The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

16 Course Descriptions

In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, contact the Dean of the Faculty.

According to the nature of particular courses, the specified number of laboratory hours may be scheduled as separate laboratory sessions or as integrated experiential class time.

All courses of the Faculty are designated by ED.


ACP: Courses for students in the Aboriginal Community Based programs

AL: Courses for students in the Adult Learning and Post-Secondary Education program

IS: Courses for students in the Intermediate/Secondary program

ISI: Courses for students in the Intermediate/Secondary Conjoint with the Technology Education program

ME: Courses for students in the Music Education program

PE: Courses for students in the Primary/Elementary programs

PS: Courses for students in the Post-Secondary Education programs

SE: Courses for students in the Special Education program

ST: Courses for students in the Bachelor of Education (Primary/Elementary) as a Second Degree Conjoint with Certificate in STEM Education program


ED 2022 The Teaching of Inuttut (ACP)

focuses on the preparation of materials and the development of methods, strategies and assessment techniques for the teaching of lnuttut In schools In Labrador.

ED 2023 Language and Culture in Education (ACP)

explores contexts, curricula and materials that recognize cultural diversity (especially Aboriginal cultures), foster the teaching and maintenance of Aboriginal languages, and support the work of Aboriginal language specialists In the classroom.

ED 2032 The Teaching of Innu-aimun (ACP)

focuses on the preparation of materials and the development of methods, strategies and assessment techniques for the teaching of lnnu-almun In schools In Labrador.

ED 2038 Aboriginal Music and Art (ACP)

Is a study of music and art In cultural transmission. The course will develop skills In reading and writing associated with Aboriginal cultures. and will emphasize activities for exploring the elements of music. Aboriginal art forms will be explored as well as art in decoration in Aboriginal society.

ED 2039 Aboriginal Land Based Learning (ACP)

is for students Interested In learning about the Aboriginal cultures of Newfoundland and Labrador. Under the guidance of Elders and traditional teachers, learners will gain an understanding of Aboriginal pedagogy, land-based learning and ways of incorporating culture Into the school curricula. This course Is normally offered at Labrador Campus of Memorial University.

ED 2040 Basic Interpersonal Communication (PE)

is designed to help students develop confidence through self-expression, and acquire skills in interpersonal relationships.

the former ED 2041
ED 2050 Introduction to Drama Education (ME,PE)

is designed to introduce students to the use of drama as a learning medium. Students will be expected to participate in and to critically analyse practical drama sessions in order to gain an understanding of the fundamental nature of drama. Students will be engaged in a variety of teacher devised drama structures to introduce them to the theory and practice of selected pioneers in the field. Reference will be made to some aspects of child development such as play, cognition, affect and language and their relationship to learning through drama. It is expected that students will begin to formulate a rationale for the use of drama education in their future classroom practice.

the former ED 2030
ED 2051 Learning Through Drama (PE)

is an experiential drama education course that will offer students a broad introduction to the potential for using and incorporating drama education in learning experiences and in cross-curricular teaching.

ED 2194 Physical Education in the Primary and Elementary Grades (ME,NPE,PE,T)

examines the curriculum organization in physical education for the Primary and Elementary grades; instructional material and teaching techniques for these grades; creative, aesthetic, and health-developing aspects of physical education.

the former ED 3070, or the former ED 2192 taken during the 1984-85 or 1985-86 academic years
ED 2202 Education in Aboriginal and Northern Communities - An Overview (ACP,PE)

is an introductory course where students explore teaching in an Aboriginal or northern context with particular focus on Newfoundland and Labrador. This will include an understanding of philosophical and cultural distinctions between Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal approaches to teaching and learning; an examination of significant historical developments In Aboriginal education and how they may have Impacted Aboriginal education today; an exploration of actual and potential roles played by local Individuals and groups In the education process; models to Improve communication between school and community; and an examination of the current status of Aboriginal education and the major educational challenges facing students, leaders and communities.

ED 2222 Teaching English as a Second Language (PE)

includes selection and preparation of materials, and suitable classroom strategies for teaching English as a second language. Stress will be on the methods appropriate to cope with linguistic difficulties encountered in schools by children whose first language is not English.

ED 2500 Orientation to Music Education (ME)

is an introduction to music education, bridging life as a musician and the development of a career as a musician-teacher. Topics include an overview of theoretical, philosophical, historical, sociological, cultural, psychological, methodological, and curricular foundations of music education as well as contemporary contexts and issues in music education. Emphasis is on research and writing in music education, technology applications, and the development of functional keyboard skills specific for music educators.

ED 2515 Primary/Elementary School Music Methods (ME,PE)

examines current pedagogical practices, methodologies, and resources for use in the primary and elementary school music program. Within the context of authorized K-6 curriculum guides, teacher candidates will develop skills and instructional strategies for developing the singing, moving, playing, listening, and creating child.

the former ED 2510, the former ED 2530
Primary/Elementary program candidates must have completed the focus area in music
ED 2520 Voice and Choral Methods (ME)

examines current pedagogical practices, procedures, and resources for use with all levels of school singing ensembles and choirs. Emphasis is placed on developing teacher candidates' own vocal techniques. Topics include philosophy and history of choral music education, vocal and choral pedagogy, and components/organization of choral programs.

a 2 hour twice weekly laboratory section (MUN Lab Choir) designed to provide practical teaching experience and methodologies in vocal/choral settings
ED 2700 Academic Literacies in Adult and Post-Secondary Learning Contexts (AL,PS)

examines the literacies, discourses and epistemologies of post-secondary learning contexts. Academic areas are ways of knowing which are generated and defended through language, practices and texts. This course explores ways of making explicit these often implicit activities. It provides opportunities to understand different forms of knowledge, what counts as evidence, and how ‘texts’ are developed, written, read and performed.

ED 2710 Course Organization and Development in Post-Secondary Education (AL,PS)

examines the development of procedures for the identification of concepts in instructional units; analysis of tasks and identification of related competencies; development of resource units.

ED 2711 Teaching Technology Education: Theory, Method and Practice (ISI)

is an examination of the development, structure, organization, and pedagogy of technology education curriculum locally and internationally. Philosophical and pragmatic viewpoints will frame the exploration of various pedagogical approaches related to the teaching of technology education.

ED 2720 Introduction to Post-Secondary Education (AL,PS)

is a study of the background of Post-Secondary Education and of its development and present forms in Newfoundland, other provinces of Canada, and other countries; an examination of current programs in Post-Secondary Education; the role of federal and provincial governments in Post-Secondary Education.

