Research Exchange Takes Off!
New groups have recently been established to explore subjects as diverse as Global Health, Military Families' and Veterans' Health, Work and Health, and Horticultural Therapy. Older established groups, like the group on Oral Health, are being revived this year with new plans and new meetings.
Our Research Exchange Groups meet regularly to discuss research in progress, to hold seminars, to present on research projects or healthcare services, to initiate collaborative partnerships, and to discover potential funding and partnership opportunities for further research.
You are welcome to join any group that interests you. We are actively recruiting members for these groups, some of which are in the early planning stages:
- Horticultural Therapy
- Work and Health
- Military Families' and Veterans' Health
- Eating Disorders, Disordered Eating and Body Image
- Cancer
- Health and the Built Environment
- Thrombosis, Blood, and Immune Disorders
- Harm Reduction & Critical Drug Studies
Contact to start a new group or join an existing one!