M.A. & Ed. (E.L.C.F.)

Joint Program with Faculty of Education

MA & Ed. (E.L.C.F.)

The Faculty of Education and the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences) are offering a joint degree entitled Master of Arts and Education (Education and Francophone Literature and Cultures).The program is designed for teachers of French and French immersion who wish to learn more about Francophone literature and culture to enhance their practice and improve their French language skills.

Students in the MA & Ed. (E.L.C.F.) program take half of their courses with the Faculty of Education and half with the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures. The program can be completed by part-time studies, and most of the courses are available by distance education.

Program Requirements:

French 6800 - Francophone literatures: Theory and practice
French 6810 - Francophone cultures: Theory and practice
and an additional six credit hours (two courses) from the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures.  You may chooseFrench 6156 Literature & Cinema, French 6820 Youth Literature or any courses offered from the MA in French Studies upon approval by the professor and the Head of Department.

6100 Research designs and methods in education
Nine credit hours (three courses from:

  • Education 6668 - Current Issues in Second Language Education
  • Education 6669 - Graduate Seminar in Second Language Education
  • Education 6673 - Second Language Teaching, Learning and Curriculum
  • Education 6674 - Research in Second Language
  • Three credit hours (one course) from Education

In addition, students are able to choose one of the following options:

Option 1

  • Education 6392 - Project

Option 2

  • Three credit hours (one course) in French Studies from the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
  • Education 6390 - Research and Development Seminar in Education in Teaching and Learning Studies


  • Normally a B. Ed. with at least a focus area in French or a B.A. in French and a B.Ed.
  • Two years of experience in the teaching of French and a 70% average in the last 30 courses.

A level of French proficiency satisfactory to the MA & Ed. (E.L.C.F.) Admissions Committee. As part of the application process, prospective students will provide a sample of writing in Education. If the Committee elects to hold interviews, the interviews will be conducted in French.


Applications for admission are accepted twice per year. The deadline for applications is August 15 for Winter admissions, and February 1 for Fall admissions.

Contact Information:

For further information, or if there are questions, please contact:

Départment des langues, litératures et cultures modernes:

languages[at]mun.ca or (709) 864-7636
Dr. Kodjo Attikpoé (Graduate Officer) - kattikpoe@mun.ca or (709) 864-8566