ED 2730 General Methods of Teaching in Post-Secondary Education (AL,PS)

is an introduction to teaching and learning methods in post-secondary and adult learning contexts and it includes preparation, learning goals, aligning assessment and a range of methods such as facilitation, lecturing, active learning, experiential learning and problem-based learning.

ED 2740 Ethics and Professionalism in Adult and Post-Secondary Education (AL,PS)

will explore the ethical dimensions of adult and post-secondary education in Canadian higher education. Students will consider the meaning of ethical professional practice within the post-secondary environment. A particular emphasis will be placed upon the application of ethical theories to real world learning contexts within adult and post-secondary education.

ED 2750 Teaching Design and Materials Processing I (ISI)

examines theory and practice of teaching design based learning, problem solving, non-computer controlled materials processes, and fabrication. Topics include: manual multi-materials processing, modeling and prototyping, fabrication, and computer assisted design.

attendance is required
WHMlS training. Information can be obtained from the Office of Academic Programs.
ED 2752 Teaching Current and Emerging Power Technology Systems (ISI)

provides technology education students with opportunities to apply current teaching and learning strategies to the issues surrounding traditional and emerging energy technologies. Major topics of study include: fundamentals of sustainable energy production and control, redevelopment and use of traditional energy sources, application of solar energy, wind power production, and fuel cell development and utilization.

attendance is required
WHMlS training. Information can be obtained from the Office of Academic Programs.
ED 2800 Introduction to Adult Education (AL,PS)

is a review of the history of the Adult Education movement. The rationale for the investment of public or private resources in the education or training of adults. An examination of current educational philosophies related to Adult Education.

ED 2801 Adult Learning (AL,PS)

examines the major foundational theories of adult learning, the contextual nature of adult learning and various dimensions of learning and development throughout adulthood.

ED 2803 Educational Aspects of Adult Development (AL,PS)

is an examination of the educational aspects of adult development from early adulthood through middle age to later maturity.

ED 2806 Sociology of Adult Education (AL,PS)

explores the sociological context of adult learning. The interrelationship between particular social factors (e.g., age, sex, occupational structure) and the need for adult educational programs are studied. The potential effects of such programs on society are examined with reference to community development. Special emphasis is given to societal change as it relates to education as a way of life.

ED 2900 Introduction to Statistics in Education (ME,PE,PS)

is a laboratory course which takes a practical case study approach to survey and quasi-experimental quantitative methods in education, together with supporting statistical concepts of probability, descriptive and inferential statistics sampling and sampling distributions, correlation and bivariate regression.

ED 3007 Teaching Strategies in Native and Northern Schools

- inactive course.

ED 3040 The Assessment and Development of Children's Language Abilities (PE,SE)

focuses on techniques for assessing language abilities in primary/elementary and intermediate/secondary students and will provide models for developing strategies in implementing language instruction appropriate to students’ needs.

ED 4350, 3543, or the former 3540 or 3545
ED 3050 The Teaching of French as a Second Language in the Primary and Elementary Grades (ME,PE)

is an introduction to the general principles of second-language teaching, to the curriculum materials currently prescribed for use in the schools, and to a consideration of teaching strategies and evaluation techniques associated with these materials.

for students completing the Bachelor of Education (PrimarylElementary) as a Second Degree, French Immersion Option this course will be taught in French
French 2101
ED 3120 Foundations of Art Education (ME,PE)

develops an understanding of art in relation to current theories of education and art education and to provide individual exploration of an experience in appropriate techniques. Curriculum will be examined with the focus on understanding how to provide favourable conditions and experiences for high quality individual development in visual expression.

the former ED 2020, the former ED 3110, the former ED 3112
ED 3131 Music Education in the Primary/Elementary Grades (PE)

is designed to provide the prospective primary/elementary classroom teacher with the knowledge, skills and understandings necessary for presenting basic music concepts and skills to students and for using music as a means for teaching or enriching other areas of the curriculum. Course work will include study in the three facets of general classroom music: scholarship of the discipline, musicianship, and classroom methodology.

former ED 3130
not applicable towards the Conjoint Degrees of Bachelor of Music and Bachelor of Music Education or the Bachelor of Music Education as a Second Degree
ED 3151 Multilingualism in the Classroom (PE)

is a course whose goal is to introduce pre-service teachers to the needs of students whose first language is not English in the primary/elementary classroom. Emphasis will be placed on the development of language skills in English, issues associated with reading and writing in an additional language and cultural sensitivity in multilingual classrooms.

ED 3210 Introduction to Counselling (AL,PE,PS)

is an introduction to the profession of counselling throughout the lifespan with specific emphasis on the definition and history of the profession, the characteristics and professional competencies of a counsellor, ethical issues and principles, theories and current issues. Topics also include an introduction to the nature of counselling and ways of developing effective interpersonal relationships within various educational contexts.

ED 3211 Introduction to Career Education (PE)

is an introduction to contemporary concepts and practices of career education and to theories of career development. Emphasis is on the practical application of theory and basic principles to the design and delivery of career education programs and to career counselling. Attention will be given to continuing career counselling and career development needs of individuals as well as to groups with special needs.

the former ED 4906
ED 3212 Counselling Issues and Career Development (PE)

is a course whose goal is to highlight prevalent presenting social and developmental issues that are experienced by school-age children, some of which may require collaborative cooperation with guidance counselling colleagues. The course will seek to understand the primary-elementary students’ experiences from a holistic lens. Students will engage with content that focuses on developmental and social dynamics that inform student health and functioning, hence impacting school and academic engagement and career development.

ED 3255 Child Abuse and the School-Age Child (PE)

will discuss the general issues of child abuse including definitions, detection, reporting, protection, prevention, and the educational implications of child abuse. A number of specific issues including provincial policies presently in force in Newfoundland and Labrador and elsewhere will be examined. The teacher's role in collaboration between officials in education, social work, health and justice agencies will be explored with a view to preventing abuse and modifying the circumstances of abused children.

ED 3273 Science in the Primary/Elementary Grades (PE)

is a practical course designed to develop approaches to Science teaching based on student investigation of scientific phenomena. Examples are drawn from both provincial and other major curricula.

the former ED 2180, the former ED 3270, the former ED 3275
ED 3274 Infusing STEM into Primary/Elementary Grades (PE)

will focus on the nature of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and how to infuse STEM into the K-6 science curriculum, with a particular emphasis on the inquiry, design process, integrated curriculum, and technology. Teacher candidates will have opportunities to explore several frameworks to support integrated curriculum and plan and implement STEM-infused science learning experiences.

