Adjunct Professors

Adjunct professors are part-time members of our political science community who typically hold appointments elsewhere, but contribute their professional insights, skills, and expertise to advance the department’s mission.


Tari Ajadi
Tari Ajadi
Adjunct Professor | Assistant Professor (McGill University)

Research Interests: Canadian politics; public policy; black studies; social movements

Tari Adjadi's web page

E: ifeoluwatari[dot]ajadi[at]mcgill[dot]ca |

Alan Clarke
Alan Clarke
Adjunct Professor | Professor Emeritus (Utah Valley University)

Research Interests: International law; Indigenous law; criminal law; ethics and public policy

Alan Clarke's web page

E: alanwclarke11[at]gmail[dot]com |

Michelle Kuenzi
Michelle Kuenzi
Adjunct Professor | Professor (University of Nevada, Las Vegas)

Research Interests: African politics; political development; political participaiton; political parties

Michelle Kuenzi's web page

E: michele[dot]kuenzi[at]unlv[dot]edu |

Jean-Michel Montsion
Jean-Michel Montsion
Adjunct Professor | Associate Professor (Glendon College, York University)

Research Interests: Canadian politics; immigration; international trade; political economy

Jean-Michel Montsion's web page

E: jmmontsion[at]glendon[dot]yorku[dot]ca |