NLCAHR 2016-2017 Annual Report

Aug 10th, 2017


Annual Report
NLCAHR 2016-2017 Annual Report

Highlights include:

  • Five new research studies from the Contextualized Health Research Synthesis Program (CHRSP) including: reducing outpatient wait times; strategies for preventing Type II Diabetes; design considerations for mental health units in hospitals; effective ways to solicit patient feedback; and the pilot of a new jurisdictional scan-- the Snapshot Report-- that looks at who's doing what, and where, in healthcare organizations across Canada and around the world.
  • Our new plans to add patients and caregivers as participants and advisors in CHRSP's decision-support research.
  • A CIHR-funded project to adapt CHRSP for use in rural healthcare settings across Canada, starting in Northern Ontario and Northern BC.
  • The expansion of our Research Exchange Groups to 19 active groups with a combined membership now exceeding 900 researchers, students, community partners and health system workers from across NL and from around the world, all connecting and collaborating on key issues in applied health research.
  • Research funding for projects that  promote healthy aging under the NL-Healthy Aging Research Program.
  • Exemplary Engagement!  Read about our work with partners in Newfoundland & Labrador and across Canada on everything from creating a provincial health research registry to supporting patient engagement in healthcare, from support for NL food security to building healthier communities... and so many important connections in between.