ED 3273, ED 3940
ED 3280 Educational Assessment (AL,PS)

is a study of the broad spectrum of educational assessment focussing specifically on the development of objectives, the construction and use of formal teacher-made tests, the use of informal assessment techniques, the interpretation and application of assessment data, continuous evaluation, criterion-referenced measurement, and emerging trends in assessment.

the former ED 4912
ED 3312 Language Arts in the Primary/Elementary School I (PE)

provides students with a holistic view of the learning and teaching of language arts (i.e., the receptive language abilities of viewing, listening and reading, and the expressive language abilities of speaking and writing). This course will help students develop a theoretical perspective on two major aspects of language, that being "knowledge of language" (i.e., knowledge of the structures of language) and "knowledge about language" (i.e., knowledge about attitudes and perceptions towards language and the various purposes of language). This course will extend students' understanding of the importance of the home/community influences upon emergent and developmental literacy and language development.

the former ED 2210, the former ED 2220, the former ED 3305, the former ED 3315
ED 3322 Children's Literature in the Primary/Elementary School (PE)

focuses on the personal and educational values for using children's literature in the classroom, examines the literary genres appropriate for primary/elementary children and explores meaningful literacy extensions to develop children's literacy strategies and skills. In addition, the course examines guidelines for evaluating children's literature for literacy and aesthetic qualities. Instructional strategies to integrate children's literature across the curriculum are explored.

the former ED 2060, the former ED 2065, the former ED 3310, the former ED 3320
ED 3440 Organization and Administration of Programs in Adult Education (PS)

examines alternative provincial or regional methods of organization for the provision of Adult Education, including the statutory framework within which Adult Education functions.

ED 3484 Computers and Learning Resources for Primary/Elementary Teachers (PE)

focuses on the integration of computer software and other learning resources into primary/elementary school teaching. Laboratory components will be scheduled so that students may learn how to use and implement communications, applications and curricular software.

the former ED 3480, ED 3801, the former ED 4480, the former ED 4905
ED 3543 Language Arts in the Primary/Elementary School II (PE)

provides students with a social-psychological perspective on children's learning to read, reading and reading to learn. Students will explore current and traditional models of the reading process and the importance of home/school/community contexts for fostering literacy learning. Students will apply instructional strategies for children's learning of story, book and print concepts, word identification, fluency, vocabulary development and comprehension for a variety of texts.

the former ED 2110, the former ED 2120, the former ED 3540, the former ED 3542, the former ED 3545
ED 3312
ED 3565 Gender and Schooling (PE)

is an introduction to the study of gender and education. It includes a historical overview of the link between gender and schooling as well as an examination of contemporary theoretical perspectives and research relating to the role of the school in gender development in general and gender inequality in particular. Implications for educational policy and practices will also be explored.

ED 3566 Affirmative Sexuality and Gender Pedagogy in Education Matters (PE)

aims to increase preservice teacher awareness, skill and knowledge with respect to diverse gender and sexuality affirmative practices and pedagogy in the context of educational environments. The course will briefly explore the history of queer, trans*(umbrella term) and two spirit students, families and teacher-educators in educational settings. Affirmative practice with gender and sexuality diverse folks will be explored in the classroom and in teacher practices as an ethic of care.

ED 3570 History of North American Education (PE)

- inactive course.

ED 3573 History and Current Trends in Aboriginal Education in Canada (ACP,PE)

is a seminar course that explores how to integrate indigenous knowledge and experience in curriculum and pedagogy in classrooms and communities, and on the land. The course offers insights from past experience and draws on Aboriginal perspectives to understand educational history, current contexts and future directions. Students will develop critical analytical skills and learn about restorative justice, land and place based education, and other pedagogical approaches based on Aboriginal knowledge and cultures.

ED 3574 An Introduction to Indigenous Education (PE)

is a course where students will engage in critically examining the challenges of bringing together Indigenous and Western knowledge systems and consider the various models of education that co-construct teaching and learning. Students will gain the pedagogical knowledge and skills to blend Indigenous ways of knowing and doing within the K-12 provincial curricula.

ED 3585 Multiculturalism and Education (PE)

- inactive course.

ED 3600 Academic and Behavioural Assessment (SE)

applies the theories of test development in establishing a competent understanding of the utilization of diagnostic and prescriptive instruments as well as teacher-made tests as they apply to the area of exceptional children.

attendance is required
ED 3610 Nature and Characteristics of Intellectual Disabilities (SE)

aims to provide an understanding of the nature and characteristics of intellectual disabilities and the psycho-social implications of this area of exceptionality.

ED 3617 Children and Learning (PE)

provides an introduction to psychological theories of learning and motivation, and development. The focus is on typical development with some attention to atypical functioning (exceptionality) where appropriate. Emphasis will be placed upon the application of this knowledge to classroom practice, instruction, and the facilitation of learning.

ED 3618 Nature of the Primary/Elementary School Child - Development (ME,PE)

is intended to provide students with an awareness and understanding of the origins of many aspects of child behaviour and competence. While focussing on the development and nature of the "normal" child, where appropriate, contrasts and comparisons will be made between the development of "normal" and "exceptional" individuals.

the former ED 2610, the former ED 3240
ED 3619 Nature of Primary/Elementary School Child - Learning and Cognition (ME,PE)

provides an introduction to human learning, motivation and cognition and to the related concepts and theories underlying children's classroom learning and behaviour. Focus will be on typical development with some attention to atypical (exceptionality) functioning in these areas. The course will familiarize students with the concepts and vocabulary used to describe classroom learning and with explanations and justifications for many educational and instructional activities and practices. Particular attention will be paid to application of this knowledge to instruction and classroom management and to the facilitation of learning.

the former ED 3616, the former ED 3615
ED 3618
ED 3620 Nature and Characteristics of Emotional/Behavioural Disorders (SE)

includes an examination of procedures for the early identification of children and adolescents with behavioural disabilities and major systems of classification. It critically examines causes of emotional and behavioural disorders and implications for assessment and intervention.

ED 4240, or the former ED 3220 or ED 3230
ED 3640 Current Issues in Special Education (PE,SE)

consists of a study of special and selected problems related to the teaching of special education with particular emphasis placed on special education within the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador.

ED 4240, or the former ED 3220 or ED 3230
ED 3650 Practicum in Special Education (SE)

encompasses a practice experience with students who have an identified exceptionality. The emphasis will be on a supervised field placement in a special education position within a school setting.

completion of 18 credit hours in Special Education including ED 3600
ED 3660 A Study of the Gifted Child (ME,PE,SE)

is an examination of the nature and characteristics of gifted children, with emphasis upon methods of identifying gifted children, implications of giftedness for learning and instruction and reviews of several educational programs for the gifted.

