The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

6.10 University Constitution

The Constitution of the University is embodied in an Act of the House of Assembly of Newfoundland entitled An Act Respecting the Memorial University of Newfoundland, Chap. 231, Revised Statutes of Newfoundland (as amended). The Act delineates the authority and the functions of the University and its parts, as follows:

There shall be a university which shall be called the Memorial University of Newfoundland, consisting of a Chancellor, Convocation, Board of Regents, Senate, Faculty Councils and the Faculties and which shall be a body politic and corporate. No other university having corporate powers capable of being exercised within Newfoundland shall be known by the same name, nor shall any other university have power to grant degrees.

The University shall have full power and authority from time to time and at all times to establish and maintain such faculties, colleges, schools, institutions, departments, chairs and courses as to the Board of Regents may seem meet, and to give instructions and training; to grant degrees, including honorary degrees, diplomas and certificates of proficiency; to provide facilities for the prosecution of original research in every branch of knowledge and learning and to conduct and carry on such research work; and generally, to promote and carry on the work of a university in all its branches.

6.10.1 The Board of Regents

The management, administration and control of the property, revenue, business and affairs of the University are vested in a Board of Regents, consisting of:

  1. three ex-officio members

    1. the Chancellor of the University
    2. the President of the University
    3. the Vice-President of the University who is the Pro Vice-Chancellor;
  2. six members elected by the Alumni Association of the University;

  3. seventeen members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council; and

  4. four members appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council being full-time students of the University who

    1. meet the requirements set out in the regulations, and

    2. are recommended to the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council by the board following the recommendation to the board of one candidate each from the following student unions:

      1. the Memorial University of Newfoundland Students' Union,
      2. the Graduate Students' Union,
      3. the Marine Institute Students' Union, and
      4. the Grenfell Campus Students' Union.

6.10.2 The Senate

Matters of an academic character are in general charge of the Senate of the University, consisting of the following:

  1. The Chancellor of the University;

  2. ex-officio members who shall be

    1. the President of the University, who shall be the chairman thereof,
    2. the Vice-President (Academic) of the University, who shall be the deputy chairman thereof,
    3. the Deputy Minister of Education or a representative of the Deputy Minister,
    4. the Vice-President of the Grenfell Campus,
    5. the Deans of the Faculties of the University,
    6. the Dean of Graduate Studies,
    7. the University Librarian,
    8. the University Registrar, and
    9. such other persons holding office within the University or in any of the campuses or institutions affiliated with the University chosen in such number and manner as may be approved by the Board;
  3. such members from the academic staff of the Faculties and Professional Schools of the University, exclusive of any person who is a member by virtue of paragraph 2., elected in such number and manner as may be approved by the Board, but the number elected under this paragraph shall be not less than twice the number of members named or chosen under paragraph 2.; and

  4. thirteen members from the students in attendance at the University, including at least one student from the Marine Institute, one graduate student and one student from Grenfell Campus with all members to be chosen in a manner approved by the Board.

6.10.3 Convocation

Convocation of the University, as provided in the Act, is composed of the Chancellor, the President, the Senate, the Board of Regents, all persons who are graduates of the Memorial University College, all persons holding academic appointments with the University whose names are added to the roll of the Convocation by the Registrar of the University from time to time upon instructions from the President, and all persons who have become graduates of the University. The functions of Convocation are chiefly elective, but it may also consider all questions affecting the well-being and prosperity of the University and make representations from time to time on such questions to the Senate, which shall consider the same and return to the Convocation its conclusions thereon.

6.10.4 Affiliation

The Act provides that, subject to the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor-in-Council, the University may affiliate with any college or institution established in the province for the promotion of Arts and Science, or for instruction in Law, Medicine, Nursing, Education, Engineering, Agriculture or in any other useful branch of learning, and to dissolve any such affiliation. The institution which has become affiliated with the University under this provision is Queen's College, St. John's.

The information on this site is an archived previous calendar for the 2023-2024 academic year.

The current University Calendar is available at 

Copyright © 2023 Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.