At Memorial
- Centre for Social Enterprise: Partnership between the faculty of business, school of music, and school of social work promoting and supporting social enterprise in the community. Contact: socialenterprise@mun.ca, 709-864-6740.
- Department of Sociology: Offering undergraduate and graduate programs in sociology with research interests including gender, occupational health, and race. Contact: sociology@mun.ca, 709-864-7457 or 709-864-7443.
- Gardiner Centre: Offers professional development services through the Faculty of Business Administration. Contact: gardinercentre@mun.ca, 709-864-7977.
- SafetyNet Centre for Occupational Health & Safety community alliance for multi-disciplinary research, knowledge exchange, and education on Occupational Health and Safety 709-864-7248 or toll free 1-866-678-3389
- Student Life: Helping students be successful at Memorial through provision of supports, guidance, and community connections. Contact: Dr. Shannon Lewis-Simpson - smlewis@mun.ca, 709-864-2607.
Employment Support
- Ability Employment Corporation: Provides employment support to those experiencing barriers to employment like a disability, mental health issues, or a criminal record. Contact: aec@nf.aibn.com, 709-468-2237 (Bonavista), or 709-466-1670 (Clarenville).
- Collective Interchange: Co-operative organization that addresses needs in the non-profit sector. Host site for summer student jobs. Contact: collectiveinterchange@gmail.com, 709-691-1215.
- Community Centre Alliance: Partnership of community centres helping better provide support in the St. John's area. Contact: contact@ccanl.ca, 709-753-5670.
- Buckmaster Circle Community Centre: Contact: Bonnie James (Executive Director) - bonnie@bmcc.nf.ca, 709-579-0718 ext. 221.
- Rabbittown Community Centre: Contact: Lillian Lush (Executive Director) - lilly@rabbittown.ca, 709-739-8482.
- Virginia Park Community Centre: Contact: Wallace Gregory (Executive Director) - ed_vpcc@nl.rogers.com, 709-579-4534.
- Community Education Network: Promoting community involvement and participation in relation to education, employment, and youth outreach. Contact: Bernice Hancock - bsgcacnf@nfld.net, 709-643-4891.
- Community Employment Collaboration: Supporting job seekers in securing a job, employers in hiring employees, and career practitioners in networking with other practitioners and developing professionally. Contact: Elayne Greeley (Partnership Broker) - elayne@employmentcollaboration.ca, 709-765-2182.
- Exploits Community Centre: Community centre in Grand Falls-Windsor that provides services such as employment support and after school programs. Contact: info@exploitscc.ca, 709-489-2141.
- Federation des Francophones de Terre-Neuve et du Labrador: Group representing Francophones in the province and providing support in schools and in the community. Contact: info@fftnl.ca, 709-722-0627.
- The Murphy Centre: Support in achieving one's educational and employment goals. Career Services: 709-753-2830 Outreach Coordinators: sondriabrowne@murphycentre.ca; or deannebambrick@murphycentre.ca
- Salvation Army: Providing support to vulnerable people. Contact: 709-579-2022.
- Single Parents Association of Newfoundland: Providing support to single parents in Newfoundland through services including peer support, food banks, and employment support. Contact: span@spanl.ca, 709-738-3401.
- Stella's Circle: Helping those experiencing barriers find support, housing, and/or employment. Contact: info@StellasCircle.ca, 709-738-8390.
- Waypoints: Providing support to children, youth, and families in terms of education, employment, health, housing, and social inclusion. Contact: Rick Kelly (Executive Director) - rickkelly@waypointsnl.ca, 709-368-6390; Hugo McCarthy (Project Manager) - 709-738-3255.
- Women's Economic Council: National organization supporting the success of women. Contact: info@WomensEconomicCouncil.ca, 1-800-584-0252.
- YMCA: International charity involved in supporting communities, promoting health, volunteering, etc. Contact: info@nl.ymca.ca, 709-726-9622.
- YMCA of Western NL: Contact: 709-283-9622 (Bay St. George), 709-639-9676 (Corner Brook).
- Services in the North East Avalon area.
Focus on Aboriginal Communities
- Benoit First Nations: Representing the interests of the Benoit Lnu'k/Mi'kmaq community. Contact: benoitfirstnation@hotmail.com, 709-757-9444.
- Labrador Aboriginal Training Partnership: Skills training for Innu and Inuit people of Labrador. Contact: 709-896-3500 (local) or 1-877-896-5006 (toll-free).
- Miawpukek First Nation: Local government of the Miawpukek Mi’kamawey Mawi’omi First Nation Reserve. Contact: 709-882-2470 (local) or 1-866-882-2470 (toll-free).