ED 3670 Responding to Diversity

addresses universal design for learning, response to intervention, and differentiated instruction. It explores how universal design for learning can support diversity through the implementation of strategies to support social and emotional learning and inclusive instructional practice. The course examines how response to intervention strategies provides inclusive instructional practice (Tier 1), and individualized assessment and programming (Tier 2 and 3).

ED 4240 or the former ED 3220 or the former ED 3230
ED 3680 Therapeutic Interventions for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Educational Settings (SE)

is intended to provide learners with an in-depth knowledge of the unique characteristics and learning needs of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). Education 3680 will present worthwhile strategies to accommodate the special learning needs of individuals with ASD enabling special education resource teachers to support classroom teachers within the inclusive classroom setting. The course considers current research related to a range of educational, psychological, social, and cultural issues.

ED 4240, or the former ED 3220 or ED 3230
ED 3690 Collaborative Practice/Monitoring Student Progress (SE)

examines theoretical and practical aspects of collaborative practice within current service delivery models of case planning for students with diverse learning needs. Emphasis is on exploring issues of power/empowerment, consultation, communication, collaboration, conflict resolution/problem-solving, advocacy, monitoring student progress through informal and formal means, individual education plans (IEP), and developing student focused goals and objectives. Perspectives of parents and families, educators, and community resource professionals are explored through family-focused approach to effective planning in contemporary schools.

ED 4240
ED 3691-3699 Special Topics Courses in Special Education (SE)

to be announced by the Faculty of Education.

ED 3710 Group Instruction in Post-Secondary Education (PS)

- inactive course.

ED 3730 Curriculum and Instructional Development in Post-Secondary Education (AL,PS)

examines the social, cultural, philosophical, and economic forces influencing changes in Post-Secondary curriculum and instructional methods. Study of current Post-Secondary Education curriculum designs, problems and trends; methods of gathering curriculum information; procedures for revising and evaluating a curriculum.

ED 2710 and ED 2730
ED 3751 Teaching Communication and Computer Technology Systems I (ISI)

examines the application of communication techniques through the various forms of computer technology and media available. Technology education students will engage in activities that will provide insights into how current teaching and learning strategies can be blended with contemporary communication devices and means to facilitate collaborative lifelong learning. Topics include: web-based multimedia and programming, graphic design, audio/video production, animation production and social networking applications.

attendance is required
ED 3752 Teaching Communication and Computer Technology Systems II (ISI)

examines the application of various communication and computer technologies related to hardware, software, and the required infrastructure. Students will engage in activities that will provide insights into how current teaching and learning strategies can be blended with fundamental computing principles and processes within a framework of project and problem based learning. Topics include: computer architecture, block-based programming, text-based programming, software development, and interfacing and physical computing.

attendance is required
ED 3801 Educational Media (AL,PS)

introduces audio visual communications with emphasis on equipment operation and basic local production of instructional materials; and the application of computers to education.

the former ED 3480, ED 3484, the former ED 4480, the former ED 4905
ED 3920 Instrumental Teaching Methods (ME)

examines current pedagogical practices, procedures, and resources for teaching brass, woodwinds, percussion, and strings in both band and orchestral school settings. Emphasis is placed on the development of comprehensive instrumental music education programs.

a 2 hour twice weekly laboratory section (MUN Lab Band and Orchestra) designed to provide practical teaching experience and methodology in both band and orchestral settings
ED 3925 Intermediate/Secondary School Music Methods (ME)

examines current pedagogical practices, procedures, and resources for teaching Music in the intermediate/secondary schools. In addition to standard contexts in general music, choral, and instrumental settings, emphasis is placed on technology and settings such as musical theatre in order to reflect the diversity of music programming in intermediate/secondary schools.

ED 3940 Mathematics in Primary and Elementary Grades (ME,PE)

is a general overview of aspects of teaching Mathematics in the primary and elementary grades. Theories of child development as they relate to Mathematics teaching, characteristics of Mathematics topics in primary and elementary grades, and the implications for teaching will be the major topics to be discussed in this course.

the former ED 2340, the former ED 2310, the former ED 2320
ED 3941 Diagnosing and Directing Learning in Primary and Elementary Mathematics (PE,SE)

is a study of aspects of diagnosis and remediation in primary and elementary Mathematics, and of the basis for constructing and applying diagnostic techniques. The course offers an examination, development, and application of a variety of manipulative aids and assistive technology to be used in the teaching of Mathematics in the primary and elementary grades.

ED 3940
ED 3942 Teaching and Learning Elementary Mathematics (PE)

provides students with an opportunity to explore beliefs about the nature of mathematics and to consider how to teach mathematics for, and with, understanding, with a focus on elementary children. Building upon Education 3940, students will focus on the unique developmental characteristics, beliefs, behaviours and learning needs of elementary children in mathematics. Students will also engage in mathematical practice so they have a shared basis for discussion of particular mathematical topics that appear within the curriculum.

ED 3940
ED 3945 and 3946 Institute in Teaching of Junior High School Mathematics Courses (PE)

will focus on the nature of junior high Mathematics instruction and how it should differ from elementary and high school instruction. Emphasis will be placed on the transition between informal and formal approaches to the teaching of junior high Mathematics. The Van Hiel levels and their implications for instruction in geometry will be discussed. Activities appropriate to the teaching of junior high Mathematics will be developed and demonstrated. A particular focus in this component of the Institute will be on activities appropriate to the new program and how they can be integrated into the junior high Mathematics curriculum.

ED 3940 (or equivalent) or ED 4161 (or equivalent) or permission of the instructor
ED 3951 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in the Primary/Elementary School I (PE)

is designed to engage students in an introduction to curriculum, instruction, and assessment in the primary/elementary school through active participation in problem solving. Students will be introduced to the different ways that primary/elementary school children view and make sense of their world (i.e., the linguistic, mathematical, scientific, and artistic). Working through such a framework, students will be introduced to instructional strategies and planning, formative and summative assessment, and issues inherent in the management of the primary/elementary classroom, as they create multi-disciplinary, thematic, resource-based units.

ED 3952 Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment in the Primary/Elementary School II (PE)

is designed to engage students in a deeper exploration of issues in curriculum, instruction, and assessment in the primary/elementary school through active participation in problem solving. Students will be introduced to the different ways that primary/elementary school children view and make sense of their world. Working through such a framework, students will be introduced to instructional strategies and planning, formative and summative assessment, and issues inherent in the management of the primary/elementary classroom, as they create multi-disciplinary, thematic, resource-based units.

ED 3953 Assessment for Learning in the Primary/Elementary Grades (PE)

is an introduction to the theory and practice of evaluating student learning in the classroom. Topics include the characteristics of classroom assessment; the relationship among assessment, curriculum, and instruction; formative assessment; summative assessment; development, administration, interpretation, and evaluation of assessment activities including teacher-made tests, performance-based tasks, and portfolios; assessment for students with exceptional needs; assessment for culturally and linguistically diverse students; grading and reporting progress; and the interpretation and use of assessment information.

