Areas of Faculty Research



  1. Algebra
  2. Analysis
  3. Combinatorics
  4. Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
  5. Fluid Mechanics
  6. Geometry and Topology
  7. Mathematical Methods and Modelling / Numerical Optimization
  8. Mathematical Physics
  9. Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation
  1. Biostatistics
  2. Business and Industrial Statistics
  3. Econometric Models
  4. Environmental and Financial Processes
  5. General Applied Statistics
  6. Non-Parametric Statistics
  7. Sampling
  8. Statistical Genetics
  9. Theory of Statistics and Probability



Topics: associative and nonassociative ring theory, enveloping algebras, graded rings, group rings, Hopf algebras, infinite group theory, Lie algebras and representation theory, loop theory, module theory.

Faculty: Bahturin, Goodaire, Kotchetov, Martinez-Pedroza, Parmenter, SommerhäuserUsefi, Zhou

More information: Atlantic Algebra Centre


Topics: approximation theory, fixed point theorems, geometric analysis, harmonic and complex analysis, locally convex spaces, nonlinear analysis, nuclear and barrelled spaces, operator algebras and K-theory, operator theory, summability theory.

Faculty: Brunner, Merkli, Ou, Watson, Xiao, Ye, Zhao


Topics: colourings of designs and graphs, computational combinatorics, covering and packing designs, design theory, graph factorizations and decompositions, graph labellings, graph searching, graph theory, pursuit evasion games, resolvable designs, Skolem sequences, transversal and group divisible designs.

Faculty: Dyer, Pike, Shalaby

More information: Combinatorics Group

Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems

Topics: continuous and discrete dynamical systems and their applications; control theory; ordinary, functional and partial differential equations.

Faculty: HurfordSummers, Yuan

More information: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems Group

Fluid Mechanics

Topics: boundary-layer theory, discrete vortex methods, flow induced vibrations, geophysical fluid dynamics, Navier-Stokes problems, turbulence, viscous flow.

Faculty: Alam, Bihlo, HaynesMacLachlan

More information: Fluid Mechanics Group

Geometry and Topology

Topics: classifying spaces and equivariant homotopy theory, cofibrations, equivariant cohomology theories, fibrations, geometric group theory, groups of self homotopy equivalences, Lie groups, low dimensional topology, metric spaces of non-positive curvature, moduli spaces, Nielsen numbers, symplectic geometry and hamiltonian actions, topological quantum field theories.

Faculty: Baird, P. Booth, Heath

Mathematical Methods and Modelling / Numerical Optimization

Topics: asymptotics, mathematical/numerical modelling of biological systems, neural networks, numerical optimization, perturbation methods, variational methods.

Faculty: BihloHaynes, HurfordKondratieva, Loredo-Osti, MacLachlan

Mathematical Physics

Topics: black hole physics, quantum mechanics, quantum dynamical systems, quantum resonance theory, general relativity, theoretical space physics.

Faculty: I. Booth, Kunduri

Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computation

Topics: adaptive wavelet methods, adaptive mesh methods for PDEs, multigrid methods, numerical linear algebra, computational fluid dynamics, numerical optimization

Faculty: Alam, Bihlo, Haynes, Hurford, MacLachlan



Topics: familial models, longitudinal design and analysis of clinical trials, generalized quasi-likelihood inference, longitudinal models, missing data models, multiple comparison, survival analysis.

Faculty: Cigsar, Fan, OyetYilmaz

Business and Industrial Statistics

Topics: experimental design, process and quality control, quality management.

Faculty: Variyath

Econometric Models

Topics: binary and count panel data models, dynamic probit and logit models, generalized quasi-likelihood inferences, linear dynamic mixed models, measurement errors.

Faculty: Loredo-Osti

Environmental and Financial Processes

Topics: regression models for time series data, spatial temporal models, volatility models for discrete and continuous time series.


General Applied Statistics

Topics: capture re-capture models, categorical data analysis, classification, lifetime data models, linear and non-linear regression models, stock assessment in fisheries.

Faculty: Cadigan

Non-Parametric Statistics

Topics: density estimation, kernel inferences, non-parametric regression, wavelet inference, semi-parametric regression.



Topics: familial models for survey data, longitudinal models for survey data, successive substitution sampling.

Faculty: Cadigan

Statistical Genetics

Topics: analysis of complex traits, genetic architecture pedigree, genomic data, pattern recognition for high-dimensional data.


Theory of Statistics and Probability

Topics: branching process, brandit problems, distribution theory, inference for statistic process, order statistics, power divengence statistics, probability, robust inference in the presence of outliers.
