Cross-Appointed Faculty

Garland, Sheila N.
Associate Professor, Discipline of Psychology (Cross Appointed to the Discipline of Oncology) PhD. R. Psych

Gendron, Robert
Professor of Cancer/Cardiovascular Biology and Cross Appointment with Oncology Ph.D., McGill University

Green, Jane
Discipline of Genetics (Cross Appointed to Surgery [Ophthalmology], Medicine, Oncology) OC, ONL, BSc, MSc (UBC); PhD (Memorial), CCMG (hon), FCAHS

Hayward, Lori
Hayward, Lori
Clinical Assistant Professor of Oncology (GPO*/Medical Oncology) *General Practitioner in Oncology B.Sc. (Hon), MD Memorial, CCFP

Hogan, Michael
Associate Professor of Surgery (Gen, Hepatobiliary & Pancreatic) B.Med.Sc., MD Memorial, 2000, M.M.Ed., Dundee, 2004, FRCSC

Kao, Ken
Professor, Division of Biomedical Sciences | Division of Biomedical Sciences (Cross Appointment with the Discipline of Oncology)

Mathieson, Alex
Assistant Professor of Surgery (General & Surgical Oncology) B.Sc. (Hons), MD, 2001 , Memorial, FRCSC

Savas, Sevtap
Professor, Human Genetics and Cross Appointment with Oncology B. Sc., M.Sc., PhD (Bogazici)