ED 3962 Social Studies in the Primary/Elementary School (PE)

is an introduction to the social studies program at the primary/elementary school level. Topics to be explored include the nature and purposes of the social studies curricula, approaches to teaching and learning in this curricula area, selecting and utilizing learning resources, and conducting assessment in the social studies.

the former ED 2160, the former ED 3960
ED 4005 Effective Teaching and Learning Environments (IS,ISI)

introduces the principles, dispositions, and skills needed to create various types of effective learning environments. Topics include: professional relationships, school culture, decision making classroom management and models of teacher power.

ED 401T Introductory Field Experience in the Primary and Elementary School I (PE)

is a 5 (consecutive) school day teaching and learning experience, framed by explicit guidelines, that focus on key learning experiences and graduated responsibilities related to professional teaching. It may include both observation periods and initial teaching experiences. AR: Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, interns follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, interns follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
ED 401X Undergraduate Teaching Internship (PE)

(equivalent to 15 credit hours in Education) is a 65 day teaching and learning experience, framed by explicit guidelines, designed to provide students an opportunity to integrate theory and practice in the school classroom. It includes both observation periods and extensive teaching experiences. The internship is intended to help students develop their individual style of teaching, to enable students to recognize the scope and complexity of a classroom teacher's role and responsibility, and to provide opportunities for the study of children as individuals and in groups, both in the classroom and other school settings.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, interns follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
students may not be placed in the first school of choice and may be assigned to another appropriate school
successful completion of the professional year. Students must have completed the professional year of the French Immersion Option to be assigned to a French Immersion classroom.
ED 4020 Topics and Trends in Aboriginal Education (ACP)

is a seminar course with a focus on topics and trends in Aboriginal educational research and practice in Newfoundland and Labrador as well as other Aboriginal contexts. The course will provide a greater understanding and appreciation of Aboriginal educational needs and self-determination within national and local socio-political contexts.

ED 402T Introductory Field Experience in the Primary and Elementary School II (PE)

is a 10 (consecutive) school day teaching and learning experience, framed by explicit guidelines, that focus on key learning experiences and graduated responsibilities related to professional teaching. It may include both observation periods and initial teaching experiences.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, interns follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
ED 401T
ED 403T Introductory Field Experience in the Primary and Elementary School III (PE)

is a 10 (consecutive) school day teaching and learning experience, framed by explicit guidelines, that focus on key learning experiences and graduated responsibilities related to professional teaching. It may include both observation periods and initial teaching experiences.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, interns follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
ED 402T
ED 403X Internship in Music Education (ME)

(equivalent to 15 credit hours in Education) is a one semester internship in one or more schools to provide student teaching experiences in choral, classroom, and/or instrumental teaching contexts in primary, elementary, intermediate, and/or secondary schools settings.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, interns follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
students may not be placed in their first district of choice and may be assigned to another Provincial school district
ED 2500, ED 2515, ED 2520, ED 3920, ED 3925 and any additional requirements as outlined in the letter of acceptance to the music education program
ED 404T Extended Teaching Internship (PE)

is a 50 day teaching and learning experience, framed by explicit guidelines, designed to provide students an opportunity to integrate theory and practice in the school classroom. It includes both observation periods and extensive teaching experiences. The internship is intended to help students develop their individual style of teaching, to enable students to recognize the scope and complexity of a classroom teacher's roles and responsibilities, and to provide opportunities for the study of children as individuals and in groups, both in the classroom and other school settings.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, interns follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
students may not be placed in the first school of choice and may be assigned to another appropriate school
ED 403T and successful completion of semesters one to four of the Bachelor of Education (Primary/Elementary) as a Second Degree. Students must have successfully completed ED 4155 and ED 3050 to be assigned to a French Immersion classroom.
ED 406T Introductory Internship in the Intermediate and Secondary School (IS,ISI)

is a 10 (consecutive) school day teaching and learning experience, framed by explicit guidelines, that focuses on key learning experiences and graduated responsibilities related to professional teaching. It includes both observation periods and initial teaching experiences.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, interns follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
ED 407T Extended Internship in the Intermediate and Secondary School (IS,ISI)

is a 60 day teaching and learning experience, framed by explicit guidelines, that focuses on key learning experiences and graduated responsibilities related to professional teaching. It includes both observation periods and extensive teaching experiences.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, interns follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
the former ED 405X
Interns completing the Bachelor of Education (Intermediate/Secondary) Conjoint with the Diploma in Technology Education will be placed for part of the internship in a Technology Education classroom setting.
Education 406T. Interns wishing to complete an internship in French immersion must successfully complete Education 4154 and obtain the permission of the Office of Academic Programs. Normally, French immersion interns have the equivalent of a major in French and a minimum of two semesters in a French milieu.
ED 4100 Learners and Learning - Teachers and Teaching (ST)

is an integrative course providing students with collective and individual opportunities to critically explore and inquire into the phenomena of learning and teaching through psychological, sociological, and pedagogical lenses/frames. Students will consider their own emerging philosophies of learning and teaching in relation to current and ongoing fields of study research and within the contexts of their school field experiences.

ED 410T School Field Experience I (ST)

is a school field experience designed to assist students during Phase I to re-focus their perceptions and assumptions about teaching and learning. Students spend two field days per week in a partner school, for a total of 24 days.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, students follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
ED 4120 The Teaching and Learning of Art in the Intermediate and Secondary School (IS,ISI,ME)

introduces the rationales for teaching art and examines contemporary art teaching practices. Teacher candidates will examine their roles as artist-teacher and teacher-artist, as well as explore learning in and through art. Topics include curriculum implementation; instructional planning; managing the learning environment; assessment and evaluation; safety; arts advocacy; and visual, artistic and technological literacies.

ED 4121 The Teaching and Learning of Theatre Arts in the Intermediate and Secondary School (IS,ISI,ME)

engages teacher candidates in developing their role as theatre artist/teacher. Topics include: beliefs informing the practice of theatre arts in the context of school; related pedagogies and educational practices in dialogue with the art form of drama; process drama and theatre education, an interdependent relationship; implementation planning strategies; communication style and facilitative language.

ED 4142 The Teaching and Learning of the English Language Arts in the Intermediate and Secondary School (IS,ISI,ME)

draws on research in the teaching and learning of English/language and literacy to prepare teacher candidates to develop engaging, differentiated experiences for students. Topics include: curriculum; the nature and structure of language and literature programs; test analysis, response and critique; writing and representing genres in multimodal and linguistic; media literacy forms; and oracy.

