The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

4.13 Termination of a Graduate Program

Grounds for termination of a graduate program are as follows:

    1. Failure to comply with the conditions of admission into a program, unless the conditions of admission have been changed with approval of the academic unit and the School of Graduate Studies;

    2. Failure to register in any semester by the final date for adding courses (see 3 Registration, Program Registration 1.);

    3. Failure to obtain the required grades in courses as stated in the appropriate degree regulations (see Evaluation);

    4. Failure in comprehensive examinations (see Comprehensive Examinations);

    5. Demonstrated lack of progress in a program supported by written documentation for thesis-based programs or lack of course registration for course-based programs;

    6. Recommendation of the Supervisory Committee (see Supervision);

    7. Failure of Thesis, Project, or Internship (see Theses and Reports);

    8. Academic misconduct as outlined under General Regulations, Academic Behaviour governing the School of Graduate Studies.

  1. The foregoing notwithstanding the University reserves the right to require students to discontinue their program or to deny them admission where, in the opinion of the Academic Council of the School of Graduate Studies, following appropriate professional consultation, there is a reasonable likelihood that a student's health or conduct could result in endangering the lives, health, or safety of other persons on campus or in settings related to the student's university studies.

  2. The foregoing notwithstanding, the School of Graduate Studies reserves the right to require students to discontinue their studies, or to deny them re-admission, where a student has been determined to have engaged in unprofessional conduct. The code of ethics of each profession will serve as the guideline as to what constitutes unprofessional conduct. However, should there not be any statements of what constitutes unprofessional conduct, the following standard will apply:

    Unprofessional Conduct: That conduct which involves a breach of the duties required by professional ethics.


  1. If the University or a School or Faculty requires a student to discontinue studies under any of the above clauses, that student must be advised in writing of the nature of the case against the student and must be advised of the right to appeal before the penalty imposed takes effect.

  2. Appeals against actions taken under Clause 2. should be directed to the Senate of the University. Any such appeal should be make in writing clearly stating the basis for the appeal and should be directed to the Secretary of Senate, c/o Office of the Registrar.

  3. Appeals against actions taken under Clause 3. should be directed to the Appeals Committee, School of Graduate Studies.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.