Mathematics Placement Test (MPT)

The MPT (Math Placement Test) is a two hour diagnostic of basic skills in mathematics administered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. It has been carefully designed by mathematics educators to measure levels of competence in specific core areas of mathematics covered in grade school -- arithmetic of integers, rational numbers, and reals, algebraic expressions, trigonometry, basic geometry, and simple functions. The test consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, in 20 topics/areas, broken down into five questions each.  Students have 2hrs to complete the test.

To register for any of Math 1000, 1005, 1006, 1050, 1051, 1090, or Stat 1500 or 2500,  a Math Placement Test score is usually required.  To determine if you need an MPT score, check the Course Criteria chart:

 There are two ways to register for the Math Placement Test:

  1. Register for MATH 1MPT on self-service during course registration to write the MPT at the start of a term (see 'Start-of-Term MPT', below). 

  2. Use the online form linked on this page to register for an 'Early MPT', separate from MUN course registration.  This option allows new incoming students to determine their MPT score early and avoid uncertainty regarding which courses they will be eligible to take in the upcoming Fall term.

The use of a calculator is neither required nor permitted on the MPT.

You must present a photo ID when you write the MPT. A Memorial University student ID or valid driver's license is acceptable. Online students registered in MATH 1MPT-081 must present both a MUN student ID and a piece of government issued photo ID.

The following .pdfs explain what you will encounter on your MPT:

If you are a student with a disability who requires an academic accommodation to write the MPT (e.g., large print or extended time), please contact the Accessibility Services (Blundon Centre), Student Life, to discuss your request.

Early MPT (End of May to Early July)

Students in Newfoundland and Labrador may write an early MPT near the end of the school year or in St. John's at various times over the summer.   Registration for the Early MPT will take place March 1st to April 30th each year.  Registration for sites outside St. John's will end on April 30, but the form will be available May 3 - July 21 for students to register for any of the summer MPT dates in St. John's.

Activate your email before registering for the MPT.   To access your memorial email, please login to and click View and Manage Your MUN E-Mail.  Note: You will need to create your MUN Login account before you can access your email.

Early-MPT 2025 Planned* Sites and Dates:

St. John's, MUN Campus 14-Jun Confirmed
St. John's, MUN Campus 4-Jul Confirmed
St. John's, MUN Campus 18-Jul Confirmed
St. John's, MUN Campus 1-Aug Confirmed
Burin Bay Arm 14-Jun Tentative
Carbonear 14-Jun Tentative
Churchill Falls 14-Jun Tentative
Clarenville 14-Jun Tentative
Gander 14-Jun Tentative
Grand Falls-Windsor 14-Jun Tentative
Grenfell Campus, Corner Brook 14-Jun Tentative
Happy-Valley Goose Bay 14-Jun Tentative
Harbour Breton 14-Jun Tentative
Labrador West 14-Jun Tentative
Port aux Basques 14-Jun Tentative
Springdale 14-Jun Tentative
St. Alban's 14-Jun Tentative
St. Anthony 14-Jun Tentative


*As sites are confirmed, the status will change from 'tentative' to 'confirmed'.


Start-of-Term MPT

The MPT is administered the day before classes start in the Fall term*, and on the evening of the first day of classes of the Winter and Spring terms.

*In the case that classes begin in September the day after the labour day statutory holiday then the MPT will take place on the first day of classes. 

To register for the start-of-term MPT, add MATH 1MPT on Self-Service when you register for courses.  Registration in MATH 1MPT will allow you to register for courses that require an MPT score.   You will be informed of your score the day after the test is written, and whether or not it will be necessary to make changes to your course registration.  You should attend the first lectures of your math classes while you await the result of your MPT.

Winter MPT sections:
MATH    1MPT-056  7:00pm - 9:00pm (location visible in Self-Service)
MATH    1MPT-081  (online*)

*After you add MATH 1MPT-081 on Self-Service, a corresponding Brightspace will appear in your Online Learning portal.  Check the MATH 1MPT-081 Brightspace at least two weeks prior to the start of the term for instructions on how to schedule an online MPT.  For more information contact Leigh Herman (



MPT Exemptions

Students who have one of the following results may not need an MPT score.  To use one of the following to meet prerequisite requirements to do a MATH or STAT course, you must submit the result through offical channels, to the Admissions Office at Memorial.  Admissions will need to receive your results 2-3 weeks before the start of the term

  1. Cambridge or EdExcel Mathematics AS-level at least 65%.
  2. Cambridge or EdExcel Mathematics A-level at least 50%.
  3. College Board Mathematics Subject Test 1 at least 700.
  4. College Board Mathematics Subject Test 2 at least 600.
  5. IB Standard Level Math Analysis and Approaches at least 4.
  6. IB Higher Level Math Analysis and Approaches at least 3.
  7. Credit for MATH 1090 or MATH 1000.

