The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

4.7 Work Terms

The Faculty of Business Administration work term registration, grading, and tuition fee charges and payments are governed by the UNIVERSITY REGULATIONS in this Calendar and those outlined below. The Faculty of Business Administration work term placement and opt-outs, conduct, and evaluation are governed by the Business Co-operative Education Handbook.

4.7.1 General Information

  • A competition for work term employment is organized by the Co-operative Education Office of the Faculty.

  • The Co-operative Education Office of the Faculty is responsible for the general management of work term requirements, and the on-going development of employment opportunities, for arranging student-employer interviews, for counselling of students, for monitoring students on their work terms, and for the evaluation of the work terms.

  • Students and employers are matched through the job competition process. Placement is not guaranteed, but every effort is made to ensure that appropriate employment opportunities are available.

  • Students may obtain their own work term jobs outside the competition. Such jobs must be confirmed by letter from the employer and approved by the Co-operative Education Office of the Faculty on or before the first day of the work period.

  • Students in the Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative) program give permission to prospective employers, in the course of the placement process, to have access to their academic records, which contain their academic grades and their work term evaluations.

  • After accepting a position, a student may not withdraw from a specific co-operative work term situation unless prior permission is obtained from the Committee on Undergraduate Studies. Students should consult the Business Co-operative Education Handbook for more information.

  • In the case of a student who is required to withdraw from the Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative) program, the Co-operative Education Office of the Faculty has no responsibility for placement unless the student has been readmitted to the program.

4.7.2 Evaluation of Work Terms

Two components are considered in work term evaluation: on-the-job performance and the work term report/communication component. Each component is evaluated separately.

  • The overall evaluation of work terms will result in the assignment of one of the following letter grades: PWD (pass with distinction), PAS (pass) or FAL (fail). Further information is available in the Business Co-operative Education Handbook.

  • A work report on a topic approved by the Co-operative Education Office of the Faculty must be submitted for Work Terms 1 and 2. An oral presentation and executive summary must be completed for Work Term 3. The communications component must be approved by the employer and submitted to the Co-operative Education Office of the Faculty on or before the deadline scheduled by Co-operative Education Office of the Faculty. Late reports will not be graded unless prior permission for a late report has been given by Co-operative Education Office of the Faculty.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.