The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

44.7.1 Program of Study

The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Chemistry is offered as full-time or part-time study. A Master's Degree in Chemistry or related area from a recognized university is normally required for entry into the Ph.D. program. Students holding a Bachelor's Degree (Honours or equivalent) in Chemistry may be considered for direct admission into the Ph.D. program. Students currently registered in the Memorial University of Newfoundland's Chemistry M.Sc. program for a minimum of three semesters may request transfer into a Ph.D. program. The transfer should be supported by the Supervisor and the Supervisory Committee and subsequent to satisfactory presentation of a written progress report and Ph.D. research proposal.

  1. Upon recommendation of their supervisor, students will write American Chemical Society (ACS) placement test(s) in the first two weeks of their initial semester of registration in order to determine an appropriate course program.

  2. Students will be assigned a Supervisory Committee consisting of the Supervisor and at least two other appropriate faculty members appointed by the Dean on recommendation of the Chemistry Deputy Head (Graduate Studies).

  3. The program of a student must be arranged by the Supervisor in consultation with the Supervisory Committee and the student before the second semester of registration. It is the responsibility of the Supervisory Committee to meet at least annually with the student, to provide guidance at all stages of the student's program, and, in consultation with the student, to prepare annual written progress reports for submission to the Dean of Graduate Studies.

  4. Students holding a Master's Degree from a recognized university are normally required to successfully complete a minimum of 6 credit hours of graduate Chemistry courses with a minimum grade of 'B' and to present a seminar describing the student's research (Chemistry 6003). Courses taken towards a Master's Degree may not be repeated. students not holding a Master's Degree must successfully complete at least 12 credit hours of graduate Chemistry courses with a minimum grade of 'B' in addition to Chemistry 6003.

  5. Students are required to attend Departmental seminars.

  6. Students must pass a comprehensive examination, as described in the General Regulations, according to one of the following descriptions:

    1. A three-hour written part covering topics in Organic Chemistry, and, subsequent to the written examination at the discretion of the comprehensive examination committee, an oral exam designed to explore areas of perceived deficiency.

    2. A paper on a research topic selected by the student in consultation with the student's supervisor and the examination committee, and subsequently, an oral examination designed to explore general areas of Analytical, Inorganic and/or Physical Chemistry and areas of chemistry related to the research topic.

  7. Students must submit and successfully defend a thesis deemed acceptable by two internal and one external examiner as outlined in the General Regulations.

44.7.2 Courses

  • 6002 Doctoral Seminar
  • 6003 Doctoral Research Seminar
  • 6110 Analytical Chemistry II
  • 6150 Advanced Spectroscopic Techniques
  • 6151 Analytical Separations and Organic Mass Spectrometry
  • 6152 Electroanalytical Techniques
  • 6153 Techniques in Sampling, Trace Analysis and Chemometrics
  • 6154 Business Management and Good Laboratory Practice
  • 6155 Computers in Instrumental Analysis and Basic Electronics (same as Med 6070)
  • 6156 Analytical Method Development and Sampling
  • 6160 Laboratory Projects in Sampling, Electroanalysis and Trace Analysis
  • 6161 Laboratory Projects in Analytical Separations and Spectroscopic Techniques
  • 6190-9 Selected Topics in Analytical Chemistry
  • 6201 Bioinorganic Chemistry
  • 6202 Main Group Chemistry
  • 6204 Mechanisms in Catalysis
  • 6205 Photochemistry of Transition Metal Complexes
  • 6206 Green Chemistry
  • 6210 Organometallic Chemistry
  • 6290-9 Selected Topics in Inorganic Chemistry
  • 6300 Quantum Chemistry I
  • 6301 Quantum Chemistry II
  • 6302 Molecular Spectroscopy
  • 6304 Computational Chemistry I
  • 6310 Electronic Structure Theory
  • 6323 Chemical Thermodynamics I
  • 6324 Chemical Thermodynamics II
  • 6340 Biophysical Chemistry
  • 6350 Electrochemical Kinetics
  • 6360 Solid State Chemistry
  • 6370 Nanoscale Phenomena
  • 6380 Adsorption on Surfaces
  • 6381 Surface and Interface Science
  • 6382-9 Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry
  • 6390-8 Selected Topics in Physical Chemistry
  • 6399 Chemical Kinetics and Dynamics
  • 6401 Organic Spectroscopic Analysis I
  • 6402 Organic Spectroscopic Analysis II
  • 6421 Natural Products Chemistry
  • 6460 Organic Synthesis
  • 6470 Physical Organic Chemistry
  • 6490-9 Selected Topics in Organic Chemistry
  • 6590-9 Selected Topics in Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
  • 6600 Applications of Inorganic and Organometallic Chemistry to Toxicology
  • 6620 Environmental Chemistry

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.