Children & Adolescents
- Choices for Youth: Supporting youth in the community with a focus on hard to reach populations like homeless youth. Contact:
- Main office: 709-754-0446.
- Ayon Shahed (partnership coordinator) - ashahed@choicesforyouth.ca.
- Key Assets NL: Residential care and/or support for youth with complex needs. Contact: info@keyassetsnl.ca, 709-579-1624.
- The Newfoundland and Labrador Foster Family Association: Help provide children with a safe living environment. Contact: nlffa@nfld.net, 709-754-0213 (local) or 1-877-754-0218 (toll-free).
- Ronald McDonald House Charities: Housing for children and their families who need to move away from home due to illness. Contact: info@rmhcnl.ca, 709-733-2244 (local) or 1-855-955-4663 (toll-free).
- Waypoints: Providing support to children, youth, and families in terms of education, employment, health, housing, and social inclusion. Contact: Rick Kelly (Executive Director) - rickkelly@waypointsnl.ca, 709-368-6390; Hugo McCarthy (Project Manager) - 709-738-3255.
Finding a House & Homelessness
- Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation: Providing support in finding, renting, buying, and maintaining a house. Contact: contactcentre@cmhc.ca, 709-772-4400 (local) or 1-800-309-3388 (toll-free).
- Cooperative Housing Federation of Canada: Represents co-ops in Canada and helps individuals find affordable houses. Contact: 709-747-5615.
- Habitat for Humanity NL: Helping low-income families access safe, affordable housing. Contact: contact@habitatnl.ca, 709-753-5743.
- Newfoundland and Labrador Housing & Homelessness Network: Raising awareness about issues relating to housing and homelessness, as well as striving to address these issues. Contact: info@nlhhn.org, 709-722-1030.
- Newfoundland and Labrador Housing Corporation: Helping the people of Newfoundland and Labrador find affordable housing.
Halfway Houses
- Correctional Service of Canada: Managing Canadian prisons, helping rehabilitate offenders, and helping reintegrate ex-offenders into society. Contact: 709-772-5359 (Provincial main office).
- The John Howard Society of Newfoundland and Labrador: Providing support to ex-offenders to help them reintegrate into society. Contact: info@jhsnl.ca, 709-726-5500.
- Stella's Circle: Helping those experiencing barriers find support, housing, and/or employment. Contact: info@StellasCircle.ca, 709-738-8390.
- Emmanuel House: Halfway house for men and women operated by Stella's Circle. Contact: Susan Pye (Program Coordinator) - s.pye@stellaburry.ca, 709-754-2072.
Provincial Government
- Department of Health and Community Services: Department of the NL government responsible for providing health and community services, promoting health, and engaging in policy development. Contact: healthinfo@gov.nl.ca, 709-729-4984 (Main).
- Contacts by Department.
- Listing of services by community.
- Services for those with disabilities, including housing support.
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador: List of services provided by the provincial government relating to all social determinants of health.
- Women's Policy Office: Branch of the provincial government focusing on supporting women. Contact: 709-729-5009.
- Violence Prevention Initiative: Provincial initiative to address and prevent violence in the province with ten regional committees throughout the province. Contact: susanfurlong@gov.nl.ca, 709-729-5009.
- Western Regional Coalition to End Violence: Based out of Corner Brook. Contact: thouse@nf.sympatico.ca, 709-634-6606 (local) or 1-888-994-6606 (toll-free).
- Canadian Association for Retired Persons, Inc.: National organization advocating for the interests of Canadian seniors. Contact: Sharron Callahan (President) - nl@carp.ca, 709-690-1238.
- Central Health: Providing health and community services in the central region of Newfoundland.
- Volunteering: Contact - joanna.king@centralhealth.nl.ca, 709-256-5537 or 709-292-2179.
- South and Central Health Foundation: Raising money for the central health region in NL. Contact: schf@centralhealth.nl.ca, 709-292-2360.
- Eastern Health: Providing health and community services in the eastern region of Newfoundland.
- Listing of services by community with contact information.
- Volunteering: Contact - volunteer.resources@easternhealth.ca, 709-777-4451.
- Salvation Army Glenbrook Lodge: Long-term care home operated by Eastern Health and the Salvation Army. Contact: 709-726-1575.
- St. Patrick's Mercy Home: Long term care home in St. John's. Contact: 709-726-2687.
- St. Patrick's Mercy Home Foundation: Raising money for St. Patrick's. Contact: theFoundation@spmhf.nl.ca, 709-752-8745.
- Labrador Grenfall Health: Providing health and community services in Labrador. Contact: 1-855-897-2267 (main).
