Welcome back to your second year of Memorial Law and Public Policy!

You’ve now completed one year of your Law and Public Policy journey. Here is how to stay on track:
A checkmark Enrol in LWPP 2600 (Public Policy and Administration), which is required for all Law and Public Policy Majors and Minors.
A checkmark Review your general degree map to get tips on tackling general BA requirements, studying, safety and wellbeing, career advice, and so on. 
A checkmark Take at least 5 Political Science and Law and Public Policy courses (15 credit hours) in your second year, including the required second year LWPP course. In addition to Political Science, you can also select from a number of Economics, Philosophy, Anthropology, or Gender Studies classes with a substantial focus on the law or policy (see the list here)
A checkmark Double check your eligibility for faculty and university awards and bursaries! To ensure eligibility, you should aim to have taken 10 courses (30 credit hours) in Law and Public Policy and other programs by the end of your second year (or fourth semester).
A checkmark Get involved in the Newfoundland and Labrador Speech and Debate Union and the Memorial University Debate Society, where you can get coaching in public speaking and legal argument while meeting fellow Law and Public Policy students.
A checkmark If you're in need of part-time employment, look to see if there are any positions available on MUCEPthe Memorial University Career Experence Program—that fit your interests and expertise. This can be a great way of also meeting fellow students and faculty, and building your professional resume.
A checkmark Check out your P.A.L.S.—the Politics and Law Society—which represents Political Science and Law and Public Policy undergraduate students in the department. The P.A.L.S. hosts events throughout the year where you can meet other legal nuts and policy wonks, and engage with politics outside the classroom, at Memorial and beyond. 
A checkmark

Haven’t declared a Law and Public Policy Major or Minor yet?

It’s not too late! You can fill out the declaration form, or join us in March for our annual declaration celebration. Declaring a Major or Minor in Law and Public Policy early has a number of benefits, including:

  • priority registration for high-demand Law and Public Policy courses
  • specialized academic advising 
  • access to public policy internship and research opportunities
  • connections to fellowships at Memorial’s Harris Centre.
  • a chance to win department awards
  • opportunities to publish in Mapping Politics, our student journal
  • membership in P.A.L.S.

  *This timeline assumes that you are taking a full course load, which is 5 courses (15 credit hours) per semester.