Physics 1051 General Physics II: Oscillations, Waves, Electromagnetism
1051 General Physics II: Oscillations, Waves, Electromagnetism is a calculus based introduction to oscillations, wave motion, and electromagnetism. Topics include: the simple harmonic motion; travelling, sound and standing waves; electric fields and potential; magnetic force and fields; electric current and resistance; and electromagnetic waves.
CO: MATH1001
LH: 3
PR: PHYS 1050, or 1021, or 1020 (with a minimum grade of 70%)
Physics 1051 is a calculus based course providing introduction to oscillations, wave motion, electromagnetism and physical optics. It is normally done in Winter semester by students who have completed Physics 1050 and Math 1000, but it is offered in Fall and Summer semesters as well. Normally there will be six laboratory sessions per semester and five problem solving sessions held during the laboratory time slot on weeks when no laboratory is scheduled. This course is required by students pursuing degrees in Physics, Environmental Science, Geophysics or Engineering and recommended for degrees in Chemistry or Biochemistry.