Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics


Selection of a university for your higher studies is an important decision and we are very happy to know that you are considering Memorial for your future studies.

Welcome to one of Newfoundland and Labrador's most active academic units. Almost 8,000 students pass through our doors every year, choosing from nearly 200 classes taught by more than 40 faculty members, most of who are engaged in ongoing research.

We offer courses leading to general and honours degrees in both the Faculty of Science and the Faculty of Arts, with concentrations in applied mathematics, pure mathematics and statistics. We also offer a variety of graduate degrees in both mathematics and statistics. Currently, 120 undergraduate students and 44 graduate students are enrolled in our 23 degree programs.

We are also part of Atlantic Canada's largest post-secondary institution.

Memorial University of Newfoundland is home to 17,000 students (including more than 2,000 graduate students) and 1,000 faculty members, and secures research grants and contracts exceeding $80 million annually.