- Salvation Army: Providing support to vulnerable people. Contact: 709-579-2022.
- Services in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Salvation Army Glenbrook Lodge: Long-term care home operated by Eastern Health and the Salvation Army. Contact: 709-726-1575.
- SeniorsNL: Providing support, information, and services to seniors in Newfoundland and Labrador. Contact: info@seniorsnl.ca, 709-737-2333 (local) or 1-800-563-5599 (toll-free).
- Western Health: Providing health and community services in the western region of Newfoundland.
Short-term Housing/Shelter
- AIDS Committee of Newfoundland and Labrador: Promoting the prevention of HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C, as well as supporting those living with either disorder. Contact: 709-579-8656.
- Tommy Sexton Shelter: Short-term shelter for those in need, particularly those living with HIV or AIDS. Contact - Abigail Sheppard (Shelter Services Coordinator) - ShelterServicesManager@acnl.net, 709-579-8656.
- Choices for Youth: Supporting youth in the community with a focus on hard to reach populations like homeless youth. Contact:
- Main office: 709-754-0446.
- Ayon Shahed (partnership coordinator) -ashahed@choicesforyouth.ca.
- The Choices Shelter: Short-term housing for homeless young adults (aged 16-29) who identify as male. Contact: 709-757-3050.
- The Gathering Place: Support centre in St. John’s for those dealing with homelessness, mental illness, addiction, poverty, etc. Contact: info@gatheringstjohns.ca, 709-753-3234.
- Salvation Army: Providing support to vulnerable people. Contact: 709-579-2022.
- The Wiseman Centre: Short term shelter and supportive housing for the homeless. Contact: carolyn_reid_nl@can.salvationarmy.org, 709-739-8355.
- Services in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- St. John's Native Friendship Centre: Promoting Aboriginal culture and providing supportive services. Contact: general@sjnfc.ca, 709-726-5902.
Supportive Housing
- L'Arche Avalon: Housing support for those with intellectual disabilities. Contact: office@larcheavalon.ca.
- Choices for Youth: Supporting youth in the community with a focus on hard to reach populations like homeless youth. Contact:
- Main office: 709-754-0446.
- Ayon Shahed (partnership coordinator) -ashahed@choicesforyouth.ca.
- The Lilly: Supportive housing for homeless young adults (aged 16-24).
- RallyHaven: Supportive housing for youth at risk of becoming homeless.
- Mokami Status of Women Council: Feminist organization supporting women in the Upper Lake Melville region of Labrador. Contact: service@mokamiwomen.ca, 709-896-3484 ext. 205.
- Pleasant Manor Corporation: Providing supportive housing and mental health services for those with mental health issues. Contact: pleasantmanor1@bellaliant.net, 709-739-7329.
- Salvation Army: Providing support to vulnerable people. Contact: 709-579-2022.
- The Wiseman Centre: Short term shelter and supportive housing for the homeless. Contact: carolyn_reid_nl@can.salvationarmy.org, 709-739-8355.
- Services in Newfoundland and Labrador.
- Xavier House, Inc.: Long-term care home for those with mental illness. Contact: 709-753-8340.
Women's Shelters
- Cara Transition House: Provides short-term housing for women and children experiencing interpersonal violence in Gander. Contact: administration@carahouse.com, 709-256-9306.
- Iris Kirby House and Foundation: Provides short-term housing for women and children experiencing interpersonal violence in St. John's and Carbonear. Contact:
- St. John's: 709-753-1492 (local) or 1-877-753-1492 (toll-free).
- Carbonear: 709-596-8709 (local) or 1-888-596-8709 (toll-free).
- Libra House, Inc.: Provides short-term housing for women and children experiencing interpersonal violence in Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Contact: librahouse@nf.aibn.com, 709-896-8251 (local) or 1-877-896-3014 (toll-free).
- St. John's Status of Women Council/Women's Centre: Provide support to women in St. John's through supportive housing and additional services. Contact: reception@stjohnswomenscentre.ca, 709-753-0220.
- Stella's Circle: Helping those experiencing barriers find support, housing, and/or employment. Contact: info@StellasCircle.ca, 709-738-8390.
- Transition House Association of Newfoundland and Labrador: Provides support to women and children experiencing interpersonal violence, as well as providing support to provincial transition houses. Contact: info@thanl.org, 709-739-6759.
At Memorial University
- Research on community-led housing and Arctic homelessness
- Research on housing for disabled workers
- Research on Housing & Homelessness in Labrador
Support for students and faculty:
- Student Residences
- Off Campus Housing
- Housing Accommodations- Faculty
- Housing for new international students