Satellite Sites
In September, 2022, we launched the four-year bachelor of science in nursing (BScN) (Collaborative) option at our satellite nursing sites in Gander, Grand Falls-Windsor and Happy Valley-Goose Bay which are in addition to Memorial University locations at the Faculty of Nursing and Centre for Nursing Studies in St. John's, and in Corner Brook at the Western Regional School of Nursing on Grenfell Campus.
Which site is best for you?
While curriculum is the same at all sites, you may wish to consider factors such as availability, cost of residence, transportation costs and student services available when making your decision. If you have children you may want to consider studying closer to home, where you have family and a support system.
When filling out your application, you can indicate your site preferences on the application form for the BScN program, ranking your top three preferences.
Many student supports are available online to all students through St. John's Campus. For example you can access student supports and services including Academic Success, Student Wellness and Counselling, the Indigenous Student Resource Centre, accessibility services for students with disabilities, and many other resources.
Where will my classes take place?
Lectures will be delivered synchronously, on-site and remote, depending on the course. On-site courses will be delivered in the community of your program, Gander, Grand Falls-Windsor or Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Most lectures are not pre-recorded, but offered in real-time (synchronous) and you’ll be able to interact with the lecturer. *Please note that classes for the Gander and Grand Falls-Windsor site, currently held at the College of the North Atlantic, will be held at new community locations for the 2023/24 academic year. We’ll update as this information becomes available.
Where will my labs and clinical courses take place?
Your labs will be delivered on site and in-person in the community of your program, Gander, Grand Falls-Windsor or Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Your clinical courses will also be offered in-person through supervision of a clinical instructor at a health care facility in your region. There may be an occasion where clinical placements for certain specialties will be held at another location and travel may be required.
Are student services available in person? And if so, what are these?
Most resources for students are available by connecting with the St. John's Campus through as previously noted. On Labrador Campus, in-person services include access to the library and archive. The YMCA in Happy Valley-Goose Bay also has a special partnership with Labrador Campus, offering students rates similar to what they would find at The Works on St. Johns Campus.
I understand that I need to take a standard first-aid and basic life support (BLS) course before the fall semester. Where can I take this course?
You can take a standard first-aid/BLS course wherever and whenever available. You don’t need to take the course in the community where you will begin your program. You can take a course closer to home if more convenient, and one is available. The deadline for submitting certification for the fall semester of 2023 is Aug. 29, 2023.
I’m wondering about places to live in Gander/Grand-Falls-Windsor/Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Does Memorial have any residences/apartments in these areas?
Memorial University doesn’t have residences or housing at these locations, but private accommodations are available.
Below is a list of residential apartment complexes:
B&B Apartments: 131 Bennett Drive; 709-256-7826
Quimby Park Apartments: 3 Quimby Place; 709-256-2185
Edgewood Park Apartments: 4 Quimby Place; 709-651-3447
Regency Apartments: 4 Magee Road; 709-256-3690
Elizabeth Park Apartments: 185 Elizabeth Drive; 709-256-4233
Park Place: 1A Bennett Drive; 709-256-3690
Gander Apartments: 181 Elizabeth Drive; 709-256-7127
Pinetree Apartments: 129 Bennett Drive; 709-256-7826
Beaverwood Apartments: 195 Elizabeth Drive; 709-256-7112
Grand Falls-Windsor:
The town of Grand-Falls-Windsor has information about rental accommodations gathered centrally on their website at:
Other listing sites include: and
Happy Valley-Goose Bay:
Check out some local social media groups and websites for rental properties:
Can I transfer to another location after first year?
You should expect to complete your program at the site where you are registered. Transfers may be considered if space is available at the preferred site, but these are rare.
I’ve had to give up my job in order to re-locate and I’m concerned about finances. Does Memorial offer any Memorial’s Undergraduate Career Experience Program (MUCEP) positions remotely?
Some MUCEP positions may be available remotely. More information on postings and how to apply can be found at the following link:
If you view a posting you are interested in, you can contact to employer to determine if the position can be offered remotely. Have a look also at resources available at
Who should I contact if I have further questions?
If you have questions that are specific to a location, contact site coordinators:
- Stacey Snow, Gander:
- Janine Byrne, Grand Falls-Windsor:
- Kathy Gillett, Happy Valley-Goose Bay:
If you have general questions about admissions, please contact the nursing admissions office at