ED 4151 Advanced French Methodology (IS,ISI,NS)

- inactive course.

ED 4154 The Teaching and Learning of French in the Intermediate and Secondary School (IS,ISI,ME)

provides an introduction to the nature and purpose of French programs in Canada. Topics include: an overview of the purpose of core French and French immersion; theories and principles of second-language teaching and learning; methods; techniques, strategies and characteristics of effective planning and assessment in second-language teaching.

this course will be taught in French
ED 4155 Introduction to Teaching in French Immersion in the Primary and Elementary Grades (ME,PE)

is an overview of the development of French Immersion programs and an examination of current models for organization and instruction of French at the primary and elementary levels. This course will focus on methods and strategies for content-based teaching in immersion, integrating the formal aspects of French language teaching into content-based teaching and integrating culture, strategy training and language awareness into immersion curricula. Additional topics will include assessment of/for learning and effective technology integration in French Immersion.

this course will be taught in French
acceptance to the French Immersion Option or permission of the Office of Academic Programs
ED 4161 The Teaching and Learning of Mathematics in the Intermediate and Secondary School (IS,ISI,ME)

introduces teacher candidates to the principles, dispositions, and skills necessary to teach mathematics. Topics include: the nature of mathematical knowledge, learning principles, mathematics pedagogy, curriculum, instructional planning, and evaluation in mathematics.

ED 4174 The Teaching and Learning of Science in the Intermediate and Secondary School I (IS,ISI)

provides a context for teacher candidates to develop the knowledge, abilities, and dispositions to provide learners with the opportunity to develop multidimensional scientific literacy. Topics include: assessment and instruction, controversial issues in Science, curriculum planning, differentiating instruction in science, inquiry, information and communication technologies in science, learning theories, multicultural science education, scientific literacy, science-technology-society-environment, and student naive and alternative conceptions.

the former ED 4170, the former ED 4171, the former ED 4270, the former ED 4271
two hours per week
WHMIS training. Information can be obtained from the Office of Academic Programs, Faculty of Education.
ED 4175 The Teaching and Learning of Science in the Intermediate and Secondary School II (IS)

provides a context for teacher candidates to develop a greater understanding of the nature of scientific knowledge and how it is generated, explore the rationale(s) for the inclusion of the nature of science as a goal of scientific literacy, analyse research that reports on teachers’ and students’ views about the nature of science, and examine the potential of a range of pedagogical approaches for helping all learners in science develop a greater understanding of the nature of science. Topics include: philosophy, history, and sociology of science; the nature of science (definitions and beliefs); and the nature of science in the classroom.

ED 4174
ED 4180 The Teaching and Learning of Social Studies in the Intermediate and Secondary School I (IS,ISI,ME)

examines the theory and practice of social studies education. Teacher candidates will investigate ways of applying the principles of effective teaching and learning in the social studies classroom. Topics include: the nature and purpose of social studies education, specific teaching strategies, and instructional planning and evaluation.

ED 4181 The Teaching and Learning of Social Studies in the Intermediate and Secondary School II (IS)

examines the separate disciplines of social studies. Topics include: the evolution and nature of social studies education, current issues and trends in the area and various teaching strategies and assessment techniques appropriate to the discipline.

ED 4180
ED 4190 The Teaching and Learning of Physical Education in the Intermediate and Secondary School (IS,ISI,ME)

applies the principles of effective teaching to the teaching and learning of physical education. Topics include the nature and purpose of physical education, an examination of the physical education curriculum, an analysis of quality daily physical education, approaches to teaching physical education, and evaluation of progress in physical education.

two hours per week supervised practice teaching on-campus and/or in a school setting
ED 4200 Curriculum Content and Curriculum Contexts I (ST)

is designed to engage students in exploring, understanding, and applying theoretical foundations of curriculum and instruction practices specific to primary and elementary education learners, with attention to the political, social, and cultural contexts in which said curriculum content is enacted. Students will utilize sustained inquiry regarding the curricular core - literacy and numeracy - while including attention to each primary/elementary subject discipline.

ED 4203 The Teaching and Learning of Religious Education in the Intermediate and Secondary School (IS,ME)

applies the principles of effective teaching to the teaching and learning of religious education. Topics include formulating objectives, examining theories of faith and moral development, selecting and using resources, and evaluating learning.

ED 4205 Religious Education in Primary and Elementary Grades (ME,PE)

is an introductory study of aims and objectives, subject matter, curriculum materials, teaching methods, learning experiences, and evaluation for Religious Education courses.

the former ED 2080
ED 4206 Teaching Religious Education in the Primary and Elementary Grades (PE)

is an introductory study of objectives, subject matter, curriculum materials, teaching methods and evaluation for primary/elementary Religious Education courses when teaching/learning from a multi-faith perspective in a pluralistic society.

ED 420T School Field Experience II (ST)

is a second school field experience, integrated with coursework that is focused on inquiry into curriculum, teaching, and learning. Students spend two field days per week, in addition to one full week at the end of this Phase, for a total of 27 days.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, students follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
ED 4240 An Introduction to the Exceptional Learner (IS,ISI,ME,PE)

is an introduction to the nature of exceptionality in the student. Topics include an examination of special needs resulting from exceptionality, approaches to meeting the special needs, issues of exceptionality, and a consideration of selected categories of exceptionality.

the former ED 3220, the former 3230, the former ED 4902
ED 4242 Identification and Remediation of Learning Difficulties (IS,ISI,PE)

examines the identification processes and remediation techniques appropriate for dealing with student learning difficulties. Topics include identification of learning difficulties, the process of program planning, and the application of teaching and learning strategies to specific subject areas.

ED 4240 or the former 3220 or 3230
ED 4260 Engaging the Adolescent Learner (IS,ISI,ME)

considers the unique learning contexts and characteristics of learners through the span of adolescence, from early adolescence to young adulthood. It focuses on the intersection of psychological aspects of adolescence with biological, social and cultural, as well as cognitive and affective aspects in order to understand, to engage, and to effectively teach the adolescent learner. The implications of these unique periods for creating effective teaching and learning environments in both intermediate and secondary classrooms will be considered.

ED 4300-4319 Special Topics Courses in Primary/Elementary (PE)

will have topics to be offered announced by the Faculty of Education.

ED 4350 Reading in the Content Areas (IS,ISI)

examines the nature of reading in subject-specific areas such as history, biology, and mathematics. Topics include the role of the teacher in the teaching of content in different areas, evaluating vocabulary, grammar, usage and text structure for instruction, and analysing the variety of strategies for reading, writing and studying.

