2009 MTA Winner: Nabil Shalaby


We choose to nominate Dr. Nabil Shalaby for the Motivational Teaching Award. Dr. Shalaby is always available to his students, both in and outside of the lectures. He tries his hardest to get his students interested. He is always willing to help you and when his office hours are not appropriate he goes out of his way to make a time good for you.

He sincerely cares about his students and how well they do too! When he sees his students struggling, he will stop and help them. If he feels an extension is needed, he has no problem giving one to help out his students. He also understands that there may be unforeseen events and emergencies, and he is always willing to help by moving deadlines, make up midterms, tutorials, etc.

He is always promotion graduate studies too! He tries to get everyone interested, and is so excited to help anyone out. He offers his advice, and his help completing your graduate studies.

He is always trying to be the best teacher he can be and he deserves the Motivational Teaching Award.


  • Cheryl Hillier
  • Ian Payne
  • Laura Traverse
  • Kevin George