CHRSP publishes two new studies
REDUCING WAIT TIMES FOR OUTPATIENT SERVICES Dr. David Speed, Dr. Stephen Bornstein in consultation with Dr. Luciana Ballini
Extended delays in accessing health care may compromise patient health outcomes through delays in diagnosis, treatment or follow-up. Such delays indicate health system inefficiencies that reduce cost-effectiveness. As a result, reducing patient wait times is considered a priority across Canada’s health systems. Having reviewed the evidence base and consulted with provincial healthcare stakeholders, CHRSP researchers reformulated the research question as: “What is the evidence for the effectiveness of enhanced techniques for scheduling appointments and managing wait lists in reducing wait times for outpatient services?”
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF DIGITAL SURVEYS FOR COLLECTING PATIENT FEEDBACK Ms. Melissa Sullivan, Dr. Stephen Bornstein in consultation with Dr. Josephine McMurray
Patient experience has become an increasingly important component in the assessment of healthcare systems worldwide. The measurement of patient experience is important because it provides an opportunity to establish benchmarks and to monitor the
performance of health care organizations, to improve care, to enhance strategic decision making, to pay attention to patients’ expectations and to make healthcare organizations more transparent and accountable to their local populations. Recognizing the importance of patient feedback and the growing use of digital approaches, our health system partners in the Contextualized Health Research Synthesis Program (CHRSP) asked us to review the evidence and produce a Rapid Evidence Report on the effectiveness of digital surveys in capturing patient experience. Our research question is as follows: “Are digital surveys an effective method for collecting patient feedback about experiences with the healthcare system?”
NLCAHR will host a dissemination for both reports in October, 2016. Please stay tuned for an update aboutt hat event.