Faculty A-Z

Suryakant K. Shah
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics MB.Ch.B. (Makerere), M.Med. (Pediatrics; Nairobi), FAAP, FRCPCPediatrics Cardiology
777-4304 / 777-4768
Pediatric Cardiology Janeway Childrenâ€TMs Health and Rehabilitation Centre 300 Prince Phillip Drive . St. Johnâ€TMs . A1B3V6 Newfoundland . Canada . Telephone: 1-709-777-4768(W) 4304. FAX: 1-709-777-4747.
Research Interests:
Present research projects
1. Re-coarctation of aorta echocardiographic and MRI correlation
2. Long-term outcome of coarctation repair
3. Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia (CIHR-funded project in colloboration with Drs. Sean Connors, Patrick Parfrey and Bridget Fernandez and Christina Templeton.
4. Tetralogy of fallot long-term outcome
5. Genetics of congenital heart disease.
Research Projects Completed
1. RSV and heart: holter monitoring and echocardiographic findings.
2. Cholesterol Screening in Pediatrics in
3. Circulatory effects of Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition on Hypoxia in unsedated Lambs Posture Presentation at Canadian cardiovascular meeting in
4. Using a new Retrievable Modified Coil to occlude the PDA in infants and children. Presented at Poster session II, Canadian Cardiovascular meeting in
5. Coarctation of Aorta – Long-term outcome
Poster Presentation at the 81st Annual Canadian Pediatric Society Meeting in
Selected Publications
Shah, S.K., Scott, J.W., and Sharratt, G.P. Congestive Heart failure in an Infant Secondary to Dilated Cardiomyopathy. Grenfell Clinical Quarterly, Vol.4., No. 3. 42-48, 1988.
Shah, S.K. and Scott, J.W. Urinary Tract Infection in Children at the
Forbes, C.B. and Shah, S.K. Ketotifen as Prophylaxis in Asthmatic Children. East African Medical Journal, April 1986.
Shah, S.K. Urinary Tract Infection in Childhood. A dissertation presented to the
Hansen, D.P., Silverstein, D.M., Warshow, M.M., Ojiambo, H.P. and Shah, S.K. Coarctation of Aorta in
Odouri, M.L. and Shah, S.K. Sub-Acute Sclerosing Pan-encephalitis in
Silverstein, D.M., Shah, S.K., Warshow, M.M., Hansen, D.P. and Ojiambo, H.P. Cardiomyopathy in Young Kenyans. Published in Ciba-Geigy publication Cardiovascular Disease in Africa, (Ed. Akinkugbe, O.O.) page 148, 1976.
Ongeri, S.K. and Shah, S.K. Acute Renal failure in Children, East
Letters To Editors
1. Shah, Surya K. Neonatal Resuscitation: Comment.
2. Walsh, E., Cramer, B. and Shah, S.K. Spinal Cord Calcification in Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection. Am. J Ragiol. 1990; 155: 1142-1143.
Papers Read
1. Historical and Angiocardiographic Review of Coarctation of Aorta.
2. Birth Weights of Newborn Babies at the
3. Nutritional Requirements in children at Maternal and Child Health/Family Planning Seminar in Meru,
4. Ventricular Septal Defect - The Spectrum as seen at the
5. Patent Ductus Arteriosus at the High Altitude. Pan African Congress of Cardiology.
6. Hemodynamics and Clinical Features of Rheumatic Heart Disease in Children under the age of 10 years at
7. Congenital Cyanotic Heart Disease as seen at
8. Congenital Heart Disease as seen at the Pediatric Cardiac Clinic and
9. Rheumatic Heart Disease in Children - the Kenyan Experience. International Congress of Tropical Cardiology.
10. Infantile Spasms. Annual Summer Meeting.
11. Reye Syndrome in an Infant. Case presentation and discussion. Annual Summer Meeting.
12. Emergency in Pediatrics. Lecture at the Family Practice Meeting at the
13. Workshop in Neonatal Resuscitation conducted at the
14. Grand rounds at the Janeway
- Manifestation of Congenital Heart Defect in Newborn Syncope
- Syncope in Children
- Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome
- Murmurs in Children – When to refer
- How not to miss Congenital heart defects and cardiac disease in newborn, infants and children.
- Congenital Heart Defect 22 q 11 deletion Spectrum
- Skills for the New Millennium – Review of the CanMEDS 2000.
- How to set up examinations questions for the Short Answer Questions exams, Multiple Choice Questions and OSCE.
- Who’s done it? A review of etiology of the Congenital Heart Defect in infants and Children
15. April 1998. Clinical Day in Child Health. Heart Murmurs - Who needs to be referred.
16. May 1999 CME –
17. Regular CME at