Building Health into a Downtown Green Space
At the meeting, a diverse group of local residents, users of the space, and community leaders engaged in a facilitated discussion on the potential health benefits and inequities of the re-design plans. These plans include maintaining the basketball court as a recreational space for neighbourhood teens, adding a green space for children, and planting an edible garden. Accommodating neighbourhood children, youth, seniors, and persons with disabilities were identified as important elements to the overall site design.
A Health Impact Assessment will be sent to the City of St. John's to inform decision makers about best uses for the space.
The Building Healthy Communities Collaborative includes representation by NLCAHR, the Provincial Wellness Advisory Council, community planning organizations, the Department of Health & Community Services, Municipalities NL and other researchers, policy makers and private sector groups interested in promoting a healthier built environment. Working with the community at large, this group's chief aim is to bring health and wellness to the community planning table throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.
If you are interested in research and collaboration about health and the built environment, NLCAHR plans to host a new Research Exchange Group on this subject. Contact to join.
Read the news item from The Overcast here: