The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

7.2 Promotion Status (Beyond Engineering One)

A student’s eligibility for promotion from semesters beyond Engineering One will be determined at the end of each term. In order to be considered for promotion a student must complete all courses required in that Academic term. Promotion from each academic term will be based upon the student’s Promotion Average for the semester. The Promotion Average, which will appear on the transcript, is calculated to be the overall average of required courses completed in the academic term excluding complementary studies and free elective courses. Promotion from work terms will be determined based upon the grade awarded in that work term.

A student’s promotion status will be determined beyond Engineering One and at the end of each academic term in one of the following three categories:

7.2.1 Clear Promotion

Clear Promotion means that a student can proceed to the next term without restrictions.

  1. A student completing or repeating an academic term will receive a Clear Promotion by obtaining a promotion average of at least 60% and a numeric grade of at least 50% in each of the courses included in the calculation of the promotion average in that academic term.

  2. A student completing a work term will receive a Clear Promotion by obtaining an overall grade of PAS or PWD in that work term.

7.2.2 Probationary Promotion

A student who is not eligible for Clear Promotion from an academic term but who achieves a promotion average of at least 60% in that term will be granted Probationary Promotion.

  1. A student’s Probationary Promotion status will be reflected on the University Transcript under the Promotion Average for the semester.

  2. A student with Probationary Promotion from an academic term may continue to the subsequent work term under the condition that entry into the next academic term is not allowed until the student’s status is changed to Clear Promotion.

  3. A student with Probationary Promotion at the end of the final academic term will not be recommended for graduation until the student’s status is changed to Clear Promotion.

  4. To change Probationary Promotion to Clear Promotion for an academic term the student must satisfy the Faculty of competence in the subject of the Engineering program course(s) (courses with any of the prefixes CIV, ECE, ENGI, ME, ONAE, PROC) in which the student has failed to achieve 50%.This will normally entail re-examination(s) prescribed by the Faculty as a condition of probation, after which the student will be declared to have passed or failed a test of competence in the subject(s) concerned. No numerical grade will be assigned in a re-examination. Upon passing a re-examination, the original grade submitted for the course will be changed to PAS, but the promotion average will not change and a note of the original grade will remain on the transcript.

  5. Re-examination will be at a time determined by the Faculty, normally in the first week of the subsequent academic term. A re-examination is cumulative in nature, covers the entire course and, as such, may be different in scope from the original final examination for that course.

  6. In order to qualify for a re-examination in a failed Engineering program course, a student must obtain a grade of at least 40% in that course and must have completed any laboratory and/or project work in that course. Re-examinations are not normally available for senior project courses or for other courses in which the final examination is worth less than 40% of the grade.

  7. A student who has failed the communications component of a work term and who, in the opinion of the Office of Co-operative Education, can benefit from a remedial program, may be permitted an extension of time, not to exceed the end of the registration period of the subsequent academic term, to complete the requirements of the work term.

  8. A student will be permitted to write a maximum of four re-examinations for the duration of the student's program.

  9. To change Probationary Promotion to Clear Promotion for an academic term the student must repeat successfully any non-Engineering program course(s) which count towards the promotion average and in which the student has failed to achieve 50%.

  10. A student may apply for a deferred re-examination on a similar basis to the deferral of a final examination.

  11. A student with Probationary Promotion who does not complete a prescribed re-examination will be deemed to have failed that re-examination. Upon failing a prescribed re-examination the original course grade will be retained and a comment confirming failure of the re-examination will be added to the transcript.

  12. A student with Probationary Promotion who fails in the re-examination(s) or who does not qualify for the re-examination(s) must repeat the corresponding failed course(s) successfully in order to change the Probationary Promotion to Clear Promotion.

  13. A student with Probationary Promotion from any of Academic Terms 3 to 7 who does not meet the requirements for Clear Promotion by the end of the registration period for the subsequent academic term must withdraw from the program. Permission to register for Engineering program courses to be repeated may be subject to the approval of the Head of the appropriate Department. Such students may apply for readmission to the Bachelor of Engineering program when they have satisfied the requirements for Clear Promotion.

7.2.3 Promotion Denied

Promotion Denied status is awarded when a student does not meet the requirements for Clear Promotion or Probationary Promotion.

The student’s Promotion Denied status will be reflected on the University Transcript under the Promotion Average for the academic term.

  1. A student with Promotion Denied status will be required to withdraw from the Faculty.

  2. A student with Promotion Denied status may apply for readmission to the program after two semesters. Subject to space being available, a student will be readmitted into the term from which promotion was denied. An academic term may be repeated only once, and not more than two academic terms may be repeated in the entire program.

  3. A student who is denied promotion for failing a work term may be considered for readmission. A student readmitted under this clause must successfully complete four work terms prior to graduation.

  4. A work term may be repeated only once, and not more than two work terms may be repeated in the entire program.

  5. A student who is denied promotion from an academic term will be required to repeat all required courses in which the student obtained a numeric grade of less than 60% in that term. In addition, the Admissions Committee may design a remedial program to address the student’s specific area(s) of weakness. A technical elective course in which the student obtained a numeric grade of less than 60% may be replaced by a course acceptable in the student’s program.

  6. A student who is denied promotion from an academic term may not continue to the subsequent work term unless both the employer and the Office of Co-operative Education grant permission.

  7. A student with Promotion Denied status at the end of the final academic term will not be recommended for graduation until the student’s status is changed to Clear Promotion.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.