Adjunct Professors

Adjunct professors are part-time members of our community who typically hold appointments elsewhere, but contribute their professional insights, skills, and expertise to advance the department’s mission.


Tari Ajadi
Tari Ajadi
Adjunct Professor | Assistant Professor (McGill University)

Research Interests: Canadian politics; public policy; black studies; social movements

Tari Adjadi's profile

E: ifeoluwatari[dot]ajadi[at]mcgill[dot]ca |

Alan Clarke
Alan Clarke
Adjunct Professor | Professor Emeritus (Utah Valley University)

Research Interests: International law; Indigenous law; criminal law; ethics and public policy

Alan Clarke's profile

E: alanwclarke11[at]gmail[dot]com |

Michelle Kuenzi
Michelle Kuenzi
Adjunct Professor | Professor (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Research Interests: African politics; political development; political participaiton; political parties

Michelle Kuenzi's profile

E: michele[dot]kuenzi[at]unlv[dot]edu |

Jean-Michel Montsion
Jean-Michel Montsion
Adjunct Professor | Associate Professor (Glendon College, York University)

Research Interests: Canadian politics; immigration; international trade; political economy

Jean-Michel Montsion's profile

E: jmmontsion[at]glendon[dot]yorku[dot]ca |

Lori Lee Oates
Lori Lee Oates
Adjunct Professor | Limited Term Appointment (MUN Sociology)

Research Interests: Resource politics; settler colonialism; inequality; climate justice

Lori Lee Oates's profile

E: loates[at]mun[dot]ca |

Valérie Vézina
Valérie Vézina
Adjunct Professor | Associate Professor (Kwantlen Polytechnic University)

Research Interests: Canadian Politics; comparative politics; global politics; island studies; nationalism

Valérie Vézina's profile

E: valerie[dot]vezina[at]kpu[dot]ca |