Articles About MUNFLA

Mahoney, Hannah R. "A treasure of traditional and contemporary lore." Gazette, 39 number 1 (August 10, 2006): 12.
Inkpen, Deborah. "MUNFLA: Digitizing the Past." Gazette, 36 number 11 (January 22, 2004): 9.
Fulton, Patricia. "The Memorial University of Newfoundland Folklore and Language Archive." CAML Review/Revue de l'ACBM, 30, no. 1 (April/avril 2002): 23-28.
Rosenberg, Neil. "MUNFLA, A Newfoundland Resource For The Study Of Folk Music." Studies in Newfoundland Folklore: Community and Process, ed. Gerald Thomas and J.D.A. Widdowson. St. John's: Breakwater, 1991. 154-165.
"A very singular archive" Decks Awash, vol. 17, no. 01 (January-February 1988): 56.
Rosenberg, Neil. "MUNFLA Cataloguing Practices: A Description." Bulletin of the Folklore Studies Association of Canada, 11.3/4 (Nov. 1987): 33-43.
Herbert, Halpert and Rosenberg, Neil. "Folklore and Language Archive: Memorial University of Newfoundland (MUNFLA)". (1986). Canadian Folk Music Bulletin, 20(1), 40–41.
Translation: by Laurel Doucette and Gerald Thomas: "Apercu du reseau d'informatique: archives de folklore au Canada." Bulletin of the Folklore Studies Association of Canada, 9.3/4 (1985): 7-9.
Rosenberg, Neil. "Outline for a Canadian Folklore Archives Cataloguing Practices Network." Bulletin of the Folklore Studies Association of Canada, 8.3/4 (1984): 24-27.
Reprint: Folklore Studies at Memorial University: Two Studies. Department of Folklore, Reprint Series 4. St. John's: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1978.
Rosenberg, Neil. "MUNFLA: The Development of a Folklore and Language Archive at Memorial University." Laurentian University Review, 8.2 (1976): 107-14. With Herbert Halpert.