Milestones and Resources
Research Modules
- Residents should complete these modules by January of their first year. They serve as valuable references throughout the residency.
- Research Modules
- Action: Residents should submit their certification of completion to the Research Director (RD) for record-keeping.
Study Design
- The RD assists in the initial planning of the scholarly project.
- Meetings: Residents are encouraged to set up an initial meeting to plan their scholarly project. The RD schedules regular check-ins every six months to ensure the project remains on track. Other faculty supervisors will also be involved in the design and progress of the projects, providing additional guidance and expertise.
- Project Planning: Residents will develop their clinical or research question with the RD and other faculty supervisors and determine how to answer it. The RD and faculty can also assist those needing clarification on a project topic or identifying a suitable project.
- Proposal Writing: It is advised to begin writing the project proposal or protocol early. Templates are available to assist in shaping the proposal, which should be completed before starting the ethics application. The process should begin with a literature review.
Literature Review
- Residents should begin their literature review by contacting the designated librarian. The librarian will assist in gathering and reviewing relevant material to form the basis of the project’s introduction and discussion sections.
TCPS2 - Ethics Requirement
- Completing the TCPS2: CORE tutorial is required for the research and ethics application.
- TCPS2: CORE Tutorial Link
- Action: After completing the tutorial, residents should retain a copy of the certificate for inclusion in their ethics application.
Health Research and Ethics
- Memorial Research Portal (Romeo) Account: Residents must create an account to start their ethics application. Quality Improvement (QI) projects may not always require ethics approval, but going through the process is beneficial.
- Request Romeo Account Link
- Approval Process: QI projects require approval from Eastern Health, and having an ethics application on file can be helpful.
Eastern Health Evaluation Proposal Approval Committee (EPAC)
- This committee oversees the approval of evaluation proposals within Newfoundland Health.
- EPAC Information Link
Eastern Health Research Proposal Approval Committee (RPAC)
- Required for research or evaluation projects within Newfoundland Health, RPAC reviews the HREB application and data management plans.
- RPAC Information Link
Scholars in Progress Day/Research Day
- Held every two years, this event requires residents to present their projects two times, in the design and results stages.
- Presentations: In the 2nd/4th or 3rd/5th year, residents will present either an idea/proposal or their results/publications.
- First-year residents are not expected to present on this day; however, they may present an article during an evening journal club session.