ED 4362 Sociological Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (ME,PE)

is an examination of such social issues in education as poverty, child abuse, gender, ethnicity, and changes in the society and their implications for the nature and process of schooling. A study of social dimensions of education, including the content of education and the organization of teaching and learning. An analysis of students' experiences in the internship with regard to the above and other aspects of education the students might identify.

the former ED 4360
completion of the Professional Year
ED 4381 Perspectives on Education (IS,ISI,ME,PE)

examines educational theory, practice and policy from the disciplinary perspectives of philosophy, sociology, history and/or comparative education. Its aim is to foster an appreciation of the intrinsic value of these specific forms of inquiry as contributions to contemporary understanding of educational enterprise. Topics include: ethical and epistemological considerations related to areas such as critical pedagogy, equal educational opportunity, educational reform, change and social justice.

ED 4383 Philosophy of Teaching and Learning (ME,PE)

examines a number of central philosophical concepts, assumptions and issues involved in the pursuit of teaching and learning in the schools. The aim of the course is to provide students with an understanding of the distinctive character of philosophical analysis as a reflective and critical practice that intends to promote professional excellence and personal well-being.

the former ED 4380
completion of the Professional Year
ED 4390 Diversity, Social Justice, Teaching and Learning (IS,ISI)

examines the intersection of multiple and inter-related forms of social and cultural diversity such as those related to social class, ethnicity, gender, ability, place, and sexual identity. The course explores ways to create more effective equitable learning environments through renewed, culturally responsive and respectful policy; critical, reflective and anti-discriminatory teaching; and more inclusive, socially critical curriculum.

ED 4391 Social Justice, Equity and Education: An Introduction (PE)

offers students an introduction to concepts and issues of social justice and equity as they relate to school and classroom culture and effective teaching and learning. Students will examine the basis of social inequity and its effects in education locally and worldwide, explore meanings of social justice and determine its importance as an educational priority, and review and develop curriculum, pedagogy and policies to build more equitable and just classrooms and school communities.

ED 4400 Curriculum Content and Curriculum Contexts II (ST)

is designed to provide students with critical opportunities to inquire into what it means to teach knowledgeably and well, and to explore the relationships between curriculum knowledge, pedagogic practices, and understandings of student learning.

ED 440T School Field Experience III (ST)

is a 50 day teaching and learning experience, spanning twelve weeks during Phase III. Students will gradually progress to assuming near full responsibility for all aspects of classroom teaching and learning. The experience is supported through integrated coursework designed to complement and enhance the field experience.

Attendance is required. With respect to holidays, students follow the schedule of the school and not that of the University.
ED 4420 Legal and Moral Issues in Education (PE)

examines educational law and sources of conventional morality for the purpose of clarifying individual stances on legal and moral issues. Topics include the nature and theoretical bases of law and morality in education, the legal foundations of the Canadian education system, the legal and moral rights and responsibilities of teachers and students, and teacher liability.

ED 4425 Introduction to Educational Administration (PE)

is an examination of the roles of various levels of government in Education; theories of administration; management as it relates to curriculum, organization, personnel, finance, and communication; and their implications for teachers in the Newfoundland context.

the former Education 2410
completion of the Professional Year
ED 4427 Professional Leading and Learning in the School Organization (IS,ISI,PE)

explores the theory and practice of school organization and its effect on teaching and learning and provide opportunities for teacher candidates to become reflective learners and teacher leaders. Topics include: parents and families, communities and schools; law and education; resources in education; policy and politics; teacher leadership, school and system administration; and the teaching profession.

ED 4425
ED 4500 Integration: Diversity and Identity (ST)

provides an opportunity for students to integrate the theoretical and practical understandings from the previous three phases and explore what it means to be ethically and culturally responsive to students and their communities while becoming a confident STEM educator.

ED 4505 Transition Planning for Adolescents with Intellectual Disabilities (SE)

focuses on the application of educational procedures relevant to successful post-secondary education, employment and community integration of adolescents and young adults with mild and moderate developmental disabilities. Appropriate senior high programming, life skills development, use of assistive technology and resource materials necessary for transition planning for this population will be reviewed.

ED 3610
ED 3610
ED 4510 Inclusive Practices for Students with Mild Intellectual Disabilities (SE)

gives consideration to the establishment of objectives; selection, development and review of materials; the use of various instructional strategies; assistive technology and the provision of appropriate experiences for the education of students with mild intellectual disabilities.

ED 3610
ED 3610
ED 4515 Inclusive Practices for Students with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities (SE)

focuses on inclusive educational practices for students with moderate intellectual disabilities. Emphasis will be placed on the development, implementation and management of a well-balanced individualized curriculum as articulated in an individual educational plan. Students will be expected to demonstrate fluency in the design of effective instructional strategies, including the use of assistive technology to maximize student’s individual strengths across a variety of environments.

ED 3610
ED 3610
ED 4520 Inclusive Practices for Students with Behavioural Challenges (SE)

examines programs and strategies for students with behavioural issues. These will include counseling skills, case conferences, structured learning environments, use of assistive technology and therapeutic interventions for specific behaviour problems. In addition, consideration will be given to collaboration with mental health practitioners and procedures to develop readiness for return to regular instructional programs.

ED 3620
ED 3620
ED 4530 Inclusive Practices for Students with Learning Disabilities (SE)

investigates specific teaching methods, use of assistive technology and programming practices as they pertain to reading, writing, language, mathematics, social skills, and metacognitive skills for students with identified learning disabilities.

the former ED 3630
the former ED 3630
ED 4531 Specific Learning Disorders

(same as the former ED 3630) examines our theoretical understanding of the nature and characteristics of specific learning disorders. It discusses contemporary understandings and current research and relates such information to practice. It investigates specific teaching methods, use of assistive technology and instructional technology, and programming practices as they pertain to reading, writing, mathematics, social skills, and metacognitive skills for students with identified specific learning disorders.

the former ED 3231, the former ED 3630
ED 4240 or the former ED 3220 or ED 3230
ED 4540 Inclusive Practices for Students with Speech/Language Disorders (SE)

examines theoretically sound and research-based methods for the identification and remediation of speech and language concerns in children and adolescents. Topics include typical language development; nature of developmental concerns for both speech (articulation, voice and fluency) and language (receptive, expressive and phonetic awareness); social use of language; and use of assistive technology. Particular focus will be placed on current interventions/strategies and programs/models. The course is aimed at supporting teachers in developing effective individualized programs.

ED 4541 Communication for the Deaf

- inactive course.

ED 4600 Community Field Experience (ST)

is designed to complement on-campus course work, particularly ED 4200, and to enhance student field experience. This four week placement is designed to enrich student understanding of their professional identity and responsibility in a broader context.

