Copying and Service Fees

The Canadian Copyright Act outlines strict rules and regulations regarding the reproduction of archival and library materials which may affect MUNFLA’s response to your request for copies. Users are responsible for copyright and other rights requirements.
Invoices for staff research, copying and other MUNFLA services are calculated on the basis of the rates below. Fees must be paid in advance.
Please contact us to make a request:
Folklore and Language Archive (MUNFLA)
Room ED4038, G.A. Hickman Building
Memorial University
St. John’s, NL, A1B 3X8, Canada
Telephone: (709) 864-8401 | Fax: (709) 864-4718 | E-mail:
MUNFLA Copying and Service Fees (PDF version of fees)
Photocopies and Printing
Photocopies and printing -- $0.50 per page
For preservation purposes, archival documents are hand-fed in the photocopier. There is an additional hourly charge of $20.00 for orders requiring ½ hour or more of labour.
Audio Recordings
Analog to digital/digital to digital email transfer --
$20.00 (1-30 minutes)
$25.00 (31-60 minutes)
$30.00 (61-90 minutes)
$35.00 (91-120 minutes)
Analog to digital/digital to digital transfer on CD -- as above with an additional charge of $3.00/CD
Video Recordings
Analog to digital/digital to digital e-mail transfer --
$25.00 (1-30 minutes)
$30.00 (31-60 minutes)
$35.00 (61-90 minutes)
$40.00 (91-120 minutes)
Analog to digital/digital to digital transfer on DVD -- as above with an additional charge of $5.00/DVD
Photographic Images
Analog to digital scan on CD -- $10.00/image + $3.00 CD fee
Analog to digital e-mail transfer -- $10.00/image
Digital to digital reproduction on CD -- $10.00/image + $3.00 CD fee
Digital to digital e-mail transfer -- $10.00/image
- There is no fee to access material in MUNFLA. There is limited self-service at MUNFLA.
- All copies made by MUNFLA are for user research and private study. Permission for use of archival materials is for single use only. Copying fees must be paid in advance.
- Postage and handling charges may apply based on size and weight of package. Please specify surface or airmail.
- Images used for publication on the World Wide Web must be scanned at a resolution of 72 dpi or less. No alteration of images is permitted without written permission from MUNFLA/copyright owner.
- All requests for audio-visual copies are subject to the availability of compatible equipment.
- Turnaround time for archival documents can vary. Processing is done on a priority basis as resources permit. MUNFLA cannot guarantee turnaround times.
- There is a 15% Harmonized Sales Tax (HST) added to the cost of reproductions ordered within Canada. Payment in the form of a cheque or money order should be made payable to: Department of Financial and Administrative Services, Memorial University, St. John’s NL, A1C 5S7. Please quote the invoice number on the remittance advice and mail you send.