This is your fourth year of Memorial Political Science!

You are nearly at the finish line. The end is nigh! To get the most from your last year with us, make sure to do the following:
A checkmark Book an appointment with your HSS Academic Advising Office to make sure that you’re on track for graduation.
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Review your general degree map to get tips on tackling general BA requirements, studying, safety and wellbeing, career advice, and more.
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Enrol in at least two Political Science courses at the 4000 level (6 credit hours) and complete any outstanding credit requirements for your Major and Minor. Honours students should take an additional 5 political science courses (15 credit hours) at any level, after completing their Major requirements.
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Still considering Honours in Political Science?

It might not be too late! Reach out to a potential supervisor in the department and discuss the topic or project you’re interested in working on with them. Our Honours program is the perfect path for students looking to pursue law school or graduate school.

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Already enrolled in the Honours program?

Make sure that you’ve registered for POSC 4010 in your Fall semester and POSC 4011 in the Winter semester. These are the courses where you’ll do the research and writing for your Honours paper. 

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Need references?

If you’re contemplating law school, graduate school, or internships after your BA degree, you will need strong reference letters from faculty. Think of contacting professors who can speak to the quality of your work, based on your performance in their class.

A checkmark  If you're in need of part-time employment, look to see if there are any positions available on MUCEP—Memorial's Undergraduate Career Experience Program—that fit your interests and expertise. This can be a great way of also meeting fellow students and faculty, while building your resume.  
A checkmark  Connect with your P.A.L.S.the Politics and Law Societywhich represents Political Science and Law and Public Policy undergraduate students in the department. Now that you are in your final year, consider taking on a leadership role in the society and mentor younger cohorts of Political Science students following in your path!
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Want to be remembered for that outstanding politics paper your wrote?

Then consider submitting it for publication in  Mapping Politics, the Memorial student journal. Course papers that earn high grades can also be submitted as candidates for various awards, like the Clyde K. Wells Prize or the Pro Vice-Chancellor’s Prize. Some of these awards require faculty to nominate students. So, let your professors know if you think you’re a good candidate for these awards.

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Love your professors and to learn more political science?

Memorial is one the top-ranked departments in Canada for graduate studies. Political science Honours and Majors should consider applying for our MA program, and are encouraged to learn more about graduate scholarships and funding in our department. Applications are due by January 15th each year.

*This timeline assumes that you are taking a full course load, which is 5 courses (15 credit hours) per semester.