The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

13.30 Sociology

In accordance with Senate's Policy Regarding Inactive Courses, the course descriptions for courses which have not been offered in the previous three academic years and which are not scheduled to be offered in the current academic year have been removed from the following listing. For information about any of these inactive courses, please contact the Head of the Department.

Sociology 1000 is a prerequisite for all further Sociology courses except Sociology 2250 and those cross-listed with Anthropology. Credit is not given for both Sociology 1000 and the former Sociology 2000. Before taking 3000-level courses, students should have taken at least 6 credit hours in courses below the 3000 level. Courses at the 4000 level will normally be taken by students who have previously taken at least 9 credit hours in courses at the 3000 level.

The following courses, cross-listed with Anthropology and identified by the prefix "S/A", are also taught at the introductory level: 2200, 2210, 2220, 2230, 2240, 2260, 2270, 2280, and 2350. A minimum of two of these courses is prerequisite to further cross-listed courses. These courses are open to be taken as first courses or may be taken to follow up a Sociology introductory course.

Sociology courses are designated by SOCI.

SOCI 1000 Introduction to Sociology

(same as the former SOCI 2000) is an introduction to the concepts, principles, and topics of Sociology. This course is a prerequisite to most departmental courses.

the former SOCI 2000
SOCI 2100 Social Inequality

introduces the subject of social inequality and stratification, examines social inequality in historical perspective, reviews major theories about social inequality, and considers key social developments in contemporary societies in the area of social inequality.

SOCI 2120 Technology and Society

is an examination of the role of technology in society. Topics may include the emergence of modern technological society, the impact of new technologies on social organization and culture and the institutionalization of science and the production of scientific knowledge. The course also explores the ideological functions of science and technology in advanced industrial societies as well as the question of "the domination of nature".

SOCI 2200 Communities (S/A)

is an interdisciplinary examination of the concept of Community. Readings will include community studies from North America and Europe.

SOCI 2210 Communication and Culture (S/A)

is an examination of verbal and non-verbal systems of communication, and the influence of language on human cognition.

not applicable towards the Major or Minor in Anthropology
SOCI 2220 Labrador Society and Culture

is the sociology and anthropology of Labrador. The focus is on social and cultural aspects of contemporary Labrador.

SOCI 2230 Newfoundland Society and Culture (S/A)

(same as Folklore 2230) is the Sociology and Anthropology of the Island of Newfoundland. The focus is on social and cultural aspects of contemporary island Newfoundland.

Folklore 2230
not applicable towards the Major or Minor in Anthropology
SOCI 2240 Canadian Society and Culture (S/A)

is a descriptive and analytic approach to the development of Canadian society and culture.

not applicable towards the Major or Minor in Anthropology
SOCI 2250 Changing World

is sociological analysis of contemporary world issues and social problems.

SOCI 2260 War and Aggression (S/A)

is critical review of ethological, psychological and sociological approaches to the understanding of violence and organized aggression.

SOCI 2270 Families (S/A)

is a comparative and historical perspective on the family as a social institution, the range of variation in its structure and the determinants of its development.

SOCI 2417 The City (S/A)

examines urban life across space and time. Drawing from a variety of ethnographic contexts and theorizations of the city, we will explore the diverse ways in which people inhabit, experience, engage with, and imagine urban environments. Students will critically engage with a broad range of subjects, including how the built environment relates to social inequality, and more broadly what constitutes a city in the context of global flows and networks.


the former Sociology/Anthropology 2280, the former Sociology 2280, the former Anthropology 2280

SOCI 2610 Socialization

- inactive course.

SOCI 3040 Introduction to the Methods of Social Research

has as its' objectives (1) to introduce basic concepts underlying research in the social sciences, and (2) to make students familiar with some techniques that are useful in the analysis of a wide range of sociological data and that represent a good foundation for later study of more advanced techniques.

SOCI 3140 Social Movements (S/A)

examines the major social movements that have driven social changes related to gender equality, social justice, human rights, and the environment. The course asks why people become involved in social movements, and what factors contribute to movement success. The course also examines social movements’ use of mass media and new media technologies as tools for reaching the public and provoking social and cultural transformation.

not applicable towards the Major or Minor in Anthropology
SOCI 3150 Classical Social Theory

is an introduction to the work of major 19th- and early 20th-century social theorists including Marx, Durkheim, Weber and Freud.

SOCI 3160 Contemporary Social Theory

is an exploration of selected topics from issues in contemporary social theory, including theories of feminism, the state, the environment, culture, organization, and communication.

SOCI 3150
SOCI 3210 Persistence and Change in Rural Society (S/A)

assesses the social and cultural significance of the rural experience in the face of expanding urbanism. Topics may include (a) the nature of rural society in Canada, (b) similarities between Canadian and European rural society, c) utopian and anarchist movements in rural life, and (d) reaction of agricultural populations to external influence.

SOCI 3290 Deviance

is major sociological theories and methodological techniques central to the study of deviance and crime are outlined and evaluated. The distribution, attributes and explanations of a variety of forms of deviance are examined, which may include violence, sexual deviance, delinquency, addiction, mental disorder, theft, organized crime, political deviance and corporate deviance.

SOCI 3314 Gender and Society (S/A 3314)

is an examination of biological, psychological, social and cultural aspects of gender, with an emphasis upon contemporary directions of change in sex roles.

SOCI 3395 Criminal Justice and Corrections

provides an introduction to the operation of the Canadian criminal justice system. Topics to be examined may include the origin, nature and utilization of criminal law, policing, adult and juvenile courts, sentencing, correctional institutions, and community based corrections (probation, parole, community service). Criminal justice policy formulation and application are also discussed.

SOCI 3290
SOCI 3731 Sociology of Culture

is a comparative examination of major contemporary sociological texts on the relationship between culture, broadly understood as symbolic systems, and social structure.

SOCI 4071 Social and Cultural Aspects of Health and Illness

covers topics which may include: cultural concepts of illness and health; theories of disease causation; relationships between social life and illness patterns; symbolic use of illness; variations in philosophies of treatment and in practitioner/patient relationships; the social organization of medicine. Open to those without normal prerequisites by permission of the Instructor.

SOCI 4072 Social and Cultural Aspects of Death (S/A)

will cover topics which may include: symbolic meanings and values attached to death; cultural and historical variations in the management of death, e.g. treatment of the 'terminally ill', burial rites, the mourning process, and the social fate of survivors, together with the social and psychological meanings of these behaviours. Open to those without normal prerequisites by permission of the Instructor.

AR = Attendance requirement as noted.

CH = Credit hours: unless otherwise noted, a course normally has a credit value of 3 credit hours.

CO = Co-requisite(s): course(s) listed must be taken concurrently with or successfully completed prior to the course being described.

CR = Credit restricted: The course being described and the course(s) listed are closely related but not equivalent.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  Normally, these courses cannot be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

EQ = Equivalent: the course being described and the course(s) listed are equal for credit determination.  Credit is limited to one of these courses.  These courses can be substituted, one for the other, to satisfy program requirements.

LC = Lecture hours per week: lecture hours are 3 per week unless otherwise noted.

LH = Laboratory hours per week.

OR = Other requirements of the course such as tutorials, practical sessions, or seminars.

PR = Prerequisite(s): course(s) listed must be successfully completed prior to commencing the course being described.

UL = Usage limitation(s) as noted.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.