Full-time Faculty

Emergency Medicine full-time faculty can be contacted at emergencymedadmin@mun.ca or 709-864-6034.

Parsons, Michael - BSc, M.D., Memorial, CCFP(EM), FCFP
Parsons, Michael - BSc, M.D., Memorial, CCFP(EM), FCFP
Associate Professor and Chair | Discipline of Emergency Medicine (Cross Appointed with Family Medicine)

Metcalfe, Brian - BSc, M.D., Memorial, CCFP(EM) FCFP
Associate Professor | Discipline of Emergency Medicine

Renouf, Tia - M.D., Memorial, CCFP(EM) FCFP
Associate Professor and Inaugural Chair 2011-2017 | Discipline of Emergency Medicine

Rogers, Peter - B.Sc., M.D., Memorial, CCFP (EM) FCFP
Associate Professor, Program Director, Emergency Medicine Residency Program, Enhanced Skills Program Director | Discipline of Emergency Medicine (Cross Appointed with Family Medicine)

Sheppard, Gillian - B. Sc(Hons), M. D., Memorial, CCFP(EM) FCFP
Sheppard, Gillian - B. Sc(Hons), M. D., Memorial, CCFP(EM) FCFP
Associate Professor | Discipline of Emergency Medicine (Cross Appointed with Pediatrics)

Wilson, Margo - M.D., Memorial, CCFP(EM) FCFP
Wilson, Margo - M.D., Memorial, CCFP(EM) FCFP
Associate Professor | Discipline of Emergency Medicine

Smith, Eric - B.Sc., M.D. Memorial, CCFP (EM)
Assistant Professor | Discipline of Emergency Medicine (Cross Appointed with Family Medicine)

Stone-McLean, Jordan - B.Sc., (Hons), M.D., Memorial CCFP(EM)
Stone-McLean, Jordan - B.Sc., (Hons), M.D., Memorial CCFP(EM)
Assistant Professor, Assistant Program Director Emergency Medicine Enhanced Skills Program | Discipline of Emergency Medicine (Cross Appointed with Family Medicine)

Joint and Cross Appointments

Czarnuch, Stephen - B.Eng. & Mgmt., MASc (McMaster), PhD (Toronto), P.Eng.
Associate Professor | Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Jewer, Jennifer - B.Ed. (post-Secondary), B. Comm. (Co-op)(Hons.), MA.Sc., PhD, PMP
Associate Professor | Faculty of Business Administration