Full-Time Faculty

Randell, Edward
Randell, Edward
Professor and Vice-Chair | Discipline of Laboratory Medicine
T: (709) 777-2164 | E: ed.randell@easternhealth.ca | O: 1J445 |

Barron, Jane
Barron, Jane
Associate Professor and Chair | Discipline of Laboratory Medicine
T: (709) 777-7711 | E: Jane.barron@med.mun.ca | O: 1539B |

Han, Fei-Yu
Associate Professor | Discipline of Laboratory Medicine
T: (709) 777-4090 | E: fhan@mun.ca |

Ikpatt, Offiong
Ikpatt, Offiong
Associate Professor | Discipline of Laboratory Medicine
T: (709) 777-6207 | E: offiong.ikpatt@easternhealth.ca |

Kirby, Simon
Associate Professor and Program Director | Discipline of Laboratory Medicine
T: (709) 777-2478 | E: skirby@mun.ca | O: 1531A |

O’Rielly, Darren
Associate Professor
T: (709) 777-2416 | E: darren.orielly@mun.ca |

Zahariadis, George
Associate Professor | Discipline of Laboratory Medicine
T: (709) 777-7233 | E: George.Zahariadis@med.mun.ca |

Whitman, Lucinda
Associate Professor | Discipline of Laboratory Medicine
T: (709) 777-6550 | E: lwhitman@mun.ca |

Pirzada, Amrah
Assistant Professor | Discipline of Laboratory Medicine
T: (709) 777-6370 | E: amrah.pirzada@easternhealth.ca | O: 1539D |

Reid, Stephanie
Assistant Professor | Discipline of Laboratory Medicine
T: (709) 777-2438 | E: t27slr@mun.ca | O: 1539C |