The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

11.1 Work Terms and Non-Credit

BUSI 200W Business Professional Development Seminar 1

is an online seminar that encourages students to recognize, foster and apply their interests and strengths towards the selection and achievement of their career and educational goals. Students will develop skills relevant to professional standards worldwide, providing them a first step towards their professional ambitions. This seminar is mandatory, non-credit with a PAS/FAL marking scheme, and will be recorded on the student's transcript.

admission into the Bachelor of Commerce or the Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative) program, successful completion of at least 48 credit hours
BUSI 300W Business Co-operative Education Seminars

exposes students to both theoretical and practical aspects of co-operative education in general and the work term in specific prior to the first work term. The seminars will utilize a combination of lectures, workshops, guest speakers, panel discussions, and practical exercises to prepare students for their work terms. This course will be evaluated as PAS or FAL based on attendance, participation, and assignments. This seminar is mandatory, non-credit with a PAS/FAL marking scheme, and will be recorded on the student's transcript.

attendance is required
as scheduled
admission to the Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative) program
BUSI 399W Work Term 1

follows the successful completion of Academic Term 3. Students have the opportunity to learn, develop and practice the high standards of behaviour and performance expected in the work environment. In addition to the work experience, students are required to complete a work report that will demonstrate an understanding of the structure of a professional report, and show developing competence in written communication skills. Students should consult the Business Co-operative Education handbook for more information.

BUSI 400W Business Professional Development Seminar 2

is an online seminar designed for students who are further along within their program and focuses more on individual skill development than BUSI 200W. Resume building and enhancement remains an important component, but there are also further opportunities to explore more specific topics and areas. This seminar is mandatory, non-credit with a PAS/FAL marking scheme, and will be recorded on the student's transcript.

as scheduled
BUSI 200W, BUSI 2012, admission into the Bachelor of Commerce or the Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative) program, successful completion of at least 75 credit hours
BUSI 499W Work Term 2

follows the successful completion of Academic Term 4. Students should develop and expand their professional knowledge and skills, demonstrating the ability to accept increased responsibility in the workplace. In addition to the work experience, students demonstrate competence in written communication skills through completing a professional work report which demonstrates an understanding of business concepts relative to the student's academic background. Students should consult the Business Co-operative Education handbook for more information.

BUSI 500W Business Professional Development Seminar 3

is an online seminar that focuses on preparing students for life after the completion of their undergraduate program. Students in this course will develop self-reflective learning skills through the creation of a professional portfolio. They will demonstrate how their academic experience directly applies to the next stage of their career plan and how to effectively articulate those experiences for the intended audiences. This seminar is mandatory, non-credit with a PAS/ FAL marking scheme, and will be recorded on the student's transcript.

as scheduled
BUSI 400W, admission into the Bachelor of Commerce or the Bachelor of Commerce (Co-operative) program, successful completion of at least 90 credit hours
BUSI 599W Work Term 3

follows the successful completion of Academic Term 5. Students should have sufficient academic and work experience to contribute to the management and problem-solving processes needed and practiced in the workplace. In addition to the work experience, students must complete a communications component that demonstrates a high level of competency in professional communications, through preparing an executive summary and delivering a formal oral presentation. Students should consult the Business Co-operative Education handbook for more information.


AR = Attendance requirement as noted.

CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours.

CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described.

CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted.

LH = Laboratory hours per week.

OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars.

PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described.

UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.