Mathematics & Statistics Programs
Declaring a Major in Mathematics
Declaring a Major in Statistics
Programs in Mathematics, Statistics, and Data Science:
- Major in Data Science (Map)
- Major in Mathematics (Map)
- Honours in Mathematics (Map)
- Minor in Mathematics (Map)
- Major in Statistics (Map)
- Honours in Statistics (Map)
- Minor in Statistics
- Pure Mathematics and Statistics Joint Honours (B.Sc. only.)
Joint Programs:
Join programs will be updated in the upcoming 2025-26 University Calendar as we replace 'pure math' and 'applied math' with 'mathematics'. Current programs are listed here:
Declaring a Major
Most people who major in data science, mathematics, or statistics do so within the Faculty of Science (and graduate with a bachelor of science degree). We recommend that potential students declare their major after completion of at least 15 credit hours of study, including MATH 1001.
In addition to your major program requirements you must complete core degree requirements. The core requirements for a B.Sc. are:
- one English course, and one other critical reading and writing course
- two courses in mathematics, and
- two courses in each of two sciences (other than mathematics)
Students who are uncertain of their intended major program in science should take chemistry and physics in their first year since these courses open the door to the widest variety of subsequent programs. Computer science is also very useful as all mathematics students will want to complete an introductory course in computer programming before the end of their second year.
It is also possible to obtain the bachelor of arts degree with a major in mathematics. To begin such a program, students should consider courses which will help satisfy the four types of core requirements for a B.A.:
- Breadth of Knowledge Requirement
- Critical Reading and Writing (CRW) Requirement
- Language Study (LS) Requirement
- Quantitative Reasoning (QR) Requirement
To declare a major in data science, mathematics, or statistics, email a completed Declaration/Change of Academic Program form to