Foundations of Discipline (FOD) Continued
The focus of PGY 3-5 is to gain exposure to subspecialty practice, continue research projects with the aim to finalize and present/publish, fine tune surgical skills, increase experience in rural obstetrics and gynecology and continue career planning. PGY5 will also have a transition to practice (TTP) element, where the learner’s knowledge and skills will be consolidated to prepare them for independent practice or fellowship.
Maternal Fetal Medicine
Materal Fetal Medicine (MFM) Rotation Objectives
Urogynecology Rotation Objectives
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility
Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility (REI) Rotation Objectives
Gynecology Oncology
Gyne Oncology Objectives
Research Rotation Objectives
Colposcopy, General Clinics
- Colposcopy Resident Rotation Objectives
- Ambulatory Clinics Rotation Objectives
Electives (~3 blocks)
- Learners may plan their own electives based on future career goals and interests
Community OBGYN
Community Rotation Objectives
Transition to Practice (TTP)
Chief Gynecology (at HSC or a peripheral site) (2-3 blocks)
Chief Gynecology Resident Rotation Objectives
Chief Obstetrics (HSC) (2-3 blocks)
Chief Obstetrics Rotation Objectives
Transition to Practice (2-3 blocks)
This rotation provides consolidated gynecologic experience at the senior level. You have one staff mentor of your choosing for this rotation and the idea is to begin functioning independently in clinics and in the OR with your staff as your back up. This rotation has been very well received by residents and staff alike.