New journal publication tells the CHRSP story

Nov 8th, 2017

Rochelle Baker

New journal publication tells the CHRSP story

Now celebrating its tenth year, CHRSP has developed a robust and inventive research methodology that has been used in this province and could be adapted for use in other jurisdictions. CHRSP works in tandem with our province’s healthcare system to provide timely, relevant, and easy-to-read scientific evidence. The program optimizes the uptake of scientific evidence by our province’s decision makers by involving them in the research process and, most importantly,  attuning research questions, findings and recommendations to the specific context in which knowledge users operate.   

CHRSP will publish its 26th report this month.

The article, which features CHRSP’s methods, results and ongoing innovations is now available on the NLCAHR website here:

“Putting research in place: an innovative approach to providing contextualized evidence synthesis for decision makers.”

 OR you may read it in the online journal, here:

About the journal: Systematic Reviews encompasses all aspects of the design, conduct and reporting of systematic reviews. The journal publishes high quality systematic review products including systematic review protocols, systematic reviews related to a very broad definition of health, rapid reviews, updates of already completed systematic reviews, and methods research related to the science of systematic reviews, such as decision modeling. The journal also aims to ensure that the results of all well-conducted systematic reviews are published, regardless of their outcome.