement ou d'un courant littéraire à partir du réalisme (et indépendamment des genres): réalisme, naturalisme, symbolisme, surréalisme, existentialisme, féminisme, postmodernisme, absurde, nouveau roman, roman du terroir, etc.

two of: FREN 3500, 3501, 3502, 3503, 3504, 3506, 3507, 3508 or one course in that series with a grade of 80% or above
FREN 4630 Literary Genre I

is a study of a genre from French-literature of different periods to be chosen among the traditional or canonical forms (poetry, narrative fiction, theatre): poem, epic, novel, short story, novella tragedy, comedy, drama.

4630 Genre littéraire I étude d'un genre littéraire à travers une littérature d'expression française et à travers les siècles; quelques genres dits traditionnels (poésie, romanesque, théâtre): poème, épopée, roman, conte, nouvelle, tragédie, comédie, drame.

two of: FREN 3500, 3501, 3502, 3503, 3504, 3506, 3507, 3508 or one course in that series with a grade of 80% or above
FREN 4640 Literary Genre II

is a study of a genre from French-language literature of different periods to be chosen among other literary and popular genres such as: essay, tract, manifesto; memoirs, diary, autobiography; personal writing, fantasy, best sellers, detective novel, spy novel, science fiction, etc.

4640 Genre littéraire II étude d'un genre littéraire à travers une littérature d'expression française et à travers les siècles; les autres genres (littéraires et paralittéraires): essai, pamphlet, manifeste; mémoires, journal, autobiographie; littérature fantastique; paralittérature (best-sellers, policier, espionnage, science fiction, etc).

two of: FREN 3500, 3501, 3502, 3503, 3504, 3506, 3507, 3508 or one course in that series with a grade of 80% or above
FREN 4650 Literary Criticism

- inactive course.

4650 Critique littéraire - cours désactivé.

FREN 4651-4659 (Excluding 4654) Special Topics in Francophone Culture

are advanced courses on specialized topics in Francophone culture. Subjects to be treated will be announced each year by the Department.

4651 - 4659 (Excluding 4654) Sujets spéciaux en culture francophone cours avancés portant sur des domaines spécialisés de la culture de la Francophonie. Les sujets traités seront annoncés chaque année par le Département.


FREN 3100, 3101 and one other third-year French course

FREN 4654 Identity and Globalization

studies, through French-language texts, films and media, the concepts of identity, otherness and globalization and the relations between different peoples they have embodied from the colonial era to today’s globalization. Related concepts such as internationality (mondialité), whole-world (tout-monde) developed by thinkers from various fields, and the relational identity (identité-relation) that the globalized world requires will be explored. All sections of this course follow International Studies guidelines available at

4654 Identité et Mondialisation étudie, à travers des textes, films et médias en français, les concepts d’identité, d’altérité et de mondialisation et les relations entre les peuples qu’ils ont traduites depuis la période coloniale jusqu’à celle de la mondialisation actuelle. Les concepts connexes de mondialité, tout-monde, développés par des penseurs de divers champs, de l’identité-relation que commande la mondialisation, seront explorés. Toutes les sections de ce cours suivent les Orientations des études internationales disponibles sur

FREN 3100, 3101 and one other third-year French course
FREN 4660 Literary Theory

- inactive course.

4660 Théorie littéraire - cours désactivé.

FREN 4810-4829 Special topics in French-language Literature

are advanced courses on specialized topics in literature written in French. Subjects to be treated will be announced each year by the Department.

4810 - 4829 Sujets spéciaux de littérature d'expression française cours avancés portant sur des aspects spécialisés de la littérature d'expression française. Les sujets traités seront annoncés chaque année par le Département.

two of: FREN 3500, 3501, 3502, 3503, 3504, 3506, 3507, 3508 or one course in that series with a grade of 80% or above
FREN 4900 Honours Essay I

under the direction of their assigned supervisors, students will select an honours essay topic, prepare a research proposal, and submit a draft of at least one section of the honours essay. Students are expected to meet regularly with their supervisors.

4900 Dissertation I pour la spécialisation en français l’étudiant/e choisira un sujet de recherches en accord avec son directeur ou sa directrice de recherches, préparera une proposition détaillée et remettra un premier jet d'une partie de sa dissertation. Il ou elle devra rencontrer son directeur ou sa directrice de recherches régulièrement.

admission to the honours program in French and permission of the Head of Department
FREN 4999 Honours Essay II

under the direction of their assigned supervisors, students will complete the writing of their honours essay. Students are expected to meet regularly with their supervisors.

4999 Dissertation II pour la spécialisation en français l'étudiant/e continuera l’écriture de sa dissertation sous la direction de son directeur ou de sa directrice de recherches. Il ou elle devra rencontrer son directeur ou sa directrice de recherches régulièrement.

successful completion of FREN 4900 with a minimum grade of 70%

AR = Attendance requirement as noted.

CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours.

CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described.

CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted.

LH = Laboratory hours per week.

OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars.

PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described.

UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.