Attendance is required. With respect to statutory holidays, students follow the schedule at their workplace settings and not that of the University.
ED 4610 The Nature and Management of Stress (PE)

studies the nature of stress as it is manifested in the teacher and the teaching profession, and provides approaches to coping effectively with the factors which are related to that stress. Topics include the nature of the human stress response, causes and symptoms of stress (personal and professional), self-assessment techniques, and a selection of approaches available to cope with the stress typically related to the roles and expectancies of teaching.

ED 4620-4639 Institutes in Intermediate and Secondary Education (IS)

will have topics announced by the Faculty of Education. These institutes may follow a schedule that falls outside of the normal teaching semester.

ED 4640-4659 Institutes in Intermediate and Secondary Education (IS)

will have topics announced by the Faculty of Education. These institutes may follow a schedule that falls outside of the normal teaching semester.

ED 4660-4680 Institutes in the Bachelor of Education (Primary/Elementary) as a Second Degree Conjoint with Certificate in STEM Education (ST)

will have topics announced by the Faculty of Education. These institutes may follow a schedule that falls outside of the normal teaching semester.

ED 4690-4699 Institutes in the Bachelor of Education (Primary/Elementary) as a Second Degree Conjoint with Certificate in STEM Education (ST)

will have topics announced by the Faculty of Education. These institutes may follow a schedule that falls outside of the normal teaching semester.

ED 4710 Recurring Issues in Post-Secondary Education (PS)

identifies, analyses, and discusses major issues, practices and problems in Post-Secondary Education provincially, nationally, and internationally.

ED 2710, ED 2720, and ED 2730
ED 4730 Educational Programs and Practices in Industry and Labour (AL,PS)

is a study of the various Post-Secondary Education programs operated either wholly by industry and labour or jointly with educational institutions; apprenticeship, work experience and study programs, co-operative education, training-in-industry, training on-the-job, supervisory training, and management development.

ED 2710, ED 2720, and ED 2730
ED 4735 Practicum in Adult and Post-Secondary Education (AL, PS)

is comprised of on-the-job supervised instructional activities designed to allow for the implementation of concepts, theory and principles of teaching, learning and curriculum in an adult and post-secondary education setting.

the former ED 4450 and the former ED 4700
ED 2700, ED 2710, ED 2730, ED 2740, ED 3280 or equivalent as determined by the Office of Academic Programs.
ED 4750 Teaching Design and Materials Processing II (ISI)

provides students with opportunities to examine current teaching and learning strategies applicable to technology education programs. The course will focus on advanced design and materials processing and fabrication using modern digital manufacturing equipment. Topics include: design, fabrication, and assembly processing, within the application of a design process and portfolio development.

attendance is required
WHMIS training. Information can be obtained from the Office of Academic Programs.
ED 4752 Teaching Robotics Systems (ISI)

is designed to provide students with an understanding of key concepts in robotic development and control applications. Students will complete practical activities that promote development of the skills necessary to deliver a comprehensive program in this area of study. Topics include: the study of electrical energy, analog and digital electronics; fabrication techniques; object oriented/event driven programming; and wireless robotic control over Internet Protocol (IP).

attendance is required
WHMlS training. Information can be obtained from the Office of Academic Programs.
ED 4754 Teaching Construction Technology Systems (ISI)

will provide students opportunities to apply current teaching and learning strategies within the technology education laboratory environment in relation to a selection of skilled trades. Students will examine labour trends that are impacting on society’s ability to expand and maintain today’s infrastructure. The course features hands-on, practical learning experiences, to support the concepts that have been theoretically discussed in class.

attendance is required
WHMlS training. Information can be obtained from the Office of Academic Programs.
ED 4760-4780 Advanced Specialized Post-Secondary Education Technologies (PS)

examines the theory and practice of selected advanced specialized Post-Secondary Education technical skills and their application to the laboratory, workshop and business office. Emphasis will be placed on innovative and emerging techniques in selected areas of business, industry, and the service occupations.

ED 4830 Music Education Seminar (ME)

examines, through inquiry, reflection and synthesis, the foundations of music education common to all levels and contexts of school music. The focus is the bridging of theory, philosophy, and practice in music education. Topics include current issues; challenges and opportunities in music education(provincial, national, and international); interdisciplinary and integrated arts education; cultural pedagogy, diversity, and social justice in education; and teacher professional development. Additional modules will be designed to meet teacher candidates' needs and interests.

ED 4901 Effective Teaching Strategies for Multi-grade/Multi-age Classrooms (PE)

begins with a critical examination of traditional approaches to multi-grading. The main focus of the course will be to introduce teachers to the potential of adopting a multi-age approach in small schools which have of necessity grouped children of more than one age group and grade level together for instruction. This course will also examine the implications of implementing a philosophy of multi-age pedagogy in the primary, elementary and intermediate grades (K-9).

ED 4950 Assessment for Learning (IS,ISI)

introduces the theory and practice of evaluation and assessment in educational settings. Topics include the nature of classroom assessment; production, administration and evaluation of teacher-made tests and other assessment tools; product and performance assessment; grading and reporting communication of evaluation information; and the analysis and application of assessment data to instructional planning and the improvement of teaching.

the former ED 4912
ED 4970-4980 Special Topics Courses in Intermediate/Secondary (IS)

will have topics announced by the Faculty of Education.

ED 5000 The Teacher Development Seminar (IS,ISI)

provides teacher candidates with an opportunity to frame, conceptualize and articulate educational issues; (re)consider the purposes of education; reflect on teaching and learning; and develop and display artifacts that document learning, professional knowledge and practice, and teacher identity. Teacher candidates are expected to participate in a series of critical reflective seminars and workshops, and to create an electronic portfolio (e-portfolio). Topics include: critical reflection, professionalism and ethics in teaching, and teacher identity.

attendance is required
seminars, workshops and other professional development sessions
ED 5001 The Teacher Development Seminar for Primary/Elementary (PE)

provides teacher candidates with an opportunity to frame, conceptualize and articulate educational issues; (re)consider the purposes of education; reflect on teaching and learning; and develop and display artifacts that document learning, professional knowledge and practice, and teacher identity. Teacher candidates are expected to participate in a series of critical reflective seminars and workshops, and to create an electronic portfolio (e-portfolio). Topics include: critical reflection, professionalism and teacher identity, educational technology, social/emotional/mental health and student and school safety.

attendance is required
seminars, workshops and other professional development sessions

AR = Attendance requirement as noted.

CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours.

CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described.

CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted.

LH = Laboratory hours per week.

OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars.

PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described.

UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.