Course Schedule
To obtain the official course schedule, please contact the Office of the Registrar:
Office of the Registrar Course Offerings
While course offerings are not confirmed until posted by the Registrar's Office (see above link), math courses are usually offered as described in the table below. Students should check the official schedule as posted by the Registrar's Office as soon as it is available to ensure that no changes affecting their course planning have been made.
The tenative schedule of fall 2025 and winter 2026 is available here: tentative-schedule2025-26
Course |
Title | Semesters Offered | Note |
1000 | Calculus I | fall, winter, spring | online sections available |
1001 | Calculus II | fall, winter, spring | online sections available |
1005 | Calculus for Business | fall, winter | |
1006 | Calculus for Life Sciences | winter | |
1050 | Finite Mathematics I | fall, winter | |
1051 | Finite Mathematics II | fall, winter | |
1090 | Algebra & Trigonometry | fall, winter, spring | online sections available |
2000 | Calculus III | fall, winter, spring | |
2050 | Linear Algebra I | fall, winter, spring | online sections available in fall and winter |
2051 | Linear Algebra II | fall, winter | |
2030 | Mathematical Inquiry II | fall, winter | |
2090 | Mathematics Of Finance | winter | may not be offered every year |
2260 | Ordinary Diff Equations I | fall, winter, spring | |
2320 | Discrete Mathematics | fall, winter, spring | |
2410 | Intro to Probability Theory | fall, winter | |
2500 | Stats/Busi&Art Students I | fall, winter, spring | online sections available |
2530 | Statistical Data Analytics | fall | |
2550 | Stats for Science Students | fall, winter, spring | online sections available fall and winter |
2560 | Further Stats Science Students | winter | |
3000 | Real Analysis I | fall, winter | |
3001 | Real Analysis II | winter | |
3030 | Mathematical Inquiry II | winter | |
3100 | Intro to Dynamical Systems | fall | |
3111 | Applied Complex Analysis | inactive | |
3132 | Numerical Analysis I | fall | |
3161 | Ordinary Diff Equations II | winter | |
3202 | Vector Calculus | fall, winter, spring | |
3210 | Intro Complex Analysis | winter | |
3240 | Applied Graph Theory | fall | |
3300 | Set Theory | fall | |
3303 | Introductory Geometric Topology | winter | odd calendar years |
3320 | Abstract Algebra | fall | |
3331 | Projective Geometry | winter | even calendar years (e.g., winter 2026) |
3340 | Intro Combinatorics | winter | |
3370 | Intro Number Theory | fall | |
3411 | Statistical Inference I | winter | |
4000 | Lebesque Integration (F) | varies | will be offered winter 2026 |
4001 | Functional Analysis | varies | will be offered fall 2025 |
4130 | Intro to General Relativity | winter | even calendar years |
4133 | Numerical Optimization | winter | |
4160 | Partial Diff Equations I | fall | |
4162 | Num Mthds for Diff Equations | fall | |
4170 | Partial Diff Equations II | inactive | |
4180 | Intro to Fluid Dynamics | winter | |
4190 | Mathematical Modelling | winter | to be phased out |
4230 | Differential Geometry | winter | odd calendar years |
4252 | Quantum Information&Computing | varies | |
4282 | Cryptography | varies, infrequent | |
4300 | General Topology | winter | |
4310 | Complex Function Theory | fall | |
4320 | Ring Theory | winter | even calendar years |
4321 | Group Theory | winter | odd calendar years |
4340 | Combinatorial Analysis | varies | will be offered winter 2026 |
4341 | Combinatorial Designs | varies | rotates with 4340, 4342 |
4342 | Graph Theory | varies | will be offered fall 2025 |
4370 | Number Theory | varies, infrequent |