- Nunatsiuvut Government: Regional government representing the Inuit people of Newfoundland and Labrador. Contact: 709-922-2942 (Main).
- Contacts by department.
- Inuit Pathways: Skills training program offered by the Department of Education and Economic development of the Nunatsiuvut government. Contact: inuitpathways@nunatsiavut.com, 1-877-923-2171.
- NunatuKavut Community Council, Inc.: Representing the interests of the Southern Inuit of NunatuKavut. Contact: admin@nunatukavut.ca, 709-896-0592 (local), or 1-877-896-0592 (toll-free).
- St. John's Native Friendship Centre: Promoting Aboriginal culture and providing supportive services. Contact: general@sjnfc.ca, 709-726-5902.
Focus on Disability
- Autism Society of Newfoundland and Labrador: Raising awareness about autism spectrum disorders, as well as advocating for and supporting those living with an autism spectrum disorder. Contact: info@autism.nf.net, 709-722-2803.
- Avalon Employment, Inc.: Employment support for those with developmental disabilities in St. John's. Contact: aei@avalonemploy.com, 709-579-4866.
- Bridges Employment Corporation: Employment support for those living with a disability, based out of Fortune. Contact: 709-832-2090.
- Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work: National organization providing employment support for those living with a disability.
- Canadian National Institute for the Blind - Newfoundland and Labrador: Raising awareness about visual impairments, as well as advocating for and supporting those living with visual impairments. Contact: 1-800-563-2642 (main, toll-free).
- Community Employment Corporation: Employment support in the Grand Falls-Windsor region for those living with a disability. Contact: Peter Budgells (Manager/coordinator) - pbudgell@nfld.net, 709-482-5643.
- Easter Seals Newfoundland and Labrador: Providing support and programs to those living with disabilities. Contact: info@eastersealsnl.ca, 709-754-1399 (local), 1-800-601-6767 (toll-free).
- Empower - The Disability Resource Centre: Providing employment services and support to those living with a disability, based out of St. John's. Contact: info@empowernl.ca, 709-722-4031 (local) or 1-866-722-4031 (toll-free).
- Ever Green Environmental Corporation: Promoting sustainable practices and providing employment for those with barriers relating to mental health. Contact: 709-758-5350.
- Genesis Employment Corporation: Provides employment services to those living with a developmental disability living in the Placentia and Cape Shore regions. Contact: angie.lannon@nf.aibn.com, 709-227-2202.
- The Hub - Physically Disabled Service Centre: Providing employment to those with physical disabilities in catering and printing services, based out of St. John's. Contact: thehub@nfld.net, 709-754-0352.
- Labrador West Employment Corporation: Provides employment support to those with developmental disorders, based out of Labrador City. Contact: emploco@crrstv.net, 709-944-3045.
- Learning Disabilities Association of Newfoundland and Labrador: Raising awareness about learning disabilities and providing tutoring services to youth. Contact: info@ldanl.ca, 709-753-1445.
- Newfoundland and Labrador Association of the Deaf: Raising awareness about hearing impairments, as well as advocating for and supporting those living with hearing impairments. Contact: nlad@nlad.org, 709-726-6672.
- Spinal Cord Injury - Newfoundland and Labrador: Raising awareness about spinal injuries, as well as advocating for and providing support to those living with a spinal cord injury. Contact: 709-753-5901 (local) or 1-877-783-5901 (toll-free).
- The Vera Perlin Society: Providing support to those with developmental disabilities in the St. John's area. Contact: 709-739-6017, veraperlinsociety@nfld.net.
Focus on Ex-Offenders
- Correctional Service of Canada: Managing Canadian prisons, helping rehabilitate offenders, and helping reintegrate ex-offenders into society. Contact: 709-772-5359 (Provincial main office).
- The John Howard Society of Newfoundland and Labrador: Providing support to ex-offenders to help them reintegrate into society. Contact: info@jhsnl.ca, 709-726-5500.
Focus on New Canadians
- Association for New Canadians: Provide support to newcomers and help them integrate to Newfoundland and Labrador. Contact: 709-722-9680 (local) or 1-833-222-0921 (toll-free).
- Multicultural Women's Organization of Newfoundland and Labrador: Providing support to immigrant women. Contact: yamuna.kutty@bellaliant.com or Kaberi.debnath@gmail.com, 709-726-0321.
Focus on Youth
- Career Connections Centre: Supporting youth aged 15-30 develop skills necessary for employment. Contact: April Bowne-Stone (Employment counsellor) - abowne@nf.aibn.com, 709-489-7848.
- Choices for Youth: Supporting youth in the community with a focus on hard to reach populations like homeless youth. Contact:
- Main office: 709-754-0446.
