Postgraduate Awards

Residence Research Award in Psychiatry

The Resident Research Award is presented annually to the psychiatry resident who is chosen for best completed research presentation.

2024    Charity-Jean Drover
2023    Rebecca Harrison

The Dr. Howard Strong Memorial Scholarship for Postgraduate Geriatric Psychiatry

This scholarship has been established through generous gifts from colleagues, classmates, friends and family of Dr. Howard Strong, a well-known geriatric psychiatrist, member of the first medical graduating class and former Chair of the Discipline of Psychiatry at Memorial. The scholarship is awarded annually to the resident who is rated by faculty as having the best performance in the Geriatric Psychiatry rotation during the psychiatry residency training program in the Faculty of Medicine at Memorial University.

2024    Laura Gale
2023    Emily Bolt
2022    Emily Fitzgerald
2021    Duncan MacIver / Mingyang Wang
2020    David Lundrigan / Andrea Uzans
2019    Kevin Fowler

The Frederick Michael O’Neill Award in Psychiatry

This award was established through a generous gift from Ms. Sharon O’Neill. Frederick Michael O’Neill was a World War One Veteran who was one of the first 500, a Blue Puttee, to enlist and enter the war via the HMS Florizel. This will be awarded annually to a resident of Newfoundland and Labrador who has completed the second year of the postgraduate residency program in psychiatry at Memorial University’s Faculty of Medicine and who has demonstrated excellent patient care skills. The recipient must meet the minimum academic requirements for an award as defined by Memorial University.

2024    Leanna Lewis
2023    Dakota Janes
2022    Emily Bolt
2021    Emily Fitzgerald
2019    David Lundrigan

Resident Research In-Progress Award

This award is presented annually to the psychiatry resident who is chosen for best research in-progress presentation.

2024    Leanna Lewis / Jamie Green
2023    Emily Fitzgerald
2022    Dakota Janes
2021    Jessica Sang

Resident Teaching Award

This award is presented annually to the psychiatry resident who is chosen as the best mentor/teacher by the graduating medical school class.

2024    Leanna Lewis
2023    Paul Pitts
2022    Emily Fitzgerald / Paul Pitts
2021    Jordan Brennan / David Mo
2020    David Lundrigan
2019    Jordan Brennan

Grand Rounds Award

This award is presented annually for the grand rounds that is most highly rated by the audience and reviewers.

2023   Rebecca Harrison / Emily Fitzgerald / Emily Bolt
2022   Duncan MacIver / Emily Fitzgerald / Laura Gale
2021   David Lundrigan / Duncan MacIver / Emily Fitzgerald / Andrea Uzans
2020   Stuart Gill
2019   Christopher Earle

The Dr. Paul Janssen Excellence in Psychiatry Research Award

The Resident Research Award is presented annually to the psychiatry resident who is chosen for best completed research presentation.

2022    David Lundrigan
2021    Christopher Earle
2019    Anne Hurley