Lycée d'Etat Exchange Program in Saint-Pierre

Lycée d’État Exchange Program in Saint-Pierre (2 semesters - 4 students)

Program length: 2 semesters.

Application: Send the request to take courses as « auditeur libre », in French, to Madame la Cheffe de Service de l’Education Nationale, by mail : BP 4239, 97500 Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon, or by email :

Terms and Conditions: Students register in courses in “classes de seconde” (Grade 10), or in “classes de première” (Grade 11) if their level of French is excellent. They may receive up to unspecified 18 credits of 3000 level (according to the courses taken and the evaluations received). Students register for FREN5988-001 at MUN.

Prerequisite: FR3100 with a minimum mark of 70%.

Bursary : Students will receive one payment of $2,200 (about 1,500 euros) from La Collectivité Territoriale de Saint-Pierre by applying to Service Formation-Insertion (located 2bis rue Louis Pasteur) with the following documents :
- Personal Bank Account Identification
- a Certificate attesting to MUN registration
- a Certificate attesting to Lycée Letournel registration

Lodging : The assistant is responsible for finding his/her own lodging (it is possible to find room and board in a guest house for around 800 euros a month).