Program Organization

The Residency Program Committee (RPC) assists the Program Director in the planning, organization, and evaluation of the Residency Program. The Committee will include representation from each participating site, each major component of the Program and will include resident representation. 

The RPC consists of: 

Voting Members

Dr. Ian MacPherson - Program Director 
Dr. Paul Boland - Assistant Program Director
Dr. Joanne Hickey - Chair, Accreditation Continuous Improvement Committee
Dr. James Quinlan - Chair, Promotions Committee/Competency Committee
Dr. Cathy Murray - Chair, Medical Education Committee
Dr. Claire Skanes  -  Chief Resident
Dr. Julia Pennell - Chief Resident 
Dr. Joanna Joyce - Member-At-Large
Dr. Jacqueline Costello – Member-At-Large

Non-voting Members

Dr. Natalie Bandrauk - SIM Representative
Dr. Gillian Morrison - SCMH Representative
Dr. Paul Boland - Cardiology Representative
Dr. Peter Daley - Research Lead/Critical Appraisal/Quality
Dr. Richard Lush - Community Medicine Representative - Grand Falls - Windsor site
Dr. Joshua Gould - Community Medicine Representative - Corner Brook site
Dr. Michael Davis - Wellness Committee Liaison
Dr. Hao Wang  - Teaching Resident
Dr. Jenna Kennelly - Teaching Resident
Dr. Claire Skanes – PGY3 Representative
Dr. Jenna Kennelly – PGY2 Representative
Dr. Sarah Williams – PGY1 Representative
Dr. Lauren Winsor - QI Resident Representative
Dr. Tyler Brown – QI Representative
Dr. Reniel Engelbrecht – Sim Representative
Dr. Paul Bissonnette – Pocus Representative


Dr. Sean Murphy - Chair, Discipline of Medicine

Support Structure

There are 4 subcommittees of the RPC - Accreditation and Continuous Improvement Committee (ACI) , Competency Committee (CC), Wellness Committee (WC), and PGY I Selection Committee. The RPC will receive reports directly from these subcommittees and the Medical Education Committee (MEC).

Residency Program Committee Terms of Reference

Accreditation and Continuous Improvement Committee Terms of Reference

RPC Competency/Promotions Subcommittee Terms of Reference

Wellness Subcommittee Terms of Reference

PGY1 Selection Committee Terms of Reference

Medical Education Subcommittee Terms of Reference

Medical Education Committee Terms of Reference