The MPT (Math Placement Test) is a two hour diagnostic of basic skills in mathematics administered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics. It has been carefully designed by mathematics educators to measure levels of competence in specific core areas of mathematics covered in grade school -- arithmetic of integers, rational numbers, and reals, algebraic expressions, trigonometry, basic geometry, and simple functions. The test consists of 100 multiple-choice questions, in 20 topics/areas, broken down into five questions each.  Students have 2hrs to complete the test.

The use of a calculator is neither required nor permitted on the MPT.

Bring a pencil, a back-up pencil, a good eraser, and either your MUN student ID card, or a piece of government issued photo ID.  Calculators are not permitted.  Scrap paper is provided.

Online students registered in MATH 1MPT-081 must present both a MUN student ID and a piece of government issued photo ID.

On Self-Service --> Student Menu --> Registration --> Add and Drop classes:

Click the little drop-down box next to the current MATH 1MPT registration and change it to say “dropped” [Do not save/submit yet.]

Down below, in the “add classes worksheet” area, put the CRN of the new MATH 1MPT section in one of the empty text-boxes.

Then click submit/save.

If you notice you’ve been dropped from a course, don’t panic:  click the drop-down box next to that course, change it back to “registered” and save/submit. 

Your MPT score will be emailed to your email address, from

Early MPT results may take 3-4 weeks to process.

Start-of-Term MPT results are emailed to students late on the next business day.  If you write with the Blundon Centre please allow 2-3 business days to receive the email.  If you write the test online, your score is given when you finished the test. 

The MPT score is relevant only to your MATH or STAT course registration (and courses that have a MATH or STAT course set as a co-requisite, such as PHYS or ENGI courses). 

If you do not obtain the required mark for a Math & Stats course, you will be advised to upgrade your math skills at another institution either before or concurrently with your studies at Memorial.  Some suggestions are outlined here: You may visit the Program Officer in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics to consult about possible paths forward. 

The MPT is not a test of knowledge, but of proficiency. It's expected that you have seen all this material before, and understand how to do the exercises.  The MPT evaluates the level of your fluency.   We do not expect students to study a particular text to prepare for this test.  Years of learning mathematics should have prepared you for this.

The Mathematics and Statistics Department does not endorse any particular resource for preparation.  We provide a sample test (on this page) and from that you can identify if there are any particular weaknesses you want to work on before you take the test.  The internet is a great source of practice problems.

Yes. When your registration time starts, register for MATH 1MPT first.  Once registered in MATH 1MPT, the system will allow you to co-register in a MATH or STAT course requiring an MPT score.  

If you cannot add a MATH or STAT course after you add MATH 1MPT, then your record might be missing an indication of your level of high school math.  You need either grade 12 academic math, or grade 12 advanced math to register for a MATH or STAT course.   If you can't see your high school records on your Self-Service, and you know they have been submitted to the University, you should contact the Office of the Registrar for assistance. 

Students who have not completed the equivalent of a grade 12 academic or advanced math course may not write the MPT and do not meet the minimum requirement to take mathematics courses at Memorial.  

The date and time associated with your particular MATH 1MPT registration is listed in Self-Service.  Look at the course information for MATH 1MPT.

An answer key is not provided. It is assumed that given enough time, any incoming student can answer all the questions on the MPT.  The purpose of the MPT isn't to test knowledge, but proficiency.  You need to be proficient in arithmetic, algebra, and trigonometry to keep pace with the mathematics demonstrated in your lectures.

Under usual circumstances, the MPT may be written only once. If you have upgraded your math skills by taking a course from another institution, you may contact the Program Officer to discuss the possibility of retaking the test.

We ask that you carefully select the date and time of your Early MPT as to avoid the need to change.  That being said, if you need to cancel your Early MPT registration and book a different date/time, you can submit a new registration using the online form.  In the comment section, please note that you wish to cancel your previous registration, and note the ResponseID of the registration you wish to cancel.  The ResponseID can be found in the registration confirmation email (Subject: Math Placement Test Registration).