Political Perspectives: Student Conference

Jan 28th, 2022

Department of Political Science

The Political Science Graduate Student Society is planning the 5th annual student conference, Political Perspectives (formerly Changing Political Landscapes). This interdisciplinary conference is open to presentations from undergraduate and graduate students from all disciplines with an interest in politics, broadly defined.

This year’s conference will take place online on Thursday, April 7, 2022, and all are welcome to attend. It will be a great opportunity for students to gain practice with their public speaking skills, receive feedback on their work from professors and peers, and learn about exciting research by others.

Students interested in presenting are invited to submit an abstract of no more than 250 words outlining their proposed presentation to munl.political.perspectives@gmail.com by Monday, February 7, 2022 at 5:00pm NST. We welcome proposals on research completed for a thesis or dissertation, course paper, or other major project. 

We will encourage presenters to finish their paper before the conference, though it will not be required. However, those selected to present their research must submit a draft of their paper or chapter by Thursday, March 10, 2022.

Questions regarding the submission process or conference can be emailed to munl.political.perspectives@gmail.com. We're really looking forward to receiving your proposals!