Name | Research Area |
Office/Lab | Phone (709) 864- |
Email @mun.ca |
I. Afanassiev Professor |
Physical Oceanography |
C4065/C1046 | 2500/2855 | afanai |
T. Andrews Professor |
Experimental Condensed Matter |
C1063/C1057 | 8788/2852 | tandrews |
L. Beaulieu Professor |
Experimental Condensed Matter |
C3012/C2032/ C2037 | 6203/2857/ 7560 |
lbeaulieu |
Q. Chen Professor |
Experimental Photonics | C3027/C1064/ C1007/C1050 |
8878/4360/ 4328/6112 |
qiyingc |
S.H. Curnoe Professor |
Theoretical Condensed Matter | C3013 | 8888 | curnoe |
E. K. Demirov Associate Professor |
Physical Oceanography | C4051 | 8834 | entcho |
M. Evstigneev Associate Professor |
Condensed Matter | C3025 | 2474 | mevstigneev |
J. Fitzgerald Assistant Professor |
Physical Oceanography | C4062 | 8839 | jgfitzgerald |
J.P.F. LeBlanc Associate Professor & Deputy Head (Graduate Studies) |
Theoretical Condensed Matter | C3031 | 8849 | jleblanc |
H. Neilson Assistant Professor |
Astrophysics | C2046 | 7631 | hneilson |
K. Poduska Professor |
Experimental Condensed Matter | CSF3225/C1058/ C1005 | 8890/ 2853/7273 | kris |
I. Saika-Voivod Professor |
Theoretical Condensed Matter | C3026 | 8886 | saika |
L. Tarasov Professor |
Glacial Climate Systems Dynamics | C4043 | 2675 | lev |
S. Wallin Associate Professor |
Computational Biophysics | C3018 | 8880 | swallin |
M. Wilson Assistant Professor |
Experimental Condensed Matter | C3022 | 6724 | murrayw |
A. Yethiraj Professor |
Experimental Condensed Matter | C3029/C1003/ C1066 | 2113/8115/ 7450 |
ayethiraj |
L. Zedel |
Physical Oceanography | C3000/C4066 | 8738/3106 | zedel |
Retired Faculty | ||||
M. Clouter Professor Emeritus |
Experimental Condensed Matter | C1062A/C1060 | 8884 | mclouter |
Professor Emeritus |
bdeyoung | |||
T. T. Gien Professor Emeritus |
Theoretical Atomic & Molecular |
tgien | ||
J. Lagowski |
Theoretical Condensed Matter | C3060 | 2667 | jolantal |
M. R. Morrow Honorary Research Professor |
Experimental Condensed Matter | C3060/C1006/ C1010/C1056 |
4361/8094/ 2851/2671 | mmorrow |
M. Plumer Honorary Research Professor |
plumer | |||
G. Quirion |
gquirion | |||
M. Rochester Professor Emeritus |
Mathematical Geophysics | ER4040 | 7565 | mrochest |
Cross Appointments | ||||
J. Alam |
Computational Fluid Dynamics |
Department of Mathematics and Statistics |
(709) 864-8071 | alamj |
A. Aleksejevs | Particle Physics | Department of Physics (Grenfell Campus) | 709-639-2701 | aaleksejevs |
S. Barkanova | Particle Physics | Department of Physics (Grenfell Campus) | sbarkanova | |
I. Booth | General Relativity | Department of Mathematics and Statistics |
4401 | ibooth |
V. Booth | Experimental Biophysics | Department of Biochemistry | 4523 | vbooth |
A. Malcolm | Geophysics | Department of Earth Sciences | 2728 | amalcolm |
M. Merkli | Mathematical Physics | Department of Mathematica and Statistics | 8727 | merkli |
T. Tricco | Computer Science | Department of Computer Science | 6943 | tstricco |
Adjunct Appointments | ||||
F. Cyr | Physical Oceanography | Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada | 709-722-6106 | Frederic.Cyr@dfo-mpo.gc.ca |
S. Malek | Physics | University of the Fraser Valley | Shahrazad.Malek@ufv.ca | |
N. Soontiens | Physical Oceanography | Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada | nancy.soontiens@dfo-mpo.gc.ca | |