AARMS CRG in Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras
This is the home page of the Collaborative Research Group 'Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras'. It is funded by the Atlantic Association for Research in the Mathematical Sciences (AARMS). Its goal is to promote research in thesea reas within Atlantic Canada and beyond. In this effort, the Collaborative Research Group works closely with the Atlantic Algebra Centre based at Memorial University.
Advances in Statistical Analysis of Fisheries Data
AARMS Workshop at Science Atlantic - Mini Course by Paolo Bellingeri
- Research Visit of Nicholás Andruskiewitsch
- Mini Course by Leandro Vendramin
Academic Administrator: Mikhail Kotchetov
Collaborators from AARMS member universities:
- Yuri Bakhturin (Memorial Univerisity, St. John's)
- Tom Baird (Memorial University, St. John's)
- John Irving (Saint Mary's University, Halifax)
- Yorck Sommerhäuser (Memorial University, St. John's)
- Eduardo Martinez-Pedroza (Memorial University, St. John's)
- Mitja Mastnak (Saint Mary's University, Halifax)
- Braham Rangipour (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton)
- Peter Selinger (Dalhousie University, Halifax)
- Roman Smirnov (Dalhousie University, Halifax)
- Nicholas Touikan (University of New Brunswick, Fredericton)
- Yiqiang Zhou (Memorial University, St. John's)
Collaborators from other institutions:
- Nicholás Andruskiewitsch (University Nacional de Córdoba)
- Georgia Benkart (University of Wisconsin, Madison)
- Alberto Elduque (University of Zaragoza)
- Jörg Feldvoss (University of South Alabama, Mobile)
- Terry Gannon (University of Alberta, Edmonton)
- Yevgenia Kashina (DePaul University, Chicago)
- Simon Lentner (university of Hamburg)
- Susan Montgomery (University of Southern California, Los Angeles)
- Alexander Olshanskiy (Venderbilt University, Nashville)
- Alexander Premet (University of Manchester)
- Christoph Schweigert (University of Hamburg)
- Kirill Zainoulline (Universty of Ottawa)