- Ayon Shahed (partnership coordinator) - ashahed@choicesforyouth.ca.
- Community Youth Network (CYN): Providing support to youth experiencing barriers (e. g. poverty), 34 in the province. Selected chapters:
- Clarenville and Area CYN: Clarenville. Contact: 709-466-7711.
- CYN Southern Avalon: Cape Broyle. Contact: 709-728-1032.
- The Icecap Youth Centre: Springdale. Contact: icecap@nf.aibn.com, 709-673-3755.
- Labrador Friendship Centre: Happy Valley-Goose Bay. Contact: cynhvgb@gmail.com, 709-896-8302 ext. 215.
- Main Street Youth Centre: Grand Bank. Contact: 709-832-2692.
- Paula's Place: L'Anse au Loop. Contact: paulasplace@thecyn.ca,
709-927-5335. - The Rec House: Port aux Basques. Contact: 709-695-6901.
- The Splash Centre: Harbour Grace. Contact: splashcentre@live.ca, 709-596-2400.
- Thrive CYN: St. John's. Contact: info@thrivecyn.ca, 709-754-0536.
- Conservation Corps: Creating opportunities for youth in working with environmental and cultural matters. Contact: 709-729-7265.
- Oceans Learning Partnership: Promoting and raising awareness about careers in oceans industries in youth. Contact: mariag@olp-nl.org, 709-746-4252.
- Skills Canada - Newfoundland and Labrador: Promoting and raising awareness about careers in trades and technologies among youth. Contact: newfoundland@skillscanada.com, 709-739-4172.
Occupational Health and the Workplace
- Atlantic Safety Centre: Providing safety training and occupational health courses to NL workplaces. Contact: Pam Evans (Training Coordinator) - pevans@atlanticsafetycentre.com, 709-576-7233 ext. 203; 709-576-7233 (St. John's) or 709-227-3913 (Argentia).
- Canadian Injured Workers Association: National organization representing injured workers and promoting occupational health and safety.
- Newfoundland and Labrador Occupational Health and Safety Association: Promoting occupational health and safety in workplaces throughout NL. Contact: Mona Saunders (Executive director) - msaunders@atlanticsafetycentre.ca, 709-754-9889.
- SafetyNL: Promoting safe practices on the roads, in the workplace, and in the community. Contact: info@safetyservicesnl.ca, 709-754-0210 (local) or 1-877-754-0210 (toll-free).
- TRIO - Newfoundland and Labrador Municipal Employee Benefits, Inc.: Insurance company through which employers can arrange group benefits such as health and dental coverage for their employees. Contact: Terry Taylor (General manager) - ttaylor@triobenefits.ca, 709-738-7338 (local) or 1-888-330-7338 (toll-free).
- SafetyNet Centre for Occupational Health & Safety Research
Professional Associations
- Association of Early Childhood Educators of Newfoundland and Labrador: Representing childcare professionals in the province. Contact: Skye Taylor (Executive Director) - executivedirector@aecenl.ca, 709-579-3028 (local) or 1-877-579-3028.
- Child and Youth Care Association of Newfoundland and Labrador: Represents child and youth care professionals in the province and advocates for children and youth issues.
- Newfoundland and Labrador Association of Community Building Development Corporations: Supporting small businesses and entrepreneurs in being successful. Contact: 709-745-4406.
- The Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Labour: Represents NL unions and workers and advocates for their rights. Contact: fed@nlfl.nf.ca, 709-754-1660.
- Women in Resource Development Corporation: Support women in the fields of trade and technology. Contact: info@wrdc.nf.ca, 709-738-3713 (local) or 1-800-738-3713 (toll-free).
- Women in Science and Engineering: Promote careers for women in the fields of science and engineering. Contact: info@wisenl.ca, 709-864-2484.
Provincial Government
- Department of Advanced Education, Skills, and Labour: Provincial department responsible for supporting education and employment. Contact: aesl@gov.nl.ca.
- Government of Newfoundland and Labrador: List of services provided by the provincial government relating to all social determinants of health.
- Human Resource Secretariat: Designing and promoting policy to improve and support the workplace. Contact: HRSServiceCentre@gov.nl.ca.
- Office of Employment Equity for Persons with Disabilities: Support those living with a disability in joining the workforce. Contact: openingdoors@gov.nl.ca, 709-729-5881 (local), or 1-888-729-7690 (toll-free).
- Public Service Commission: Department responsible for supporting workers and the workplace in the field of public service. Contact: contactpsc@gov.nl.ca, 709-729-5810 (local) or 1-855-330-5810 (toll-free).
- Service Canada Newfoundland and Labrador: Listing of all NL locations providing numerous government services and benefits.