The Beowulf Cluster: Pictures
The following pictures were taken in May 2007 and illustrate the arrival and configuration of the new cluster:
08 May 2007 (Tuesday)
These are the “before” pictures, showing the state of our computer room prior to the installation of the new equipment. Several of the old machines on “Side A” of the room have already been removed in order to make way for the incoming equipment.
10 May 2007 (Thursday)
The new computers have arrived and are mostly in boxes, stacked nearly to the ceiling in one of the rooms.
Nolan and Tom show the innards of one of the new cluster nodes:
Everything from “Side A” is now out of the way, and a new rack is ready to hold the new computers:
Nolan shows off the 8-processor 128-GB machine:
It's heavy and requires two people to be installed:
11 May 2007 (Friday)
The nodes begin to be installed so that they can undergo initial testing:
15 May 2007 (Tuesday)
They're now all in the rack:
But they're not yet fully wired:
16 May 2007 (Wednesday)
Nolan and Tom install the 2nd processor core and 4 GB of RAM into each node: