The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

44.30 Medicine

The Faculty of Medicine offers the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in seven program areas: Bioscience of Health and Disease, Cardiovascular and Renal Sciences, Clinical Epidemiology, Community Health, Human Genetics, Immunology and Infectious Diseases and Neurosciences. Each program area has a Co-ordinator who is responsible for communicating the interests of the program to the Faculty of Medicine Graduate Studies Committee and participate in the admission of graduate students into the graduate program in Medicine. The Faculty of Medicine also offers the opportunity for students registered in the Doctor of Medicine (M.D.) program to obtain a Ph.D. in a combined and integrated M.D.-Ph.D. program.

44.30.1 Qualifications for Admission

The admission requirements for the Ph.D. are as given under the General Regulations governing Ph.D. degrees.

44.30.2 Program of Study and Research

  1. The program of study for a Ph.D. Degree is the responsibility of the supervisory committee composed of a Supervisor and at least two other faculty members.

  2. It is the responsibility of the supervisory committee to meet regularly (at least annually) with the student and to provide guidance at all stages of the student's program. An annual report prepared by the Supervisor and signed by the student and all members of the committee is required to be submitted to the Assistant Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (Medicine).

  3. Graduate Students are expected to participate in Faculty of Medicine seminars and journal clubs, for some of the program areas these are available as required courses.

  4. Course requirements are set by each of the program areas and are described under Program Requirements. Some supervisory committees may require some students to successfully complete specified course work.

  5. Graduate Students in the Ph.D. degree are required to successfully complete the comprehensive examination before the end of the seventh semester. The comprehensive examination consists of both written and oral components and is in accordance with the General Regulations governing Ph.D. degrees.

  6. Graduate students in the Ph.D. degree must complete an original piece of research, a written dissertation which must be successfully defended in an oral examination in accordance with the General Regulations governing Ph.D. degrees. Program Areas

  1. Bioscience of Health and Disease

    1. The graduate program in Bioscience of Health and Disease offers study in fundamental cell and molecular biological areas including cancer biology and genomics, cellular growth and differentiation mechanisms, developmental biology, skeletal biology, stem cell biology, visual science, and biomedical imaging and spectroscopy.

    2. Program Requirements: Students are required to participate in the Bioscience of Health and Disease Ph.D. Seminar Series (MED 6410, 6411, 6412, and 6413). Other courses may be recommended for individual programs of study.

  2. Cardiovascular and Renal Sciences

    1. The graduate program in Cardiovascular and Renal Sciences enables students to pursue research and academic studies in selected topics including hypertension and stroke, neural and endothelial control of vasculature and blood pressure as well as physiological mechanisms promoting heart failure.

    2. Program Requirements: Students are required to successfully complete MED 6140 if this course has not been previously taken. Students are required to present their thesis research to the Cardiovascular and Renal Sciences group.

  3. Clinical Epidemiology

    1. The program in Clinical Epidemiology is aimed at university graduates intending a career in health services, faculty members seeking advanced training in clinical epidemiology, medical doctors, and other health care professionals interested in health research.

    2. Program Requirements: Students are required to successfully complete the following courses if they have not been previously completed: MED 6262, MED 6250, MED 6255, and MED 6260 plus a minimum of one elective. Electives are normally chosen from MED 6095, MED 6263 and MED 6265 or as recommended by the supervisory committee and approved by the Coordinator. Students are required to take the Ph.D. Seminar Series (MED 6410, 6411, 6412, 6413). MED 6250 and MED 6262 are normally completed in the Fall semester. MED 6255 and MED 6260 are normally completed In the Winter semester. The supervisory committee, with the approval of the Coordinator, can recommend an alternate program of study. Students are expected to give an oral presentation or course lecture in each year of their program.

  4. Community Health

    1. The graduate program in Community Health enables students to pursue research and academic studies in selected topics. Students may specialize in one of the following three streams: epidemiology and biostatistics; health services and policy research; or social justice and equity in health.

    2. Program Requirements: Coursework as defined by the Supervisory Committee and this would normally include the Ph.D. Seminar Series (MED 6410, 6411, 6412, 6413).

  5. Human Genetics & Genomics

    1. The graduate program in Human Genetics & Genomics provides opportunities to pursue academic studies and research in a number of key areas including Mendelian and complex traits with a variety of approaches including molecular genetics, genomics and other omics applications, animal models, bioinformatics, genetic epidemiology, and population genetics. Our research is interdisciplinary with unique opportunities to apply skills to work with regional genetic isolates, as well as other populations, to explore the genetic and non-genetic determinants of health and diseases of global significance. Faculty members from all three divisions of the Faculty of Medicine (BioMedical Sciences, Community Health and Humanities, and the Clinical Disciplines) participate in the program.

    2. Program Requirements: Students are required to take the Genetics Seminar Series (MED 6410, 6411, 6412, 6413).

  6. Immunology and Infectious Diseases

    1. The Immunology and Infectious Diseases group has an interdisciplinary character and consists of faculty from biomedical science. The graduate programs are designed to provide individualized training oriented towards basic research and a solid scientific background in the discipline of immunology and infectious diseases.

    2. Students are required to successfully complete two courses if they have not been previously completed. Students will choose one course from MED 6114, MED 6119, MED 6127, MED 6128, MED 6580, or any other graduate course approved by the student’s supervisory committee. Some students may be required to take additional courses depending upon their thesis topic. Students are required to attend, for credit, and participate in the Immunology and Infectious Diseases Seminar Series (MED 6410-6413).

  7. Neurosciences

    1. The Neuroscience Program offers graduate studies in an interdisciplinary setting with the core faculty in the Division of BioMedical Sciences. Graduate students may pursue research in a number of specialty areas including the physiological basis of learning and memory, stroke and neuroplasticity, neuroregeneration, signal transduction mechanisms, neuronal circuitry, neuroimmunology, and membrane physiology.

    2. Program Requirements: Normally students in the Ph.D. program are required to complete two graduate level courses in Neuroscience, one of which is to be Systems Neuroscience (MED 6196). Course selection is made on the recommendation and advice of the supervisory committee. Students are expected to attend and participate in the activities of the neuroscience group including the weekly seminar and journal club. Courses

For a list of courses offered by the Faculty of Medicine refer to Courses offered for the Master of Science in Medicine.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

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Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.