The Quality Maternal and Newborn Care Framework: exploring the evidence for integrating midwifery care
The Quality Maternal and Newborn Care (QMNC) Framework was developed using the evidence from the 2014 Lancet Series on Midwifery. It presents the scope of care to which all women and newborns should have access, and which improves outcomes. There is certainly evidence that continuity of care - increasingly a focus of maternity care policy - contributes to improving outcomes. The evidence for integrating midwifery care into a Maternal and Newborn Care Framework will be explored in this presentation by Dr. Joan Combelick of Yale University's School of Nursing.
Joan Combellick PhD, MPH, CNM, FACNM | Dr. Combellick currently serves as assistant professor at Yale School of Nursing and as Operations Research Analyst at the Veterans Health Administration where she leads maternal outcomes review. Her work has focused on various care models including integration of the midwifery model of care and practices that promote and protect undisturbed childbirth. Her research has also focused on improving maternity and reproductive health care for high-risk individuals, particularly those who experience psychological trauma or those whose care is suboptimal due to mental health conditions.
Location: Via Zoom
Date and Time: Thursday, Feb. 27 at 12:30 PM - 02:00 PM (NST)