The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

44.28 Maritime Studies

The Degree of Doctor of Philosophy is offered in Maritime Studies to full-time and part-time students. These regulations must be read in conjunction with the General Regulations of the School of Graduate Studies of Memorial University of Newfoundland.

An Academic Advisory Committee will be appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies on the recommendation of the Vice-President (Marine Institute). This Committee will consist of an Academic Director as Chair, three members from the Marine Institute, and two members from other academic units of the University. Normally, all appointments will be for a period of three years.

44.28.1 Admission and Program of Study

  1. Admission into the Ph.D. program in Maritime Studies is normally restricted to applicants holding a Master’s degree or its equivalent with relevant background and core knowledge in, but not limited to, criminology or criminal justice, emergency management, engineering, human kinetics, maritime studies, psychology, or sociology.  Applicants are normally expected to have a 'B' in all course work completed for the Master’s degree. In exceptional circumstances, an applicant with a B.Sc. degree who has spent not less than 12 months in an M.Sc. degree program may be recommended for transfer into a Ph.D. program. For this transfer to be accepted, the applicant must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Supervisor and Supervisory Committee, their ability to pursue research at the doctoral level.

  2. Up to two seats per year are reserved for applicants of Indigenous ancestry who have met the admission requirements but are not in the top ranked candidates. Applicants wishing to be considered under this Clause must check the appropriate space provided on the application form and provide documentation of Indigenous ancestry.

  3. In addition to completing a thesis, normally containing three or more papers of original research, students will be required to meet the M.Sc. core course requirements for either the Safety: The Human Element option (MARI 6000, 6001, 6002 and 6003) or the Public Safety option (MARI 6000, 6002, 6003 and 6008) either directly or via equivalent courses from their previous M.Sc. program, and complete, at minimum, two additional courses relevant to the program. Depending on the student’s background, their Supervisor and Supervisory Committee may deem the student to be exempt from completing any or all of these courses.

  4. Within three months of the first registration in the Ph.D. degree program, the student will meet with their Supervisory Committee. It is the function of a Supervisory Committee to have regular meetings, at least annually, with its graduate student. A meeting report, signed by all members of the Supervisory Committee and student, must be given to the Academic Unit. A copy will be sent to the graduate student and to the Dean of Graduate Studies.

  5. At the first committee meeting, the Supervisory Committee shall discuss the student's program and will explore areas of weakness in the student’s knowledge, especially where these relate to the intended areas of research. The Supervisory Committee may require the student to take additional courses.

  6. The student and the Supervisory Committee will agree on a written thesis proposal outlining the objectives, methods, timetable, and funding for the project, and provide the proposal (signed by the student and the supervisory Committee) to the Head for inclusion in the student’s file. This proposal shall normally be submitted within 15 months of the first registration in the Ph.D. degree program and a minimum of three months prior to the Comprehensive Exam.

  7. The student will present a research seminar to the Academic Unit, normally by the end of the fourth semester following admission, to describe the research topic being investigated and the methodologies to be employed. This seminar provides an opportunity for the student to receive constructive input from the research community.

  8. Within the first eighteen months, students must successfully complete a Comprehensive Examination, following the General Regulations, Comprehensive Examinations, Ph.D. and Psy.D. Comprehensive Examination. The comprehensive examination will be an oral examination. Students should consult with the academic unit’s guidelines for further information and a detailed description of the content of the Comprehensive Examination.

  9. Theses shall conform with General Regulations, Theses and Reports of the School of Graduate Studies. As part of these regulations, all Ph.D. candidates are required to participate in a formal oral defense of their work.

44.28.2 Courses

  • MARI 6000 Introduction to Maritime Safety and Survival Research
  • MARI 6001 Statistics and Research Design for Maritime Studies
  • MARI 6002 Science Communication for Maritime Studies (may be offered in accelerated format)
  • MARI 6003 Human Factors in Safety and Survival (may be offered in accelerated format)
  • MARI 6004 Special Topics in Safety and Survival (Learning) (prerequisite: MARI 6000)
  • MARI 6005 Special Topics in Safety and Survival (Human Behavior) (prerequisite: MARI 6000
  • MARI 6006 Special Topics in Safety and Survival (Engineering Technology) (prerequisites: MARI 6000)
  • MARI 6007 Qualitative Methods
  • MARI 6008 Public Safety
  • MARI 6009 Special Topics in Public Safety (may be offered in accelerated format) (prerequisite: MARI 6000)

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.