Undergraduate Forms



  1. Deferred Exam Application (Math & Stats)
  2. Supplementary Exam Application (Math & Stats)
  3. Marking Position Application (Math & Stats)

Many common forms are housed on the Registrar's Office forms page:

Deferred Final Exams

Deferred exams will be scheduled to take place at the start of the following term.  Details are emailed to students' @mun.ca address, from tstuckless@mun.ca.


To apply for an exam deferral please use the online form here:


Supporting documents must be attached in your application, or emailed to mathugrad@mun.ca from your @mun.ca account. Please reference your student number, and the course number of the exam you are deferring when you send supporting documents.

Student Health Certificate- required if your deferral is based on medical reasons.


  • If due to illness: 48 hrs after the scheduled exam time
  • If due to exam schedule:  two weeks before the end of the lecture period.

For further details on this policy, see the University Regulations on deferred exams.

For illness or medical conditions, medical documentation from a health professional is required. Students should provide the health professional with a copy of the Student Health Certificate. The Department may not accept other types of medical notes.

For bereavement or other acceptable cause, official documents or letters that support the reason for the request (e.g. death certificate, letter from employer, etc.) are required.

If you are in an online section (section numbers 081, 082, ..., 089) then you will be asked to upload the form CITL uses to facilitate off-campus exams:CITL exam facilitation form.


Supplementary Final Exams

Supplementary exams are available for students in courses starting with the digit 1 or 2, provided you have 1) clear academic standing, 2) a passing term mark, and 3) a course mark between 45-49 inclusive. 

Form: Math & Stats supplementary exam application

NOTE: Supplementary exams in the Math & Stats Department are restricted to 1- and 2-thousand level courses.  Supplementary exams must take place before the end of the first week of classes of the following term and may not be deferred.  Students must also satisfy the conditions listed on the form: 1) clear academic standing, 2) passing term mark, and 3) course mark between 45-49 inclusive. There is a $50 required fee for supplementary examination, as prescribed here.  Note that the $50 fee will be waived if CITL is collecting a fee to coordinate a supplementary exam.   The general regulations governing supplementary examinations are published in the Faculty of Science section of the calendar.

Deadline: Completed application due within one CALENDAR week of the release of final grades. 

Payment Procedure:

On-campus sections: Contact the cashier's office for instructions on payment.   Forward an e-receipt or screenshot of the payment, including your name and student number, and the course number for the exam to mathugrad@mun.ca.

Online sections:  CITL will charge a fee to coordinate the exam.  This is the only fee you need to pay for the supplementary exam. 

Student Assistant

NOTE:  No positions available for Winter 2025.

Applied and pure mathematics majors can apply to work as a Student Assistant for undergraduate courses, for the Fall and Winter terms.  Student assistants help instructors with marking assignments and quizzes, or running help sessions for a specific instructor.

Student Assistant Application Form

Deadline: Due on day 1 of the semester in which you want to mark.  A hard copy of the application should be submitted to the General Office by end of day on the second day of the semester.

These positions are usually not available in the Spring semester.  You are welcome to put in an application, but the chances are very low.